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  1. Samurai
    Lacrymosa - Evanescence
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 18, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Samurai
    It's mako energy condensed

    Six words
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 18, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  3. Samurai
    Would it be possible to do this requst?
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 18, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  4. Samurai
    DUDE!? WTH!!! Stop with these posts. I realize this is the "spam" topic. But, it's not the


    Things like these threads belong in PM's. You've already made enough threads in the spam topic area to last 9 LIFETIMES.

    So maybe you should take a break. :/
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 18, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Samurai
    "I will now begin to cut you're arm" The man announced to Jit who was on the verge of passing out. "Wh-...wha?" Jit summoned up the energy to talk a little.

    The man did not answer and took out a small, curved shaped dagger. "You know...a knife to a pirate, is like a woman. You browse until you find the perfect one. Meet, my life partner. Sasha. She's been with me for years. Torturing ever pirate that our fabled captain has managed to capture. And now, as Sasha's figure will slide down your body, you will feel an experience like no other." The man walked slowly towards Jit and kneeled down to his face.

    He pressed the tip against Jit's arm, and started slowly cutting it down. As he did so, the light reflecting blood started oozing out the flesh. Jit tried to hold back the tears.

    "J-....Jee..TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!" Jit screamed at the top of his voice. The man suddenly stopped and stood up. "WHAT!? WHAT NAME DID YOU JUST SAY!?" Jit continued. "I CAN'T DIE HERE! LET ME GO! I NEED TO FIND TREEK!!!" The man's eyes suddenly widened, in a sense of fear. He quickly ran out the door towards the captain.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 18, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Samurai

    Holy Sh1t

    Burn, I guess.

    Post by: Samurai, Dec 18, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Samurai
    I am back, so don't worry about RP'ing me


    *WHACK*. The giant fist came into contact with Jit's face. A bit of Jit's hair had unfolded over his forehead, and he was drenched in sweat. His face was covered in rose colored blood.

    The man that was doing the beating was no better. He had his shirt tied around his waist, to reveal scars that were presumably from sword fighting. The man's bold was the so sweaty, Jit could swear he could see the light bouncing off it.

    "You.....*******!" Jit said under his breath. Though he doubt the man could hear him. He was enjoying it too much. The man walked over and started wiping his bloody fist with a towel.

    "If I could....just take that rope off." Jit said, as he was talking about the rope tied around both his ankles. Rendering his feet useless. The man spoke to Jit as he continued wiping his fist.

    "You better not waste your energy, man. You're coming with us for a long time!" The man spoke with an unfamilar accent. Jit started thinking about his past, before he noticed Hirac outside.

    "Well, man.." Jit said tauntingly. "You better not waste YOUR energy. You're going to need every ounce of it, soon."
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 18, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Samurai
    They wouldn't make him a mod. So, he spammed until he got fed off and left in a huff.

    He could come back though, if he asked a admin to unban his address.

    Please don't...
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 18, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Samurai
    Next girl that comes in, plz.....GO WITH MEH!!!!!
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 18, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Samurai
    Guys, there already IS an official kingdom hearts 3 website.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 18, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Samurai
    NO WAY! I SAW HER FIRST! *throws a banana at DA*

    Ha! You have banana on your face. NOW YOU'LL NEVER HAVE A DATE! Ha ha ha ha ha.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 17, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Samurai
    1310. A nice round number.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 17, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Samurai


    If you read the rules, you would know rule no. 14

    14. Three graphics/pics per sig. They have an automatic limit on size, but the third one HAS TO BE A BANNER!!! There's no way around this, it has to be small, if not, I will ask you to remove it then do so myself with a warning. Two links is fine, also. For the rest, be considerate to members on page size. If I see the sigs getting really big, I'll limit the size you can have to about half a page. NOTE: MOD AND ADMIN BANNERS DON'T COUNT CAUSE IT'S REQUIRED THEY HAVE THEM.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 17, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Samurai
    Well, I'm about to go offline real soon now. And until then, I won't be back online until Friday night.

    Friggin' christmas tests. A whole week (except monday) of tests. I can't believe it. This makes me NOT have a jolly-olly christmas. I don't know **** about anything. goes everything.

    Wish me luck.
    Thread by: Samurai, Dec 17, 2006, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Samurai
    Jit walked right up to Kangen with big eyes. "Kangen. Give me a few thousand belli. I need glasses. Yeah, I can barely see with these. In fact, I bet you can't even see my eyes. So, by law, you are t give me 50,000 belli."

    Jit turned away with a dark expression. "Think about it. Not giving me the sufficent amount of money to buy glasses, is practically making me more blind. NOT too different than stabbing someone repeatedly in the eyes. Something you may go to jail for. FOR A VERY LONG TIME!" Jit yelled to the skies.

    "YOU WANNA GO TO JAIL KANGEN? NO? THEN YOU BETTER GIVE ME 50,000 BELLI!" Jit shook Kangen by the collar ferociously.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 17, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Samurai


    Sara has three, because she is an admin. Admins/Mods are allowed three.

    Yeah, don't be waving your fancy supermod card around here Roxas. :P
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 17, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Samurai
    No, no, no, noooo. No, no, no, noooo. N-No.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 17, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Samurai
    Jit looked around at the surprisingly full shops. "It's a mystery how these clerks manage to get these much resources." Jit inquired

    "In fact, it's a wonder how this island is actually used for trading purposes." Jit said, as more and more questions kept popping into his head.

    "It doesn't actually make any se-....OH COOL!" Jit ran over to a nearby gun shop. His eyes sparkled with delight as he felt like a child.

    "HIRAC! GIVE! BELLI! ME! NOW!" Jit said, as he was too excited to speak actual sentences.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 17, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Samurai
    Jit woke up suddenly and looked around. "Already? But, I just fell asleeeeeeep!!!" Jit sat up from his hammock and stretched his arms. "Well, let's see what kind of cesspool town we've come into this time."

    Jit walked to the edge of the boat, to find a barren wasteland with just a tiny town, full of people with towels wrapped around their head. "Great. A desert....super."

    Jit jumped down and started browsing the goods.
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 17, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Samurai

    I'm sorry....I'm so lonely....:p
    Post by: Samurai, Dec 17, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX