858 Naminé can screw around with my memories ANY day, if you know what I mean.
I wish I seen your pajamas... Even though I haven't seen a picture of you AT ALL yet, it would still be crazy.
Ok Here is my sexy profile And just an F.Y.I, that Kingdom hearts stupid files isn't mine, I just put it in. Feel free to browse my profile. I have some pretty cool favourites aswell.
w00t first comment. That's a mighty good list! I wonder what it meant by Advent Children complete? Could it be like deleted scenes/new scenes. What? And what about Final fantasy VII? They're remaking it onto the PS3
Cloud loses his grasp on his sword, and it falls. Phil jumps up and down, Cerberus breaks outta his cage. Hercules arrives to save the day. EDN! (end) How many final fantasy characters are in traverse town?
Meh, why not? *signs* I do not work during the week. Just weekends and holidays? k, savvy? Do we need to show your our videos?
So, we've all seen such great beat 'em ups. E.G. Street Fighter! So, what about a Kingdom hearts beat 'em up! There's a sufficent amount of fighters to use. Think about it! It would be so cool! Aladdin Vs. Riku Xemnas Vs. Ansem (fake) The list is endless!