This is not the first time this has happened. A guy from Iran, or somewhere, had his brother in him since he was born. Soon, his stomach grew so much that it started hanging out. (Yeh, I still have that image in my head)
"SSSSSHAHAHAHAHAAA! Jit, isss it? Well, I'm impresssssed. Not many people escape my firsssst mate. Consider yourself lucky. You're the firsssssst." Jit's eyes widened. "YAY! I'M SO BRAVE! I'M THE FIRST TO DO SOMETHING!!!" Jit started dancing around, which left the skinny man baffled. "HEY! ENOUGH! Enjoy it while you can four-eyes! Becaussssssse, you'll be the firssssst person I kill asssss captain!" The skinny man suddenly lunged forward with a knife and lunged it at Jit's gut. Jit quickly bent backwards and kicked the knife up with his foot. The man's hand was sent upwards. Jit flipped diagonally backwards and sent his foot into the side of the man. But the man acted quickly and jumped. And his feet leant to the side, which sent Jit's foot hitting nothing but air. The man was now upside down in the air, and laughing at Jit. "Whoa, this guy is flexible!" The man now sent his foot down on Jit's head, but Jit ducked, and lifted his foot into the skull of the man. The man bursted out of the roof of the little cabin where he was being stored. Jit followed the man up into the air. "SPRING STEP!!" Jit crossed his legs, and built up his energy. The cabin started vibrating.
Welcome, I hope you enjoy yourself. Don't spam, be nice, and I like your avatar!
Tomorrow I have three, then two the day after.... Screw you
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm NRA
Sure. All you have to do is freeze it, and lick it like an ice-cream. I call it....Caffeine
1388 Courtney Cox, I love you, in that show.
Few months? Wow....I owe someone twenty bucks. (<---- forgot who he bet with)
LET'S GET WASTED!!!!! *Drinks tea*
Ehhh, let's see here....*searches pockets* OOH! Um...what did the bluebirds say when they walked into the bar? We're just here to wet our beaks. ROFLMAO!!!! I bet you laughed. I succeeded. Go me. I'll seeya!
No quotes plz! But if you can't contain yourself, just say.... "cowabunga"
HA! It's birthday is the same time as christmas. IT ONLY GETS ONE PRESENT FROM ME!!
I came in here to see something amazing. The only thing amazing in here is me.
The who had been torturing Jit returned. He smashed down the cabin door and started pointing inside it and yelling at the captain. A skinny man stood outside. He started to speak. "You ingrate! Ssssstop you're whining. Treek has abssssssoloutely NOTHING to do with thissssss. Now bring that man out here to me!" The captain pushed the bald warrior inside. The bald man slowly stepped forward. Truth be told, he was now kind of afraid of Jit, now that he knew that Jit knew Treek. What puzzled the man more, was that there are only two type of people who know Treek. People who were in his crew. And people who were dead. You were either one or the other if you even set eyes on Treek. The bald man stepped closer and closer into the dark abyss. But Jit was nowhere to be seen. The man turned around back to the captain. "Well? Where isssss this guy?" "He-...he's not here! I left him here tied up!" The man looked down to find his knife and a piece of rope. He started shaking with fear and letting out a noise. A drop of water fell onto his bald head. He slowly looked up to find two circles of shimmering light. It was Jit's glasses. "HUH!!" The man was greeted by two feet to the chest and was sent flying out the room. Jit had been hanging from the roof the entire time. As soon as Jit landed on two feet, he turned to the captain, aiming one of his guns at him.
You heard it here folks. She chose me! *NRA and DA look down in shame* So, what should we go as? I was thinking Mickey and Minnie! :D
YAYUH! I GOT A DATE! *phones DA* KEEP THAT GIRL YOU STOLE FROM ME, I GOT A BETTER ONE!!! *hangs up* *phones NRA* KEEP HAHUNNAH! I GOT A BETTER ONE!! HAHAHAHA etc. *hangs up* Ok, let's go announce it in the thread
Welcome Zippah! And may I be the FIRST guy to say... Will you go with me? If yes, then plz tell me. If no, then I guess me and my room are going to spend alot of time together that night.......if you know what I mean. SO PLEASE SAY YES!!!
You think Riku might have a spin off game? That would be sweet.
Jit started to use this opportunity to try and escape. All that were around him was the knife that the guy had dropped. It was sticking in the ground. Jit placed the rope on his feet, on the blade of the knife. He started rubbing the rope on the blade for a few minutes. Each time, hearing voices come and go. "I told you I wasn't giving up Treek!" Said Jit as his feet broke free
Gratz Ryko. Have you got a stream link to your video? Plz....:)