occ people must not like this thread it has a rate of like 2 stars Xainkar looked over at Rain to see her asleep "listne Alexa I willl be there in a couple of mintues I will warp there latter." he closed the phone and then started the extra gummi booster that propelled the gumi ship making it go faster a swirling hole that appeared before the ship and the gummi ship flew inside. Five minutes later the gummi zoomed out of another hole Billions of miles away the ship landed next to castle Oblivion and he Carried Rain's sleeping body out of the gummi ship as he opened the door he said "alright what happened?"
Xainkar led Rain back to the ship opening the door "sorry but we have to go we can pick up your stuff some other time. He then turned on the ships computer and pushed some buttons dialing Alexa's cell phone he said "hello Alexa?" as he started the engine and the gummi ship levitated off the ground and then took off.
Xainkar held out his hand "no need to cry just realize that what is going to happen will change your life" Xainkar took a bright necklace out of his pocket and fastened around Rains neck "I believe that is yours... Now will you come with me something is wrong at the castle..."
Xainkar melted away the darkness hiding his face beneath the hood "X has been kidnapped.... By a very evil man.... And this might sound strange but I need you too come with me and then we can find a way to save him...But you need to get stronger first and I can help you there you have to believe me" Said trying to to let any expression come into his voice.
Xainkar dashed into the market but he soon lost the scent of one weak nobody around hundreds of living people he turned "where could she be?" he thought to himself he searched the crowd not seeing her and then walked toward the park he saw a girl sitting on the bench He had never goten a good look at her face before but she saw one blue eye and one burning red. He walked over to her as a cloud appeared over head and it started to drizzle. "hello are you Rain I am here to talk to you about Him" he kneeled next to the bench so he was level with her eyes there was no mistake.
Xainkar turned around after several minutes of looking around the building Realizing she must not be there he muttered, "damn must have just missed her ... ahh **** this" he said and summoned his dark powers concentrating on scents around the town it didn't take long for him to catch a nobodies sent then he ran off towards the market hoping that he would finally catch up to her
After sending a night searching through an address book he found the name Rain and X? "must be just a coincidence" he thought to himself he ran to the apartment and knocked on the door loudly "Hey Rain are you there...! Listen I have to talk to you about....X"
thanks a lot well I think you can have whatever position you want but since Phisoxa is offline so I guess it will start tomarrow when we get back once we find all the people we need
occ sorry really don't like contoling other peoples char's and don't think Gharanth is coming back till tomarrow... Xainkar landed in hollowbastion and started walking around muttering to himself "Rain's got to be around here some where" he started looking but after an hour of searching she was no where to be seen Xainkar then walked up to a Ramen tall his stomach grumbling and ordered a bowl. As he ate it he remembered how he used to eat ramen all the time with the other twilight guardians on top of the clocktower in twilight town things seemed so different since now...
Xainkar opened the gummi ship door and then started the engine, Alexa got inside to the seat behind Xainkar but there was a seat next to him "alright open for you Zexan I promise you that you will know what is going on soon enough but if you show pateince it will make it easier on your part" Zexan got in the gummi ship and they set off. After a while of traveling Xainkar used the gummi ship to warp from the realm of light to the realm inbetween soon they apporached a large oddly constructed yellow castle with many green turrets he let them off at the front door and threw a card to each other them "Walk up to a door and put this card up to it and it should take you to your rooms. He then turned I will be back soon with others wait for me until then sorry Zexan then you will get your explination." Xainkar walked out of the door and then into the gummi ship and then flew off in the direction of hollow bastion.
Xainkar stepped aside showing Alexa who was in shock from the battle seeing all of the strange things happening "You say you don't want me to make you into something your not but instead I will make you into something you or that you could be but aren't yet... But I have to give this too you Zexan your no fool but still the wisest thing you could ever do is join me soon I will explain to you and Alexa, possibly others as well the whole truth..." Xainkar started to turn walking towards the ship "you have a choice you can be shunned in this world forever until the darkness takes it and you fade away or you could join me and help become the first step to something great but you must decide now"
"I soppose you coming then? Since you have nothing left for you here... but I guess there never was anything...." Xainkar said to Zexan "you belong with me and Alexa we are all different, unquie, talented to say the least you will become a great warrior soon... All you need to do is leave yourself behind here and come with me anew"
Xainkar knew that in his powered up form with out and element Zexan would kill himself by burning out his soul he had no choice but to use it Xainkar raised his palm up toward the nobodies and gathering energy he fired a dozen balls of darkness energy into the nobodies dissolving them in rapid succesion. He then raised his fist into the air sending out a powerful wave that drove the rest away he walked up to Zexan "Better late then every I guess how are you feeling?"
after the 10th ring he closed the phone and thought "seems to be a couple of strays around Twilight town" but he said outloud "Alright something is wrong hang on tight Alexa" he pressed a button on the dash and then landed the gumi ship in the woods steping out. "Either wait here or stay close" he then turned away from Alexa and started walking towards the mansion, quickening his pace as he heard the sounds of fighting
"alright" Xainkar said lowering the roof and then starting the engine "Might be a little hard to get used to at first but space travel isn't so bad when you get used to it." The gummi ship then flew off in the air and then as the engine thrusters flared as the Gummi shot forward with a warp drive "Since there is another seat I will see if Zexan is ready to join us" He dialed a number in the Computer of the ship and then said "hey is Zexan there?"
Xainkar turned jumped out of the tree and turned to his gumi ship pushing a button to make it visible and opening the hatch "well Its a little small but there is a seat in the back" He then got inside and started to check the dash board checking the ships fuel. "alright we are ready to go you can do either one of two things Stay with me and search for the others or get set up at the training castle until I have the others and we begin training"
twenty minutes later the gumiship landed on Destiny island once again. Xainkar waited for Alexa on a island siting in a large bent tree that had star shaped fruit he picked up a stone and skimmed it across the water he thought to himself "I am holding back I have not used my element once since I have been reformed I will have to face the darkness sooner or later" he picked up another stone and threw it watching it leap across the water.
"Yes this this Xainkar are you ready? I will be there shortly" he said while stepping in the gumi ship and then pressing a button making it take off, speeding toward Destiny Islands "I willl be there in ten minutes finish up any last minute errands."
Xainkar woke his strength restored he lifted the upper half of his body and untied the chains that held him upside down and then did a flip down to the floor. Xainkar stretched and gazed over in a mirror at his reflection. He had not seen it since he became a nobody again. He saw a man with a tangle of long Dark purple hair looking back at him. Xainkar stepped closer to the mirror brushing his hair out of the way. He hated the face that greeted him. His face was very young without with out a line or mark on it but it was pale with almost no pigmentaion, but it seemed unnaturally beatiful. He looked intsead at his eyes, but they also looked strange they were a dark purple color but he could have sorn seeing something else beside himself looking back at him through the eyes. The pupils to were strange almost a mix between a cats and a humans because they were oldly vertical. He then looked a his ears wich tapered off into very slight points and he laughed but quickly stopped seeing his abnormally large upper Canine teeth. To himself he thought "I look more like a vampire than a nobody." but he sopposed that that was the darkness affecting his body. He flipped on a light and then looked back at his skin which had turned from pale white to grey. Xainkar smashed the mirror with his fist glass shattering every where. He then put on his cloak and armor and left pulling his hood tightly over his face. Xainkar then reached for his pocket and picked up his cell phone and dialed X 002 then he said "hello Alexa you there?"
what i don't get is in this video game what is the differance between a heart and a soul? They seem almost the same...