occ tell me if I have to change anything Expiriment form played by: Darkriku name: Shirax Age:14 Race: Lycan Alignment: Neutral Powers: able to transform into 5 different forms between human and wolf. Extremely fast speed, very powerful, has a good sense of smell, excelent stamina and endurance.[ Over all a balanced fighter] Weapons: Fights with mostly hands and claws but owns an extremely large knive that is bright blue in color. Personality: normally happy and carefree but other times angery and violent. Apearnace: Here is a pic of his second form should get the idea across. Tall and very thin and has a tangle of long brown hair and large yellow eyes. Has slightly pointed ears and long canine teeth. Wears a pair of ragged shorts that are riped and a wears no shoes and a ragged shirt. Writing sample: Shirax gazed up at the bright moon looking up at it though a skylight in the glass room. He was strapped down to a table he was forced to look up at the night sky. He then felt a large needle go into his arm injecting him with some strange fluid. He suddenly felt dizzy, then hungry and finaly made he wanted to kill he had to. It was as if something had awakened inside him. He had to get out he struggled to move his hand to be free, but the straps would not break. He felt jolt went down his spine forming into the begins of a tail. Extra ribs began to grow and his body stretched becoming taller. Large claws grew from his fingertips and he saw hair grow over his eyes and felt as his ears and teeth enlarged. He felt his bones starting to elongate and the straps almost burst as his muscles increased in size. Hair started to grow across his body Covering his chest and legs. He lifted his newly formed muzzle into the air and cried out a peircing shreak. He heard footsteps and a door open. A second needle pricked into his neck and Shirax slept.
After spending a day practicing he came out of the chamber stretching. He walked around and said in a hallway "Zexan sorry but the other day I couldn't be desturbed. You probably shouldn't continue to use your energies without and element it is potentially dangerous but you won't have to worry about it for long soon our training will beging."
"I can't remember last I thing I recall was being with your mother trying to find you and then its like a huge blank. What happened to them?" Farrow ran his hands through his hair trying to remember. occ yah my posts are all wrong I typed this one after I read Phisoxa's that is below mine.
A pod next to Nuthura opens and Farrow walks out sleepily "how did I get in there? I can't really remember too well." Farrow stretches and then looks around and sees Nuthura "Hey Don't I know you from somewhere?" Farrow starts walking around and looking at the pod "have I been asleep all this time?" occ have any one eles posts been messed up lately this is the third time I have tried to post this and before the post ended up over two pages before it was sopposed to
Xainkar took a look at X and laughed "what has the world done too you?" Xainkar stopped laughing and started walking towards a door "yes I am the leader" he then took out a card and opened the door closing it behind him. He was in a training ground in the basement floor. Xainkar leaned over feeling weak and sick. "This is ravaging my body If I do not become stronger soon I feel the sickness will take my body after all a nobody is not meant to be made twice." Xainkar then started training taking out his weapons and attacking the targets with strength speed and accuracy. After an hour of physical practice, he then sat down on the floor and began to meditate summoning the strength from with in him. He had been having problems controling his element he was scared of it, scared of what it could do to people but he had to gain control again he had to get over what had happened. In his determination he had managed to create an orb of darkness about the size of a large ball. As he concentrated he made it grow bigger and then smaller again. After ten minutes or so he lost control and the orb smashed against the wall leaving a terrible crater there that was black and that looked dead. Xainkar then tried again.
it means that you are a normal human and not a nobody or heartless
alright ready to start when you are
The return of Farrow!:D lol sorry I never really participated in the last one but will try harder this time Farrow Age: 23 Weapon: Diamond Death Keyblade [long blue and very big and is made out of cyrstals Race: complete Personality: heroic and serious Apearance: tall and wears reflective blue armor that looks like crystals and has short spikey blond hair and Light blue eyes Bio: a former fighter in the keyblade war was friends with Nuthura's mother, Phisoxa. He died as a heartless and was then brought back to life
Xainkar handed Alexa a card "this will take you to your room if you hold it up to a door. Zexan will get used to things after a while." Xainkar walked a little ways looking a the blank white hall ways and then sat in a chair
"so he is here interesting" Xainkar said closing his eyes and then stretching "and how is Zexan doing? He seems to be taking it a little hard on himself lately"
Xainkar threw a training outfit at Rain "catch, these will be your training uniforms" He stretched "sorry I am still recovering from a kind of illness so I am needing more sleep than normal what happened while I was out?"
Xainkar smiled a little "well everyone has to start some where and look at it this way you joined second so that means you could be second in command one day... Maybe some new cloths will help you feel the part..." he had a box beside him and he took off the lid revealing several pairs of black training outfits which consited of a belt, some sneakers, shorts and a shirt all were made out of extremely tough material. He set one pair in front of Alexa and said "training should start tomarrow I just need a little longer to prepare."
Xainkar was walking in a black hall way stumbling blindly through the dark someone was near him as he stepped into a wider room. He saw the Twilight Guardians all assembled in front of him. He realized that he didn't even know most of them and then they were gone in a flash replaced by Xehanort was in front of him twisting him extracting something from the very bottom of his soul and then he felt different changed stronger he was kinara. Xainkar woke up sweating he unwraped the chains that hung him up side down and then got dressed putting on his coat and then armor. Xainkar thought to himself "I hate dreams they are so pointless..." He then took a card off a table and then walked up to the door holding the card up. He then walked in finding himself at the entrance hall "Alexa? Rain? Zexan? any one here?"
lol night people glad you enjoyed the wedding
*ducks as cake flys every where*
watches all the violence not knowing what to do
I cut a piece of cake for Phisoxa and then my self smiling and then the others fall in line
I laugh looking at every one so eager for cake
stops kissing Phisoxa and pulls a rings out of his pocket and slips one one his own finger and then Phisoxa's "sorry forgot"
goes next to Phisoxa looking embarrissed and kisses her