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  1. darkriku
    "Xejuss you and Enix will be my generals in the up coming war against the angels. To long have we had moonlight... I crave for a dieing blood red sun sinking in the west" Ragnos said watching all the demons, imps, half-demons, familars, hell hounds and nightmeres scream with happyness below him.
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. darkriku
    Ragnos placed the crown on his head and gave Enix a small smile he then walked out of the castle and up a hill to where a where a chair was set up it looked like it was used in a long time. "I am Ragnos of the Inferno clan!" he yelled down to all the demons looking up "I am the new king, the demon Sovereign. Although our once strong nation is shattered in pieces and the clans are devided there are even lesser kings in definance to myself that are opposing me but I will Unite this land under my power! Soon we will fight the angels for something we have battled over for a millenia The Sun!"
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. darkriku
    "Cure very well. Healing is from the power of plants it is the ability to heal wounds instantly and regain your fighting strength. To cure you have to focus on making the pain stop but you must think about positive things"
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. darkriku
    occ edited lol this has given me an Idea for a hogwarts school like rp except with orignal charaters.

    Farrow looked at Mixt "anything else you want to know how to do or are you finished learning for today"
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. darkriku
    Farrow shot Zozo dirty look and turned his back. "I do not aprove of dark arts it can lead to dangerous things... I know..."
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. darkriku
    Ragnos walked over to a statue of an past demon king and said "I am new lord presendt me with the heart of Jeentan" the statue moved revealing a necklace with a large red gem. Ragnos lifted it to his neck and fastened it and then turned to Enix, Xejuss, and Mckenzie "are you going to resist? or submit to my rule... you all have places in the Empire where you would fit in. Xejuss I have heard of your skills work for me and I can make it worth your while. You also helped me Enix though you were unknowning at the time I will find a place for you here things will change. Soon the night will end."
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. darkriku
    "good job Mixt learning attacks that fast is a rare talent with practice you have potential"
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. darkriku
    The dieing demon king spat "you fool my father chose you over me his own blood for a freak. The age of devils is over there is no place for you! Ragnos looked at him "You are wrong there is no other way... I will end your suffering" Ragnos shoved his hand into the demons heart and pulled it out devouring it for the custom that was used when one King over threw another "The Inferno Dynasty is now true I am the Demon sovereign and any that oppose me step forward!" Ragnos yelled
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. darkriku
    Ragnos was at the foot of the bed when he saw Enix coming in he smashed the ingnited axe down at the king where he screamed I admit I killed our father He was going to make you the king! How desgraceful after all of my training I couldn't let it happen I killed him in his sleep and then banished you for it. It was so easy and so fun. Ragnos gave out a howl of rage."tratior"
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. darkriku
    "Just remember to focus" Farrow swung his large keyblade across at Mixt about where his ribs were.
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. darkriku
    Ragnos ran up the castle bursting his way through doors and shooting lava at soldiers that were trying to stop him "I am Ragnos the last devil" He yelled teleporting in a red haze through the door into the kings chamber where a tired looking demon was he was a sick gray color instead of the bright red normal to demons "Devon admit you killed him you killed the old king and seized the throne!"
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. darkriku
    "don't worry about me I was an old general in the keyblade wars... After years of fighting along side Nuthra's mother, phisoxa and KariXriku fighting heartless you kinda learn a thing or two." Farrow stretched out his arm and then summoned his keyblade "You are strong enough to take my basic attacks so when you are ready we can resume"
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. darkriku
    Ragnos smiled at Enix "thank you for your assistance, but I have revenge to gain and an empire to build" Ragnos got out his circle axe making it glow with fire and then started running for the castle. Guards tried to stop him but with a swipe of his axe they we incinerated to bones.
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. darkriku
    at the last second farrow had desolved his keyblade and only used a punch but the impact was enough to crack Mixt's armor "Damn thought it might help if I made you think I was really attacking you."
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. darkriku
    "Shame then... looks like we have opposite motives..." Ragnos looked ahead the path in the forest was becoming lighter again
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. darkriku
    Farrow gathered his energy and did a sonic thrust forward "Remember focus on feeling safe" he yelled.
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. darkriku
    The keyblade hit the barriar and bounced off back at farrow but he caught it. Farrow looked at Mixt "You ready to try it? Since the shield may not work fully the first couple times I will attack you with out that much force"
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. darkriku
    "Ahh we are of relation then, I am the foster son of the Kings father"
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. darkriku
    "all right to demonstrate I will attack you and you can reflect, Nuthra" Farrow then lifted his keyblade and used it in strike raid throwing it towards her.
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. darkriku
    Ragnos looked around at the large tall trees in the pitch black forest "Enix why do you want to help him?"
    Post by: darkriku, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home