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  1. darkriku
    Cinder was confused "How can you help me?" Said Cinder reaching down to his harness and then he let Ember out of his back pack. "You killed that human a day ago why..."
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. darkriku
    As Cinder was walking through the wasteland he saw a another non human "Ah not another one... this place is filled with non humans" he thought He walked closer and noticed the creature had dark skin and had a Bow and Arrows "Hey he must've been the one who killed that traveler..."
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. darkriku
    Cinder put his gun away and started to walk towards the village He was tired with putting up with all of this weirdnes lately everything was just not right.
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. darkriku
    Cinder stood shaking in anger "Never Call Me A Human!" He shouted
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. darkriku
    Cinder was eating fruit he had found for breakfast when his ears twitched picking up on some noise. A sense of unease spread through Cinders body and he picked up his gun harnass and his torches and several peices of equipment then called to Ember. "Come on something is not right," As he was walking out of the cave he saw a massive wolf-like creature with dark fur coming towards the cave mistaking it for a predator Cinder yelled out "leave now or die!" he said holding up his gun and pointing it at the beast.
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. darkriku
    Kingdom hearts, Dark cloud 1&2, Jak games, and Okami
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  7. darkriku
    As Cinder slept hundreds of thoughts and images swept through his mind as he dreamed of things that had happened lately. First was the horrible things he had done in the past, then the predator attacking him. Meeting Tor, Jade, Melody, Zeke, and the others. The two mysterious men Tsuki and Nichi. Meeting the beautifal elf Valeria. The dead body of a merchant that was in the desert. Finaly he saw Kyla and her telling stories, he saw the crest of her family and the pendant light glittering through the gems...

    Cinder woke up feeling startled, he felt very strange. "There is more here, beneath the surface," he thought to himself, "But what does it have to do with me..? What part do I play in this this strange tale..." Then the picture of himself in the old book came into his mind. "This whole thing doesn't make any sense... Is there really such a thing as destiny?..." Ember opened a sleepy eye at him knowing what he was thinking and then Cinder knew that the anwser was yes why else would he be here if it wasn't.
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. darkriku
    Cinder walked threw the wasteland the wind blowing his hair. He watched the falling sun "It was like the planet now" he thought "the others don't know it yet but before there can be dawn the night has to come... It will get darker yet..." Cinder made his way back to the cave feeling as if he had a great weight placed upon him he would soon have to realize his destiny.
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. darkriku
    As Cinder was walking through the desert he found a corpse of a merchant that had been stripped of valubles and items. On closer inspection he noticed a small arrow wound in the man's temple but there was no arrow. Cinder then put his finger to the wound and tasted the blood; he had died very recently. As a sign of respect Cinder lit the body on fire so it would not be defiled by predators. He then walked away wondering who could have killed them.
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. darkriku
    occ I have to go will post later

    Cinder lay his head against the wall and his fox ember crawled into his arms. He then said "I am sorry I must leave for now but I will return when I have found myself..." He then got up gathered his back and left before any one could say anything
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. darkriku
    He screwed up his eyes and took of his coat and shirt revealing his heavily tatooed body that was engraved with images of swirling red flames "Each inch of tatoo represents a human life I have take it covers my entire body. That is how I know I am not the chosen leader of the profacy I am marked with evil."
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. darkriku
    Cinder let out a single tear and said shaking "there were right I was a monster" He extended his hand and smoke twirled up from his palm then lit into fire "I...I... there was none left alive ... the village burned... I couldn't control it... I did a terrible thing..."
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. darkriku
    Cinder bent forward his hair covering his eyes "Kyla I too know the evils of men a long time ago I saved on in the forest a long long way from here. He was wounded and i helped him recover he conviced me to visit the town with me and the people there called me a freak they tied me to a steak and slashed my body with knives and pored alcohol in the wounds then set me on fire I managed to survive but I still have this," he said pointing at his scar. "That is why I hate humans." He said these last words with nothing but pure hatred.
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. darkriku
    "I know that Kyla the we can make this world will recover but there will never be true peace for that world only lead to more war in the long run. It is hard to explain but I will destroy my guns after my goal is completed ontil then they are nessicary."
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. darkriku
    Cinder walked over to the weapon he was making away in his bag rolling up his blue prints and Ember the fox jumped out onto Cinder's shoulder licking his ear. "You know I have been working on recreating old weapontry that once existed in the days of B.A. at the moment I am trying to make a gun that shoots bullets at a rapid pace but its form isn't stable and it over heats."

    "Oh I am fine" said Cinder to Valeria his face know back to normal but he avoided her eyes.
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. darkriku
    Cinder put his gun down in his belt harnas. "No its alright... just don't do stuff like that startles us..." Said Cinder turning his head to hide the fact that he was blushing.
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. darkriku
    occ we are in a cave in a desert!!! damn it people at least find out where you are before posting lol doesn't matter that much though

    "It is up to Kyla what happens to you, It is her property and therefore her descistion as a fair warning if you weren't an elf and well... you'know... you would probably be dead" Said Cinder going red in the face and looking away frustrated at himself he didn't have time for this.
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. darkriku
    As cinder heard a second creek of the floor his eyes immediatly found the person and he was there in seconds as he pushed the gun to Valeria's neck he lowed it in surprise as he saw it was another elf. It was forbidon to kill another elf unles in times of war and even though cinder was only half- elf he followed their standards. "Explain yourself." He said cooly
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. darkriku
    Cinder was about to open the cave door when his long elven ears twitched he then pulled out a gun and said "There is some one here!" His eyes narrowed he could here some one close he just needed to find them. "Reveal yourself as Friend or Enemy or else I shoot now!"
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. darkriku
    Cinder smiled and gave a low soft whistle and then set his bag on the ground by them "I soppose I will leave you two to unravel the myteries of the world by yourselves if that is what you wish Since you don't trust me." He then started walking for the door
    Post by: darkriku, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home