SHUT. UP. 10chars I'm cropping this picture...QUICK
THATS NOT THE POINT! The point is that I have a triforce made of freckles.
shutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup What did I say? OKAY EVERYONE, ITS BEEN SAID, DONT SAY ANYTHING AGAIN.....pls
I found it scary, ironically, I am really good at all Zelda games I have ever played, usually beating them in under 3 it a gift? Oh, dont comment on my face.
I have EXACTLY the same one. And I cant wait for this game. But, I have an upper hand on you all. If your curious. PM me
I meant for me... are you serious?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Admit it, you got it from the same commercial I did. But its true.
YOU HAVE NO HEAD??? /h/ is better.....rofl
your head is now asplode
Wierd Al needs to parody this song. But for now I must write the rest of the song.. AWWWWWW YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Need to get a job YOOOOO Need to get a job Soulja boy on welfare OHHHH Watch him sleep on benches OHHH Watch him beg on the streets Annnnd SOUP KITCHEN for YOUUUUU i tried
Oh yeah, I forgot to say, the bike was broken. But insurance got a new one. What else would you be doing. [/dirtythought] Sorry, had to.
Thats why you say something like "@emerald_flame:"
Samus, Marth, Pit, and most of all. META KNIGHT. Sometimes King Dedede