You cant type if you're dead.
I'm not crying, I'm just making a point Yes, they do. Getting RUN OVER by a car, nearly having a rib puncture your heart hurts a lot.
Or that your just trying to cover up looking like a big fool right now.
Obviously you dont plan that. I didnt plan on getting hit by a car and getting 2 ribs crushed but it happened.
Wow you guys... sarcasm detector broken?
Lmao. What happens if you NEED to go to teh doctor. Like if you got herpes or something.... Sorry, only thing I could think of that you need the doctor for..... ><
wut u say.
If its a boy. Kyle. (>_<) If its a girl. Victory. (Yes, you see it)
The point is, this isn't IRL
Im gonna go with AerithRose I dont know what I'll do if I dont win 'S'....who else is there?
firstpost ftw
Flu Shot Ftw.
Post le picture............. It's ok, just the skin, no crack or anything. hahahahahah...
wut u say?
Pretty? wait... what?
I dont have sideburns, I just have long hair, but it was pulled back only partly. SO THERE
oh, i thought you meant something else.... still I HAVE TO CROP IT there... CROP'D