used to, not anymore
I've got BALLS OF STEEL...
Yeah thought Mr. T in some commercials would be posted. That one is my 3rd favorite.
What do you think is the best commercial of all time? I think its this one. SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Okay, its a very serious hobby of mine. And I have won a couple of bets.
Super Mario World: 34 minutes and 32 seconds Goldeneye 007: (00 Agent) 12 minutes (gameplay only) 24 Minutes (Incl. Out of game) Perfect Dark: (Perfect Agent) 20 Minutes Super Mario Bros. 3: 13 minutes 40 Seconds Overall Fastest: Perfect Dark (Agent) 6 Minutes 56 seconds Yeah, I'm basically a professional N64 and SNES speedrunner. I can come close to some level-specific world records for Perfect Dark and Goldeneye.
Battle of the Bands is back...AGAIN. This time, its CLASSIC rock bands for a bit. Rush: Spirit of the Radio, Time Stand Still Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here, Another Brick in The Wall Vote for your MORE LIKED band, there is no in between, and don't post saying that "o i dont know they both suckz the same". Just pick the band you like more. If you REALLY dont like either bands, dont vote. I voted for Rush, in my opinion, they have the best drummer in the planet, Neil Pert. The start of 'Spirit of the Radio' is a good example of his awesome skill. --------- History 1-MCR vs. Fallout Boy w. MCR 2-MCR vs. Blink 182 w. Blink 182 3-Blink 182 vs. Green Day w. Blink 182 4-Blink 182 vs. Finger Eleven w. Blink 182 5-Blink 182 vs. Linkin Park w. Linkin Park 6-Linkin Park vs. The White Stripes w. Linkin Park 7-Linkin Park vs. Billy Talent w. Linkin Park 8-Linkin Park vs. Sum 41 w. Linkin Park 9-Linkin Park vs. The Killers w. Linkin Park 10-Linkin Park vs. Queen w. Linkin Park (lolwut) 11-Linkin Park vs Maroon 5 w. Maroon 5 12-Maroon 5 vs System of A Down w. System of A Down
Untitled - Simple Plan "How could this happen to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Made my mistakes Nowhere to run But life goes on as I'm fading AWAYYYYYYYY"
Do you even get it?
Milk, Milk Lemonade Around the corner Fudge is made.
No, its going to make people search before they post. Probably about 50% of the members read the rules.
But it STILL happens too much. Maybe an Announcement would do it, but then again, who reads announcements...
I dunno, just an idea to get people to stop doing it, obviously not a never-expiring infraction. Dont take it the wrong way, feel free to say no, just dont rant on about this being a stupid idea, mmk.
Post Memes, that is all.
Wait, what? Isn't that a paradox? You cant get the flu, if you got the shot, even if it is on the needle or something. Triple Edit ftw..quad now.
Okay, now I know. But we can TALK about it right?
Oh, wrong one...
Oh snap I should check for an infraction.. I doubt I got one. Edit: Yeah, no. bad How would I know that... >> <<