I got 61 Words per minute. I guess...
I found that funny.
Best post of the day.
Currently Active Users: 196 (11 members and 185 guests) lol
It's my next Rant I call it, the ShadowRant. This weeks topic: Little Kids on Xbox Live (Mainly Halo 3) Let the ranting begin. --------------------------------------- Okay, first off, how many ******ed parents would let their 10(More or less) year old kid purchase a game like Halo, much less expose themselves online? Answer: Apparently, a lot. Next, whenever I'm at a friends place playing some Halo online, there always happens to be one kid who harasses everyone with very unintelligent insults. Example: Me: "Yes, killed that kid for the winning point." Him: "Your mom killed that kid for the point" Me: "What? Maybe try to make more sense." But, thats not even the half of it, most of the time, there is a lot of profanity involved, don't get me wrong, profanity is fine with me, but not when its pointless, as in, if your not angry, or trying to make a point, then don't use it. Example: Me: "Who took the shotgun, I called it. Oh well" Kid: "**** you I got the shotgun ***hole, **** yeah I'm gonna kill these mother****ers" Me: "Okay.." I guess that comes from the internet, but again, thats the parents fault for letting the kids have access to these things on the internet. Finally, all of these kids (EXCEPT "LiL Poison") suck total ass at the game, and they blame stupid things like lag or their controller. Example: Me: "Okay, just stand their and let me kill you" Kid: "You would've been dead if my controller wasn't broken" Me: "If your controller is broken, why are you playing?" Kid: "Shut up!" In all reality, he was sniping and I killed him after standing around trying to get his attention(out of pity, and as a test for this), so the controller story was obviously not true. So, if you're a kid that plays Halo, or any other game online, maybe you need to mature a little more before you play, take some time off, go enjoy your childhood, run around while you still can, and come back to your Xbox when your 15. And, if your a parent reading this, make sure that you dont let your kids buy a game that is out of their age range, the ESRB is there for a reason. Although, when you're around 14, you're about ready for M rated games, in my opinion.
G'night then
I dont know what this thread came through, and I'm too lazy to find out. I guess I'm going to break the string of cat posts by saying, welcome back AerithRose.
Oh. Good Idea.
Over half of North Americans prefer Pepsi products over Coca-Cola. If it gets flat too fast, drink it faster, tighten the cap, or if all else fails, buy less of it. Go make out with some random guy.
Have a can of Pepsi! Advertising ftw
Oh its true.
Maybe if the bed is on fire.
Next time: Do not test a bed by jumping on it.
Caution, sexual jokes and profanity in this video LbbRpN2FNmw Better if you watch the Previous Arby n' the Chief.
That took me like...20 minutes. First I thought I just had to kill them all Then I was like, what's this door... Then, WHERE'S RIKU??!?!
I'm so bad at the game right now. I died twice on the Traverse Town boss. (Not Leon, the heartless leader guy)
I actually get to PLAY Kingdom Hearts for the first time today. All thanks to my friends letting me borrow their PS2 and games for Spring Break It lives up to what I've heard, and seen. FYI, I just started Wonderland. After I beat this, its KH 2 for me.
What site? Dojo? Yeah, the just aren't updated yet.
I think this thread needs to make more sense.