I stress you dont watch the whole video, but just skip to 2:04. P.S. This is meant for humor.
Youtube, after falling in love breifly with Kairi.
From KH: Kairi (Runner up: Larxene) From FF: Tifa (Runner up: Aerith)
qwdc, most posts and a bunny avatar. I lol'd when i saw some members named qwert and etc. i was like okay....never coming back to the forum.
Dont say that. DONT EVEN SAY THAT.
stand in the corner, put your fingers in your ears and go "LALALALALALALALLALALALAALLA"
358 days is one year according so someone, and something happens on the 179th day. Just a thought.
yah i know i meen look at the pixelz
o rly? fillerzes
I bite the skin on my fingers and eat it.
*waits in line*
Draco, 'cause I'm evil like that.
No. fillerzes
In other words...quite awhile ago.
Yes, just making another attempt, because it was late last night.
Yeah, it happened. Okay people, I dont wanna get angry about this going unnoticed.
Okay, kitty did one and it inspired me to do one. Also, I feel that people dont really know me too well. I'm about to put a lot of work and thought into this, so if it's ignored, I wont be happy. ----------------------------------------------------- So, nearly one and a half years ago, Kyle bought issue number 203 of Electronic Gaming Monthly, and was reading along until he noticed an advertisement for a peculiar game called Kingdom Hearts II, in this ad, he saw a girl, and thought she looked really pretty. Later the same day, Kyle went back to reading the copy of EGM, and he felt like reading some reviews. So, he flipped to the reviews page, and saw that Kingdom Hearts II was Game of the Month and then it happened. He saw a complete picture of this girl from the game. He immediately fell in love (sad isn't it?). Kyle then rushed to the computer to find out who this girl was, he frantically searched on Google, and he found out that her name was "Kairi". He searched for her on Youtube, and came across something new to him, Animated Music Videos. He clicked on one of these videos and saw that the clips came from "kh-cutscenes.net". He never bothered to visit until he had an urge to create his own AMV's, which was a couple weeks later. So, he went back to Youtube, and saw a different video, in the description it said, "kh-cutscenes.net has been changed to kh-vids.net" he didn't really know if it was true, but he went to kh-vids.net anyway. Kyle downloaded 6 cutscenes and joined the forum under the username "I<3Kairi". His first post was addressing another member with the username "Kairi". Kyle said he loved her, not even knowing who she was, and was in a brief fight with another member named "Roxas" over this girl. But, being the new guy, he lost this fight. A week or so later, Kyle was bored and posting in a thread where he stated his boredom. In this thread he met a member with the username "xXAxelEightXx(Currently Hissora)" and they got caught up in conversation about music(MCR). Eventually, he added her to MSN and talked to her almost everyday. One day, out of the blue, she told Kyle that she loved him. This caught him completely off guard, he thought "A girl from Texas..loves me?" and was stunned. She then followed up by saying, "Do you love me?". The only thing that came into Kyle's mind was "Yes". And from then on, Kyle couldn't stop thinking about her, even though he had never seen what she looked like, until, that is, she showed him a picture. When he first saw this, he said to himself "Okay, she may not be the most beautiful girl in the world, but then again, do I really want a beautiful girl?" (Keep in mind that this is 1.5 years ago, and she looked a little different, nothing like the beauty that she is now). Kyle dreamed about her almost every night. He could barely stand to be away from the keyboard, and away from her. This all went completely in the shitter when she broke his heart by saying "I don't think I love you anymore" which was sometime in December of 2006. Kyle knew what this really was, she found someone else, and ironically, he helped her find this "someone else". They never talked for almost a year, and still to this date, barely speak to each other. Kyle basically became emo and left the forum. Also, during this "emo" time, he got a real girlfriend, and fell in love with her. But, the pain of his earlier break up was too much for him, so he made the biggest mistake of his life and broke up with his girlfriend in an attempt to try and avoid future pain. Although, the pain was felt again when he realized that he was ment for this girl, and almost couldn't live without her. After this "emo" period, Kyle requested that the unactive member "Shadow" be deleted, so he could have that username, and he eventually got it. (Duh) Kyle then posted some pictures, that only got a little attention. He became really hungry for attention and popularity, but nobody paid any attention to anything he said or did. That is, until one day, one day where he noticed a member named "Jade Rhade". He noticed she like MCR, which was the thing that started off his relationship with Hissora. So, out of the blue, he asked her to marry him(On the fourm). He was really happy that this got alot of attention, because that was his original aim. The only thing she could say was, "I need to get to know you". The first thing Kyle asked was, "Do you have MSN?" and she said no, but she did have AIM, and Kyle had that, so they got to talking, and she agreed to marry him. After a few weeks of forum marriage, Kyle got to thinking, he thought that this girl was really different, and very special, so he decided to send her a private message. In that message there was A LOT of things said, but the one main thing was "I love you". When he clicked "Send" he sat there for hours pressing F5(Refresh). Then, he got a reply, and it said a lot too, but the main part of that was "I love you too". But this time, there was a major time zone difference, 3 hours to be exact, unlike the one hour difference between him and Hissora. So this made it hard to talk to her as often as he would've liked. After a month or so, he would barely talk to her, even when she was online and on AIM. She just wouldn't respond. So he sent her a concerned private message, asking why she wouldn't talk to him, and if she still loved him. Finally, she replied to him, and the basic message of it was "I tried to love you, but the whole internet thing was just too hard". So, again, his heart was broken again. To this day, Kyle is still ignored quite a lot on these forums, many of his threads go unnoticed and many of his jokes are just overlooked, he gets really upset because he doesn't have a lot of friends in real life, and wishes he could have more. But with everything he does on the forums going unnoticed, its really hard for that to happen. And, that's basically Kyle/Shadow(formerly I<3Kairi)'s life on the forum.
kitty_mckechnie, I would like to thank you for wasting about half an hour of my time while I stalkerishly looked for those pictures, but, when I found them, they were gone, deleted from the host site. Thanks again. lolwut
Gili (The one with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez) My ex-gf made me watch it.
mudkipz are betr