It's hard when you're not asking any. Whatev, i'll just wait I guess. How many will there be?
lolwhat... <--------
lolmakemestaffideserveitlol Seriously. Train me even. I dont care.
Portal. Well, who play'd it? It has the awesome innovative system along with the hilariously awesome AI voice. What do you think of it, like it? Hate it? What challenges/Advanced maps have you completed? I can do chamber 14 in 20 seconds.
We are required to remind you that when the Aperture science enrichment center tests have been completed, you will be baked, and then there will be cake.
GLitChED. Guess who repped me. Also, make the question something like: What would you do if a staff member threatened you? loltryingtostayontopicionobiglongwordwithaspaceprobablywtflolbbq
I auto win. Kitty, kitty, kitty, where did you get "Poochie" from "Shadow"
I'm confused
I knew it, damn, wasted about 10 minutes.
Alright, lets just forget about it.
Goes without saying. Still. It doesn't matter.
That post was sig worthy. (The one by Haseo)
Haha, it doesn't matter what the thread is about, it matters the section. I join in the loling.
Oh, so when its all over with, the person who has the highest "Score" will become a mod?
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 13 (12 members and 1 guests) lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol??
Okay, I know 365 days are in a year, but it could be different, like the 7 days in Twilight Town, so I still think something happens on the 179th day of the year. According to someone now means "According to Roxas"
I know. Flipping through channels on TV makes you see some odd stuff.
Sent, as you probably already notice.
If this is real, then you know I want it. Someone somewhere might still have my application from when I was premium. But, I think I would really make for a good staff member, especially when I'm on in the middle of the night, when the rest of staff are offline.