What is this from? I must know.
I had like 4 but now I've got one left and nobody to give it to. So I'm giving it out to the first person who asks. This is for the PS3 by the way.
The pink clashes too much with my background so I settled with the purple :D
People like the ends of the bread?
It came out like a week ago...
Go ahead, I let everybody add me.
I'm going to get Ghetto a Get Out of Jail Free card. am i being racist? you betcha!
I got Lifeline out of a bargain bin. Best $3 I ever spent.
I wouldn't kid about this >: They no longer allow stuff like movies, games, programs, etc.
We shall miss you ;_;
His lazy eye always makes me lol.
I get that feeling when I see guys.
The fuck is this? Aladdin and Lion King not in the top 5? Hercules at 22? The fuck is Bolt? How the hell does some ****** 3D movie beat out Tarzan and Mulan? This list is bullshit.
It's been out for like 3 weeks.
lol gaia
lol internet explorer
Samurai Jack. All other choices are smalltime.
Dammit I read that as DickMonalds and it made me lol.
It's also nearly $60 more than a regular dsi.