$33 for some pants? lol I go to Old Navy and get a delicious pair of tight pants for like $20 or less.
Is perfect for whenever I get a highscore.
Holy **** they fixed the arcade high scores? brb gettin' sum highsco'
I didn't like Sora the instant he started shouting "LOL FRUUUENDSHEEP AND RIIIKKUUU I LUV JOO". I don't like Riku because he's an angst filled teenager, and Roxas is just less angsty. The only likable characters in KH2 are certain Disney ones. Like Tron who was a fucking bro.
There's one on the jp psn if you've got an account.
I got so excited when I heard this. Hopefully it does well enough here for them to localize Yakuza 4. Now to go re-download the demo to get another Y3 fix.
I pick the boobie lady.
The graphics section in /khv/ sucks more than a street hooker and it makes me mad. What should I do? I was thinking of hacking an admins account and deleting it :3
I've used iTunes for years but I heard good things about winamp so I might try that one out.
Those are called breasts my friend.
iz dat sum kanye? :D
Bejeweled Blitz here, all other games are smalltime.
The doctor is the obvious choice. No offense but if you don't pick the doctor you're pretty fucking selfish. One life compared to millions that he can save with his cure. Not to mention if he found the cure to cancer there's no telling what other diseases he might cure.
Why are you playing a shitty game then? they see me trollin' and they hatin'
Man Steve went all out in this role. Looks like he lost a bit of weight and did Dane Cook dye his hair orange?
I've been waiting months for this. Definitely buying this next week.
Get the fuck in here. It's your choice whether I'm a dick to everybody or a nice guy /khv/. I might do Machinarium or Psychonauts after. http://livestream.com/norealitytv/old
What's with the Sonic? You stealin' ideas from Hamilton now?
livin in dah hood be hard when you gotta make dat dough so i shot a nigga who was ice grillin' me and he fell to dah flo' now i be doin' 25 to lyfe shitsux