I'm adding that they make the game harder too. kh2 was piss easy on hard mode.
They could work on stop making such a stupid half-assed story and give each character a decent personality besides being angsty/emotionless/depressed all the time.
Finally something I've got enough experience in to give cnc for :D First of all, I'm digging v2 simply because of the way you positioned the two 'S's and the subtitle underneath. My gripes with this is that the subtitle doesn't really blend in with the top text. I'd say move the subtitle text up a little so it looks like it's connected to the top text. Also fix the spacing between the letter A and P. It's just too far apart and brings my focus there instead of to the whole thing itself. I'm gonna also add in that you play around with the C4D within the text. It looks like you just made a clipping mask and moved the C4D around until you found a spot you liked. I'd say add some small photofilters, gradients with certain settings, and possibly mix in some other C4D's on a lower opacity with a different setting besides Normal.
I got that shit on mah ps trippal when it came out. Been playing it like crack ever since and it's horrible since I want to play U2 but I can't stop playing MW2 :(
No more .
Baby don't hurt me
sup cam I got some beats too :D
Did anyone try and give you a smile kitty?
I love how people condemn artists like Marilyn Manson by saying his music promotes this kind of behavior when in reality he actually condemns this. His music post-Portrait of an American Family is all pretty much his issues that he's faced and his opinions on certain issues.
Go to Walmart Buy a gun Buy a knife Buy tape Tape knife to gun GUNBLADE :D
Lucky bastards D:
Somebody care to fill in us non-euro people?
This one looks to be a little more entertaining than the previous 2 entries to the series. I might watch it if I feel like it.
None because the explosions from outside will wipe out everybody in that room instantly killing them in a fiery death. Thus none of them could be the MC.
Man if I started this game I would pick somebody with a KH related name and my clue would be "Sora did it". There are probably over 100 people named Sora in this place. You'll never know who did it.
I accuse the murderer of being the murderer. Looks like I win.
Not only did you go slaughter a helpless creature that caused you no harm but you gave it a dishonorable death. Shame on you.
lol school
I haven't done a sig in over 5 months so I decided to take a break from all my other projects and do a quick one.
My problem with Robin is that since in most Batman comics he's a child/teen and that takes away from the grittiness. I haven't read many Batman comics that were dark and still had Robin in it. If Rocksteady can keep the dark story in the next Batman with Robin still in the mix I'm more than happy for that.