Colossal Miscarriage.
That planet is where the game Marathon takes place. This is when you find out Master Chief is the MC of Marathon. trust me, i know people in bungie im legit
Put it in a savings account.
i always loved cats, they are so cold and selfish [like women.]
Make their own desktop wallpapers? I've got a whole folder full of wallpapers I've saved but a couple months ago I started to make my own and I haven't used a single one that I didn't make ever since.
Get back into shape. I was fuckin' ripped last year and then got lazy and lost most of my muscle. Now I'm a skinny person :(
It's that time of the year and El Presidente encourages you all to vote for your favorite Presidente. It's a shame that all my opponents all had quite mysterious accidents so I guess El Presidente wins once again! To celebrate El Presidente shall build dozens of statues of himself all over Tropico! Spoiler I am good Presidente :3
I'm going to jump in and add that you can find a ton of brilliant brushes for free on DeviantArt. Literally hundreds of brushes there to expand your catalog for people new to PS.
I didn't read most of the post. I just like to argue.
Went to a party with some friends and blew fireworks up all night. I drank quite a bit but I didn't get drunk since I know my limit and I'm not stupid enough to want to get a hangover the next morning. I ate like a pig though so that's why I lasted so long.
It's funny since my friends and I know all these rules. We abide by them religiously. You live by the shotgun rules or you die by the shotgun rules, that's the way of life.
Wow I'm really digging this piece. My only problem is that top line. I personally would get rid of that line leaving it open since it keeps everything closed in. Although I wouldn't have this problem at all if there wasn't so much open space, but since there is the feeling of claustrophobia is much more evident here. If this was done in photoshop would you mind uploading the psd? I'd love to see the settings you used for this, for learning purposes of course.
I wore a red shirt once and found $5 in my pocket. Fuck your theory. Plus Simon Pegg wore a red uniform during the ST movie and never died, but then again he survived a zombie apocalypse and a town of angry people so I guess he could survive anything.
I beg to disagree good sir, the Kanye part was the best.
I'm sorry, and I'm gonna let you all finish, but Kanye West was the best meme of '09.
It's listed in the psp section.
If you have a US PSN account on your ps3 you can go to the video store and download a copy of the new movie Armored for free right now. I find it funny since it practically just came out and Sony are leaking out a dvd quality film while it's still in theaters.
One thing I don't like is the random disapproval system from your allies. I go to Redcliff Castle to Spoiler get an army to help stop the blight. but before i do that i need to kill the demons in the castle and to help make things easier I've got to promise the blacksmith I'll find his daughter so he supplies the militia with armor Well Morrigan and Sten were all like "lol we gonna go help kittens later?" MORRIGAN AND STEN DISAPPROVE -10.
That's cause you're not playing correctly. When I walk into an area I'm all like "sup bitches the G-Wardens are here. Join us or I'm going to kill you."
Dog is all you need in your party in this game. Each time all my allies have died against a boss or a gang of enemies dog has survived and defeated them all. And he's the only one who's love I don't have to buy :3