Nope...not at all ghettomansex. >_> *chortle*
finds Mish's sig enjoyable?
This book sucks!!!
*runs away* O________________________________O
Thats awsome! The hair is a little weird, but hair like that is hard to draw. Good job. 9/10
*bites* Don't touch me....
Your the teddy bear one.
I know you don't. Man, your weird. *is having a mental break down*
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. And you don't love bananas. >______________> >_<
╔╗╔═╦╗ ║╚╣║║╚╗ ╚═╩═╩═╝ looks funny
I love this show. <3
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All better.
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*eats cookie and then walks away like nothing happened.*
*shakes head* People are ignorant and stupid.
I think it this was possible, it would have already been done.
Half of these posts made me sick. If you are going to be a narrow minded idiot about this topic don't post here. Gays didn't choose to be gay. They were born that way. Also just because your gay doesn't mean you are going to hell. It's not like God is going to be like "YOUR GAY I DON'T LIKE YOU!" If people are living happily let them be. It's like not letting straights marry each other. They love each other so the should be able to marry. Homosexuals love so let them marry. I am not a homosexual, I support them %100. Let them be.
Ok. ^_________^ My little cousin loves to type.
zomg What happened? thats cute though.