I got a electric guitar! -gigglesnort*
4/5. Fillerz
Good job with Axle and Iruka
I know the program. I was wondering becuase I just cut up the cover and put it together in paint. And added text and a boarder.
In real life: Heather Cassie aka Misty on this forum Robyn Kelsey Hannah Madison Shannon Johnny Kailey Jess Harley Lauren Little Cassie Leah (she moved ;-;) Anna Mike Emily Allison Jesse David (my awesome gay friend from the swim team) Nicole Adien 7th grade friend Wesley Kenny K Sam Miller Nicole Z Quxira Uhh there more I just dontr remember.
IF the start bar inst there: go to the bottom of your desktop and see if you hid it.
Uh... Hmmm....uhhhhhhhhhh AHHHHHHH *sploads8
DEFRAG! kthxbye.
When I am not on Kh-vids I like to eat flowers and push people off bridges.
Feet :3 Old picture. Those hightops are now destroyed RIP I got new ones.
We had it at our school. Every body was crying... >_>.
I don't know it this is acceptable. It made from the cover of MRC black parade CD. (the text says "ELement"
No you don't. She is a complete spaz. LOL. You didn't tell Robyn.
I wanted to go to hogwarts. Here I am, 13 years old and still waiting for my letter to come. Stupid owls.
Wow. Thats kinda horrible. I live very closed to where it happened you could see the smoke from my house.
Title. Yeah. We had a moment of silence at school today for it. I was only in 2nd grade when it happened.