KH Vids Royale It's a story, fanfic rather, that has characters featuring members of this site. I, General Grievous, are one of them.
Hell she doesn't even know I have 310$ going for th e Wii.
Sucks for you. My mom doesn't even know I have a DS Lite.
I have another question: Who's getting it launch day like me?
Hell I need a job. So, if you are getting the Wii, what games are you getting?
Hmm.....I shall try. Jesus frickin' christ. 2,730,000
I will want a wire less one.
I don't mind. But I need more GC controllers.
I'm not changing my title unless I'm payed for it.
Let's move to a game called Twilight Prencess shall we?
I never said that. What I meant was the stupid people who are just gonna post here that say "Wii SUCKS!!" for them to go home.
That's what I said to Roxas.
You're wrong, all of you. I Have the best one. A radar.
Any GOOD points for the Wii? If you're here to flame then just go away...
Hm. I'm the only one there.
Talk about Nintendo's Virtual Console: The Nintendo Wii here. DON'T FREAKIN' SPAM IN IT!!
Care to explain? I will make a Wii topic.
Ah, I see that no one cares about me. But that's okay. I really don't know who's gonna win. Nor, do I care that much. I've told Roxas and I'll tell you. I'm I'm gonna die, I'm gonna leave with fighting spirit.
The hel is this all about? And care to elaborate on your post about me?
I haven't been there. Not once. Why? Oh and He turns into a wolf, which is SO much better.