I'll still have the sig on!!!!!
IT'S A LIE AND YOU KNOW IT!!!!! (don't leave.....or I'll punch a baby)
Hey I did say along the lines of 16. Speaking of 16.... Next week people.
You have it in Jap right? My friend has diamond.
*she's somewhere along the lines of 16.*
OMG I'm gonna miss you dude. I'll be the one sayin' GRILLZ 24/7 now.
Good. Calling a mod......sticky this thing!
No. Well, sucks to be you!
I still don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah I said it. I made this for 2 reasons. 1: No where else to put it and Sara and I agreed to make one. and 2: My birthday's next week. And don't say happy birthday to me unless it's Oct. 11th, got it? Good. Carry on.
Well, If it IS gonna be on the Wii, Nintendo's gonna need alot of money.
NOV. 19! Yeah! Operation Coyote! Follow me! Camp out!
I'm getting it launch day.
Wasn't the GC 150? I don't know but controllers are 60.
I have 325 now, but I need more for anothe set of controllers.
I sure hope so. I want it now....
The guy who invented the Nobel peace Prize also invented Dynomite.
Hm. So anyway IF you are getting it, are you camping out?
True, but I got here first, but yeah jus like PM Roxas. He'll tell you. Or just read the thing yeah?
My desktop looks like this. Yeah I know. http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k256/Micro-Man_2006/GeneralGrievous14.jpg But of course, on a much larger scale.