*starts laughing* *NOTE: I don't say "LOL"* My new one reminds myself that I hve to save up for my machine.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKlZcc54KVc I don't think we're gonna pull that off anytime soon.
Yes. BUT We shall discuss about this in the ACTUAL THREAD I MADE! (It should be official by the way)
You've said this numourous times. WE KNOW!!!
It's not shocking. It's pretty much obvious.
If you want, hell, I'm not gonna look at it.
THAT'll be the day...
Excuse me, but you have this in the wrong section. Try it in the Creativity corner.
I didn't either. But hey, what can I say?
SEE? you ARE A GUY!!@!!
I'd say who the f** are you? What if... You ran out of things to say?
I'd go anywhere I want to. What if....... You had no emotions?
What am I wearing? I'll tell you. Clothes.
Um okay then. I got it.
One thing you will NOT do is call me GG. Read my sig.
A sig. Or you can make up one yourself. That's fine with me.
_Size (100x100 is normal) _Color scheme _Stock photo(REQUIRED) My Team Guitar Hero sig. _Border(yes or no) no _Color of Border[NEW] none. _Size of border(1 pixel is the usual) _Username (yes or no, will appear on Avatar)[/I] _Anything else(Color of text, etc)[NEW] Dude, all I really want is to replace Treecko and Torchic to Sceptile and Blaziken. That's it. They're from my sig here. That's pretty much all I want you to do.
The meaning of life: To find a place to put your stuff.
We're not going that far.
I would say, "Oh s***!" what if..... You were given a phone but you can mahe ONE phone call, who would you call?