.....I RESERVED MY Wii!!!!!!!! YEAH!! I know. My dad reserved it for me.
Same as this guy. The whole thing just puzzles me.
I turned 16 today, so I have to drive.
I laugh at the the people who have more than 300+ friends. Me? I have 95. I KNOW EVERY SINGLE ONE.
I just don't. It bugs me. It sounds weird and I don't like it.
Hold on, how old do you guys thought I was in the pic there?
WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CALLING ME GG?!?!!!! *cough* Yes. I'm 16 now.
who's my guy?
and you lived where? *supposed to be funny but hey* Pretty much anybody who lives near a beach in california can say "SURF'S UP DUDE!!"
Again, i've said this quite a bit, DO NOT CALL ME GG!!! I came back from an MRI, right before my birthday.
Mr. Brownstone-Guns N' Roses
I don't give a s*** what people think of me at school........unless the girls say I'm hot. GRILLZ.
Yeah! Go Grillz!! *high fives* Out ta get me-Guns N' Roses.
Especially people who are alot younger than you.
I say 2, it's somewhat funny.
I'm listening to the Album "apetite for destruction" By Guns N' Roses.
Actually, you CAN avoid the dragon attack. YOU HAVE REFLECT FOR A REASON!! The least you can do is UTILIZE IT!!
My friend (Mr. Fox, that's what I call him) was taking me home and we were making up honking noises like "Move, Move" and stuff, so I went all loud "MOVE MOTHER F***ER!!" And the asian chicks that were at the cross walk looked at me and went faster. That was funny.