As with my avy and sig, my name is never changing! >=D
Is that even legal?
I'll probably try for the ultima weapon later. Just beat parasite cage, either I'm over leveled or the game is easier then I remember.
Old kh-vids styles? The perfect style I know everyone loved. Spoiler Those were the days...
Those voice actors would be Dan Green and Wayne Grayson.
I got the game to support one piece here in America, but it isn't the best of games... Story is a blend of main story elements which makes it laughable at times, graphics are decent, and gameplay is repetitive. Only get it if you're a fan of the series and/or just like to mow down crowds of enemies without much effort.
K, let me throw another one at you for the hell of it. Spoiler
Social? I cannot comprehend this word.
I thought they sealed it in that cutscene right after the boss fight. Also are there no trophies before wonderland? Edit: Scratch everything I just said, it popped up after I left the world... It still find it odd that there weren't any trophies before wonderland though.
and the trophies seemed to be bugged for me. Just beat the trickmaster and received no trophy. I just checked my trophy list and it seems all the trophies are still locked. Anyone else getting this problem?
Interesting, I plan on getting this bundle myself but I'll play along. Z!
Well that happened..
I had it pre-ordered, then I cancelled.
Well, I got skyward sword. The big problem was that it didn't come with the original game manual, if it ever had one, but on the bright side it came with the original sound track. Now to see if the game itself plays.
Killer Klowns from Outer Space. *fails at making a troll face*
I have actually looked into that being a fan of Miyazaki, but alas, it's not at my local gamestop. *looks at my copy of .hack gu games* Good thing I picked them up when I did then. ;D Well then I guess you can say I sold part of my soul to the devil then, thanks to power up rewards I'm going to save 25 bucks on my purchase of KH1.5 this coming Tuesday. =P
Have you noticed the amount of animal theme products that have been flooding the commercials lately? Ever since those stompez were introduced, there's been 2 kinds of stuffies, some flashlight thing, flippies, a seat belt thing, and I just saw a commercial for something called stretchkins. Is this some kind of weird epidemic or is it just me...
I've played all Bioshocks except 2, but I already own it on steam. I also have Bayonetta, I'll probably look into max payne.