One time I was awoken by some rustling coming underneath my back. When I got up and switched on the light a gray blur was moving around on my bed. Being tired and without a second thought I swatted the thing clear across my room where it landed into the top drawer of my dresser. I don't remember why I left it open that night, but again without a second thought I closed the drawer, laid back down, and then I went back to sleep. I of course had to do something about a mouse being trapped in my top drawer later on, but that's a non interesting tale involving a stick...
Can't help it if the curse claims another victim.
In a way we are all the pokemon and the kh-vids forums are the pokeball. No matter how much we leave it we always return.
I've already started doing that, could take a while doing that. XD I'm also kind of surprised Steam doesn't have some sort of auto categorization system.
I've had steam for over a year now and I've pretty much buried myself under a pile of backlog games. While trying to dig myself out, a thought came to me. How does one organize their steam library?
Maybe if they would give the kid some character development I'd care a tad bit more...
Watched the premiere on CN, wasn't impressed. Ash needs to be replaced. -_-
I've got Halloween off and I've got nothing planned. My university is hosting a zombie nerf gun sort of event but besides that I've got nothing. =/
I filled it out, and it reminded how big my backlog was. X_X Anyways, hope that helps.
How come I've never heard of this site? Seems quite useful.
No luck here, and I'm too lazy/poor to move. Does this mean I should start watching my back?
Am I the only one who's more excited for birth by sleep final mix then kh2 final mix?
Trying reverse psychology I see. I know its misspelled, but to change it now would ruin the joke. Nice try good sir.
That's the joke. ;D
Funny you post that, I'm actually writing a short paper on piracy. XD I better get back to that eventually.
Just finished season 4, but just realized season five isn't complete on netflix. I know the show just recently just finished on tv, but the wait...
Haven't got to far due to life, but my current team consists of: Spoiler My team so far: Froakie lv 13 Type: Water Nature: Rash Ability: Torrent Moves: -Pound -Lick -Bubble -Quick Attack Pikachu lv 12 Type: Electric Nature: Careful Ability: Static Moves: -Quick Attack -Thunder Shock -Growl -Play Nice Riolu lv 10 Type: Fighting Nature: Adamant Ability: Inner Focus Moves: -Foresight -Quick Attack -Endure -Counter Only got past the first gym, been a tad busy to play. =/ Also debating on using Torchic, I have Riolu and in the future I want to get Charmander, but Torchic would be the 2 types in one. Too many pokemon nowadays to choose from. -_-'
Besides the halo trial multiplayer the guys here on these forums used to play, I haven't really played Halo. I'm feeling nostalgic. Spoiler Good times...good times...
You will not be missed... if you excuse me I need to catch up on Breaking Bad on my ps3, I heard the finale was quite good.
I'll probably end up picking up one of these games tomorrow, unless all of the stores are sold out by the time I try to pick one up.