Sounds like me from last week, wish I had time machine to tell my past self not to panic and that there would were other people in the same boat as me... ...then again that would probably cause a paradox by me talking to myself and then I would not have been as stressed as I was last week which in turn would not have led to me being in great mood earlier in the day and then I would never have made this thread and Spoiler
Finished the semester, picked up a couple games for my ps3 for dirt cheap, and no work today. I'm in a great mood, thought I'd let you know.
Great game, beat it when it first came out. I don't remember the combat being the best though...
Since I worked on Thanksgiving I was given a one time 25% discount on any one transaction which I can only use today and tomorrow. Besides groceries, what should I get? I'll probably get some 3ds or PS3 games to actually fill out my library if nothing else.
I'm working the same hours I usually do, they'll just be a tad bit more busier then usual due to a couple of the sales being then. I don't really care since they didn't give me weird hours like last year.
I know, spent that time cooling down. Kind of a sequel thread to this thread.
Just thought I'd keep you in the know.
Due to my ignorance, I've only counted two. Kill la Kill and maybe Attack on Titan. I know I praised Attack on Titan before, but that was before I caught with the manga and am now annoyed at it being on a monthly release schedule... But I must say, go ahead and enlighten me. What other gems were there?
I'm not the biggest fan of the update, but it's not going to stop me from using it. Only real problem I see with it is the removal of character limits. That spam...
Sorry to offend people with birthdays in November, but I just don't like the month ever since I got my job last year. Although I must say that the 20% off any transaction reward for working on Thanksgiving isn't such a bad deal. So I guess no more gifting those games you already have to others.
I'll do the same, I'll tell you how it goes when they finally update my schedule.
Last year when I tried taking it off, they refused so I'm expecting the same this year.
Finals are coming and since I work in retail black friday is going to suck. They'll probably also make me work on Thanksgiving so yeah, I hate November.
Just thought you'd like to know.
You wouldn't punch a guy with glasses would you?
My University is also participating, but alas, I have no nerf gun. =/
I don't think he'd approve, not enough fan service.
Yeah, I was having fun when the game wasn't crashing on me but now that I need to start all the way back over, especially after collecting about two thirds of the data packets, I just don't want to play it right now. So for now I'm done.
I don't know if it's the age of my xbox or if the new batman game is that buggy. Just lost my save data after about the tenth crash. I'm done.