Why would we care?
Wait, i thought I was younger than you.... Anywho Never Being on whoreing my art Easily fighting for no real reason my photography that is total shiz but everyone seems to like it Ex-mod known to use the avatar that I currently using alot. (nall is secks) One of the older, but not oldest members, like as in being here the longest
That must be why she's puts on a character for herself, not her real self. And she has a disco stick herself, too.
The giraffe is so photoshopped.
:/8D: Yes son
Wait what time zone?
psssshhh. I got that one.
33,138 I can't believe this is still going.
Of course, that IS the question.
... What did i just watch? She needs to go back to hick hell. Liek, now.
Yeah but it's been a long while since one of those came out. PS3 doesn't really have a ton of kid friendly games as much as the older consoles.
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. Just cause no one has ever heard of it.
Say you will die without.
I used to have one. No idea what happened to it.
Probably why most people prefer the wii over the iphone is because the good games for the wii are made for children, since it seems Nintendo is still the only one smart enough to reach out to the kids or even people who don't plan a lot of video games and get them into gaming. On the other hand, the iPhone was made mostly for adult, not quite 8 year olds, yeah? But that's just my opinion. Don't look too much into it.
The original Dawn of the Dead. Zombies are amazing. And it's lolzy But for more scary reasons, The Shining.