Insaaane in the meeeembrane.
You should post in the oldest thread you can find.
Sure. I wouldn't care either way.
This is not style. It's which medium you are using. And I prefer the first one. You lost the intense claws with the 2nd.
I am lazy.
Happy birphday! Stupidest idea ever. What were they thinking? xP
Uhhh, am I doingitrite in the right anime?
Is this meant to be like artistic photography, or just random pictures of your dog and other stuff?
This isn't photography. It's just random pictures. And a drawing in paint? o.O Photography is an art, not just pics.
Yes !
a bit.
oh wow. that was a good laugh.
i sawva cardboard cutout of this when i went to see year one. and all i can think of is "THEY STOLE MY IDEA". i was so pissed since im working on a story about 2012, but it would be different. and now when it gets done, its going to seem like i copyed it.
: D you are now one of my best friends.
or if you have gimp, you can do a white difference. anywho, i dont like it when people copy art because its hard to critique when it wasnt fully made by you. it lacks originality, but i will say that you did a good job copying and the shading is awesome.
find something interesting?
-giant gigglesnort-