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  1. Sara
    Well... I'm watching a video on Youtube about the copyright issues. Apparently now Youtube is closing videos that just have clips of a copyright material. Ie: Music, games, movies, etc...

    The reviewer I'm watching right now: Angry Joe. Note: If you watch the video, there's a ton of swearing in it. Has had over fifty videos, 62 videos from the time he made it, removed. Over four years of his work, and note: He makes a living off these videos, and saying that he might stop doing this because he can't earn any money. Including one from "Tomb Raider" for his interview WITH the executives of Tomb Raider. It sounds like it's a bot, but there's also people who's also flagging the videos.

    I honestly am pretty shocked, this hurts a lot of people. Not just Angry Joe, not just famous gamer reviews, but a lot of different other reviewers. I knew for a long time that people depend on these reviews for money for their living. I know this is the reason why SOPA was shot down, but it sounds like they're making a loophole. I understand when it's full movies and music, but just clips of a game, or a movie, or music, shouldn't be hit like this.

    So, thoughts?

    EDIT: One of the linked videos has a title of: Over a 100 videos blocked from another member.

    EDIT #2: Here's a petition link:
    Thread by: Sara, Dec 14, 2013, 23 replies, in forum: Discussion
  2. Sara

    First time I'm happy a study happened. Course, it shows that kids who are five with three hours or more of tv end up with emotional and behavioral issues. But I wouldn't really let a five year old play a game/watch tv for more than three hours anyway.

    It makes me wonder who's parents let them play video games at such a young age. Course, I was playing MK3 in high school and watched the other two in the arcade, along with renting bloody games once in a while. So maybe I shouldn't be the one judging.
    Thread by: Sara, Nov 21, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Current Events
  3. Sara
    You do have points, maybe I did blow it out of proportion.

    I do agree Sony did learn from the PS3. I was at Wal-Mart tonight and out of curiosity checked out the PS4's to find them completely wiped out. I'm still getting ads for the XboxOne on my e-mail. The PS3 did turn into a good system over time, it just didn't have the kick the 360 had when it came to games, being far, they're pretty even, but 360 just had many exclusive games that I found interesting compared to the PS3. The price being one of the small factors for the competition, I think that PS4 will beat the competition handily. And though I still won't buy a One, I do see MS learning from this and improving later on.
    Post by: Sara, Nov 21, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Sara
    Being a person who has decided to be one of the many who decided months ago: "Thou shalt not touch thee XBoxOne with a 10 foot pole."I throw in my own input, and bring my own views with it:

    When Microsoft came out with: "Always online" *doesn't have a good connection, especially when there's a blizzard going on outside.* No used games *always buy used games, and rents because of how much money I have compared to how much money games cost.* And other such "improvements" and treated anyone with hostility who objected to their "innovations" Angry Joe's interview with Major Nelson comes to mind, hostility radiated off him and control. Including yanking the mic out of Joe's hand at one point and constantly interrupting, or that famous one with Mattrick where he insulted the armed forces by saying: "Well... I never lived in a submarine, but I guess they can't use it." Including two people I know who are in the armed forces, one who is training to be in the navy sub worker. Not including all the insults about people with bad internet connections. Including myself...

    I was rethinking about giving One a chance after they made all those mistakes and withdrew them. Then they kept on changing their mind, every five minutes.

    A person who I watch, I won't mention his name because his opinions are too colorful for the forum. Brought up a good point with the One which I am inclined to agree:

    The One "upgrades" to no Internet, etc... is a patch. You are forced to download said patch for the system to work. Roosterteeth, who is basically paid by Microsoft a lot of the time to advertise their stuff, even said themselves that you can't play the system without said patch. This means you have to download this patch, meaning at any time that MS decides: "Hey, we're making a lot of money here..." They can remove it and make your system what they decided in the beginning before adding said patch. A lot of people would be thinking this wouldn't happen, but.......

    MS in no way hasn't shown that they can keep their minds settled on Xbox when it comes to money. Recently I did a thread where MS said they changed their minds (again) and are going to sell your information, and advertise products to you via the Xbox depending on what happens when you have the Kinect on. This has been changed a few times and people really look at this after a while and go: "What will happen in the future with my money if they decide to change everything else?" With that, they go to the next system, the PS4.

    The press conference from the start for MS was a disaster for them. Too much reliance on tv, entertainment, sports and of course, doggies. If you looked at stocks the day of the conference, MS's stocks plunged after the conference. Sony actually did a bit better and actually thanked MS for such a boost for them, and later kicked them while they were down with E3 by announcing, which I predicted: "We're doing the complete opposite of MS, we listen to you guys." Which had the audience eating out of their hand.

    Microsoft just keeps on making mistakes along the way, and I see it not settling any time soon for them to do well against the PS4. And yes, I'm a Halo fan, and I'm still skipping on the One due to the decisions they made.
    Post by: Sara, Nov 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  5. Sara
    Also, what you should do is when you have a job: Constantly put money away at the bank where you're going to get a loan from. A Credit Union bank is best, but keep an eye on the interest for them. If you constantly put money away there, they'll know that you have a steady income and you can pay back their debt depending on what it is. The more money you can put away and not touch, the more convinced they'll be you can get a loan from them.
    Post by: Sara, Nov 9, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  6. Sara
    Alright, I was going to type up this really long thing on my thoughts and stuff, but first my browser crashed and the second time it deleted the blasted thing. Here's the short version:

    The piracy thing is the biggest thing and funnest part of the game. This honestly, is not an Assassin's Creed game, five hours in they finally reach the Assassin and Templar part after an hour intro, both drop off the face of the planet mainly. There's nothing mentioned of neither until five hours later, and where I finally gave up on the main part was just getting into the Assassin's role and stuff. And that was just sneaking through their temple without being caught and/or killing the Assassin's. There's no mention of an Assassin, no mention of the Templar's, no mention of the storyline and conflict going on between them. It's pretty much a guy focused on getting money and treasure and MUCH about the lifestyle of a pirate. I would suggest a certain game out of it, but I have a feeling I'd get in trouble for suggesting it. But in seriousness, it is mentioned way too much.

    The missions itself... Being brutally honest, is a ton like Assassin's Creed I. It is very repetitive and has no real goal at the end of even killing someone. It pretty much is: follow this person, raid this ship, listen in on this conversation, escort this person, find this person, kill this person for this loot. Every single mission, and I've heard a ton of people complain about this, is about interacting with people other than killing them except once. There is no way around it, it is painfully repetitive and long. There's also massive difficulty spikes that come out of nowhere and hurt it even more. Including the area where I quit in because of how hard it gets in one spot through the whole mission. When the rest is a piece of cake mainly due to the AI never realizing that you're taking them out one by one.

    Edward is an okay character, he has a good background, a good goal, but he's no Ezio. Ezio set a bar that no one has reached since he stepped in and charmed everyone with his Italian charm. Edward tries to have the same charm and have his own character, and he's a good character, but he doesn't have the same kick and impact that Ezio does, and it is painfully obvious, but he's still a good character and has his own reasoning.

    The climbing, again... Is flawed. I don't understand why they haven't fixed it, but it's flawed. It's very hard when on a ship and trying to get to the top which you have to do sometimes with three to four men chasing after you to get there before they kill you, especially in low health. Sometimes it just won't respond at all to your commands and it can get very irritating when you're getting hacked away and you just want to finish the boarding. That and chasing, as usual, sometimes ends up with you clinging to the side of the building while your target continues on his merry way. If you expect anything else, be disappointed.

    The only other thing I have to say is: The camera angle is VERY hard to work with. Especially when firing with your ship depends on it solely when it comes to your main canons that do the most damage. It sometimes sticks or stops and goes back the other way when you want it to be at a certain angle for a shot. The same with fighting, sometimes it's very hard to differentiate the difference between you and everyone else in the shot. Boarding is especially hard in this aspect and it's very easy to lose yourself in the crowd of fighters, which would be okay, but there's enemies still hacking away at you while you're stuck trying to figure out who you are.

    I haven't finished it, and I will buy it, just for the sheer fun of the pirating probably when the price drops, and maybe the rest of the storyline, but it has severe flaws and I would say not as good as II and Brotherhood, though better than III.
    Post by: Sara, Nov 4, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  7. Sara
    Avoiding a lot of people, stuff like that...

    ACII pickpocketing for me was never a problem. I could walk up to someone, lift their purse and walk away quickly without having any problems, but that's me.

    The text, either it's me getting used to it, or something else, seems to be getting larger. Or I'm finding text that is bigger.

    Alright, I admit... Once you get to the pirating, it's a blast... Been stealing left and right, the main storyline is... Eh, okay. Edward is no Ezio, but good enough to keep you interested. The pirating is hands down, the funnest part so far, and pretty easy to figure out what target you should hit and not depending at your level and fighting ability, you obviously can't fight very high end ships in the game in the beginning and avoiding is pretty easy as long as you kick the speed up, upgrading is fast, but money is a slight problem, even with the stuff you steal.

    Present day is again, slow... But I'm starting to clearly see where this is going. This game is not going to be a very slow intro in, but once you get into the pirating, it's pretty fun and the missions do have a purpose. Nothing so far about the Assassin's other than the first hour or so. Templars have been popping up a few times, but not as much as probably it should.

    Overall, once you get past the slow parts, it's a good game, better than III, maybe around Brotherhood, but NOT around II in my opinion.

    And I think I just heard my ex-companions present having a convo. ....... That's..... Disconcerting. I don't think that's a spoiler, if so, remove it. =3 Well, I'll be damned... That is them.
    Post by: Sara, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Sara
    It's unisex, and I think if nothing else... He blames me for everything else in the office so he could've just nailed me for it just because he wanted too. I'm the only one in the office who he bullies. Like... Ever.
    Post by: Sara, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: Help with Life