Goddamnit... I just got comfy and was channel surfing... ><
*shoves you out the door of your own house, locks the door behind you* Thanks for the place to stay. =3 :P
Depends on whether it's to brag or it's a different joke.
Yep... I'm a female... Last time I knew, anyway. =3
Very excellent moment... From a fantastic series. RIP Uncle Phil/Shredder.
Same as the last four years: Get a different job.
Dude, I probably hold the record on how long it takes... :P
Great video... Makes me miss being staff so I could throw something in... Though all I have is a webcam and probably have no idea to save something on it... lolz. Merry Christmas you guys, and I enjoy the updates. I tip my hat to you like I always do for the work you do and the credit you miss. And let next year be as good as this one.
You kids today... When I was your age... I stayed up all night and bugged the hell out of my parents to wake up... And you complain about waking up early and waiting for your parents. You kids are too lazy today, that's the problem. :P Merry Christmas, peeps... And I am going to enjoy the feast today along with all the goodies I got. =3
I've helped a lot of people online by just listening to their problems. Hell, one kid was trying to kill himself and I kept him distracted long enough for the cops to show up when a friend of mine online contacted me panicking that the kid was suicidal and already tried an attempt. He couldn't do it himself due to his parents very strict rules inside the house. It's not just off the computer that you can help people. =3
I'm having an extremely tough time at work. Most of the workplace has shunned me and only a few I am in good speaking terms with. It has gotten to the point where I mostly refuse to leave my office, mainly because one of the bosses is a bully who enjoys harassing me and badmouthing me behind my back despite me being able to hear him due to the smallness of the office.I have felt for a long time I don't belong and was massively out of place. I skipped out of the office party last year due to this and found to my relief that this year it hit on a day I had a doctor's appointment since my other boss gave me hell for not going. That was yesterday, when I came in today someone gave me a really nice looking windchime on my desk, saying it was from "Santa". A cat was the decoration, which I constantly talk about my own cat with the few friends I have there. It just made my day and I cried being so touched that I felt like I belonged and someone cared enough to do this. I have other random acts of kindness, when I have had some of the worst days and I was walking home a ruin people sometimes pull on the side of the road and ask if I was okay. Others given me rides in storms and a neighbor due to a massive storm that hit with the driveway with three feet of snow in the front not only snowblowed me and my mom's whole driveway (we can't afford a snowblower) but his wife helped me shovel the rest because I was struggling with how much was there. I try to help on my own, when I get tickets at arcades, I always give it to a little kid who looks like he needs some. One time a very girl was crying because her mom was putting her on a ski slope too hard for her and yelling at her, I cheered her up and made her laugh, even going on a bunny slope with her to help her feel better. I always this time of year go out and get a really nice but cheap jacket along with a hat and scarf for a needy kid from families that ask for it through a charity. Then I toss in crayons and coloring books that I also buy. I've helped random strangers on the street and at the store if I see them struggling. This holiday and always... Do random acts of kindness for people. Even if they're strangers, they not only help and touch their lives, but your own. So what random acts of kindness have you done, or have received?
Yeah... There's been over 100 videos banned per account in some places. It's popping up all over. I honestly feel bad for the people who are depending this as work. The people who quit their jobs and spent years working on this, who spent all their time and effort and energy working on this. This is really hurting them, and it'll continue that way if this continues. It's hard to go into the job market right now without having four years without a part of your resume except: "edited and made reviews/lets plays/videos". I really resent the people who say: "Well, this is just a hobby, you can do a 40 hour/week and still make videos once a week on top of it." Not really, not with what these reviewers push themselves through every week to do so. And if they don't, they lose fans over it because they take too long. I've heard complaints about slower reviewers not making the videos fast enough. Hell, one guy made a 10 minute rant about a side project on his show that people were harassing him non-stop about it despite the fact he made it clear several times he did it when he had time, and when he did, it took him months to make it because of all the work it took. That's not a "hobby".[DOUBLEPOST=1387416640][/DOUBLEPOST]Great... They just flagged a video that was a game MADE by the person who posted it. THE DIRECTOR OF THE VIDEO GAME, SHOWING GAMEPLAY. http://playeressence.com/jonathan-blow-gets-flagged-on-youtube-for-showing-footage-of-his-own-game/
Another good analysis... This guy makes great points also... I understand now why Joe's video of Tomb Raider got flagged if it was a: "Hey, lets make a shitload of money by flagging this, even though that executive worked for us 20 years ago for two weeks." Also, like when SOPA came up, a lot of the reviewers were thinking of quitting. One of the most famous out there, the Nostalgia Critic said himself: Even if it's just the U.S., if he posted one review people didn't like and were insane enough: He could get arrested for it. No questions asked. And I can sadly see this happening. This is honestly unbelievable, and very painful to watch. The person he talks about: Classic Game Room, who BETA'D this for Youtube, is now officially quitting and going to his own website to post reviews due to this. And the biggest kicker: He does CLASSIC OLD GAMES. (Hence the title.) Mostly. I confess, I just looked at his site and haven't really looked in depth about his stuff. :/ If Youtube doesn't change this and survives, it'll be a miracle.
Yeah, I heard Nintendo is being an ass about copyright... Even games like Super Mario Bros and other such games which were made over 20 years ago are being banned because Nintendo doesn't want a "copyright issue" maybe it's changed... It's pretty shocking. Though I did check KH-Vids and it's still up... I don't know if they found a loophole or not, but they seem fine. It is weird though that a interview with an executive of Tomb Raider got flagged by "tomb raider" for copyright violations amongst other things. I understand lets plays for new games, games that are still sold mass market. This new gen and old, yes... Older than that I would say is fine. A review, fine... A portion of the game to show what it's like, fine, maybe a half hour or so... Totally banning every single show made because it might have a five second clip of the game? No, just no...
Which gives them money too for posting the ads... I see a lot of people leaving Youtube over this. A lot of people. Especially if I see it going the way I think it is: Executives using this as an excuse to make a ton more money by flagging every video they see that has a hint of something they had on there.[DOUBLEPOST=1387066309][/DOUBLEPOST]I remember when the XboxOne had and still has issues. The first time you use it, right out of the box, you have to download a huge update. A lot of gamers know this, a lot of people on the Internet who keep current with the news like KH-Vids know this. Some parent getting the system for their child WOULDN'T know this. They wouldn't know this and might buy the system when their Internet has massive restrictions on it, I heard from a gaming show that from where they lived, it was 500 MB per month and cost about 30 dollars a gig after that. I'm not sure, I haven't watched that in a bit. They also require a download of all the games into the system, a small one, but still about a gig of a download. And it won't start without it, they refuse to let you play without it. It took them about 30 minutes for one game. And that's with a high speed Internet, that's with them having unlimited Internet.This is something not a lot of people would know unless they watched the show and saw the massive problems they had with it. It not only helps people get games, but it keeps them informed on what's going on with the systems and warn them if they don't have a good Internet to avoid a $500 paperweight that it would become with a bad Internet.
I figured out what was fully going on via comments on a banned video: The video STAYS up, but there's no money given to the person who makes the video. The MONEY goes to the corporation who originally made the content. So the video about the interview with the Tomb Raider executive is going to the company that made Tomb Raider instead of the person who MADE the video and did the interview. So yeah, it's still pretty bad, and I still pretty much upset they're doing this. That and now companies can find excuses to make more money off this by "flagging" any video they think is "copyright violation", and it screws a ton of people doing so. Including Angry Joe, who did the interview with the Tomb Raiders executives. Or the person who did the Lets Play, etc...
It's a two sided coin in my opinion... When I was a kid, a lot of the games went by word of mouth. You didn't KNOW a game was bad until you bought it and brought it home. Lets say: Batman Forever, which a family member bought for me. It was terrible, but I didn't know that, neither did he because there was no real way to know unless you A: Had a friend warn you. B: Spend all your money on video game magazines. C: The store you buy it from would be honest with you and tell you. It's a lot like what parents go through buying games for their children, even with a family friendly system like Wii around, it's hard to tell what your child would enjoy and not enjoy without them there. I helped families in the past chose different games for their children that were appropriate.This is one of the reasons why gaming companies like: LJN and other such companies did so well. They made terrible, but at the time, very popular games based on movies and other such things, a trend that continues today, and made a fortune because no one knew how bad a game was. Now with the Internet, people can check out a game and see how good or bad it is. People can make their own judgements and decide on their own. Yes, there are games that suffer from this, ie: Duke Nukem Forever. (An Internet gaming group got it early and played it live that night without trying it and said afterwards themselves not to buy the game, and to cancel your pre-order or not get it.) But there are games that benefit at the same time. Braid is a sleeper that a ton of people found out from Youtube and forums. Portal is a HUGE sleeper that people found out by the Internet and Youtube. Assassin's Creed for me was a game I never would've touched based on the mere title if it wasn't for someone posting a video about Ezio's journey through his life in a top ten list. I bought these games because I saw it on Youtube and was interested. A lot of people do the same thing, one guy said that a huge part of his gaming collection was simply watching the game on Youtube first. And yes, I know there's Gamefaqs. But companies are actually using it to their advantage now, too. Look at Meta Critic when a game comes out and see how many people rate a game a "10" and "game of the year" when it's shoddily made and/or buggy as hell and see how many reviews just have 1 review listed on their profile. Companies are wising up to the Internet trend and are using Meta Critic and other sites to go and make their game the best seller of the century when it's one of the worst games ever made. Hell, I rarely go to Gamefaqs anymore because of how many people give biased reviews. At least on Youtube you're usually watching some guy who has a webcam and a 2 dollar capture card recording himself playing the game. The reason why there's no laws is because people keep on trying to make it illegal for anything to be posted at all. With lobbies and corporations putting pressure on the government to stop any video that hurts them at any point being made, I don't see any time soon a bill where it's clear cut and to the point due to this, there are some good games out there, but at the same time, a lot of people depend on Youtube to find the information and the companies don't like it because most of the time, they're either getting people who are just watching it on Youtube and not buying their product. And/or they get negative feedback which damages not only their game, but their reputation and it costs them money.
Thanks burn... =3 And that's what a lot of people are posting about, too... Hell, some of them are just reviewers who add clips to prove a point about a game. Like: "The AI is atrocious". And they show a clip of the game where a soldier is standing there getting riddled with bullets. Angry Joe does that a lot of the time to have people understand why he doesn't like or likes a game. He says that it really helps him make the message clearer to his fans. As for the laws, they most likely differ from France. I don't know, but it's different for different parts of the world. Though there should probably be international laws to fix these problems, I doubt it will happen due to culture differences, and restrictions in different countries. (ie: China) Joe does this because he enjoys it, yes... But this makes him not get any time really to go on a vacation or any personal time, he said in his video about all his deletions that he spends 60-70 hours a week making these videos. He's also going out and getting interviews and traveling to different conventions. That eats up a lot of time, hell, a comic book reviewer who makes his own series (Linkara) has this as his full time job. Someone who reviews comics, he makes storylines also, granted, but he does it when he has time to, not every week. He makes other videos, but only when he has time. Most of his time is eaten up by making these videos. This is something that people can't put down as "something you can do once a week and do a job" kind of thing.
I think it's non-paid members, too... Like I said, there's ones that have a girl practicing her violin that got banned which I am pretty sure wasn't being paid for, there's ones that the person makes their own music and videos, banned... That's not copyright laws, that's banning videos because they feel like it.The people talking about this has comments filled to the brim of people talking about their stories. I do have to agree, I think it's partly because Youtube is now owned by Google who has already totally changed the comment section. *another slew of complaints there, though I don't mind it once you get used to it* And they just want to earn more money. The other issue is that Youtube is practically a monopoly in itself with videos being posted online next to Blip and a few others. EDIT: And Xbox One and PS4 live video recordings are getting banned. AFTER both companies made it part of their system to do so. Also, 99% of the time, if I'm uncertain about a game, I check it out on Youtube. I see what it's like. If I like it, I buy it... Hence the reason I have an Xbox 360 and PS3 because I saw some great video games from Youtube. Assassin's Creed, Portal... Games like that, I found interesting because of videos on Youtube showing how great they were.
Dude... A: Video games don't have that big of an infringement on them, especially when it comes to the U.S. B: This is just clips. Whole movies, yes, I understand. But post a FMV with music in it and video, even your own, and it can be banned. A video got banned of a girl practicing her violin. Angry Joe's video of him interviewing Tomb Raider execs got banned by "tomb raider" for content. Also, KH-vids does have videos that would be banned due to this. And yes, I contacted Misty about this, including a trailer for KHIII they posted.