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  1. Sara
    Ah... Thanks for letting me know. =3
    Profile Post Comment by Sara, Jan 25, 2014
  2. Sara
  3. Sara
  4. Sara
    Anyone else nervous about the Olympics coming up?

    I heard that even the big-time morning news people aren't going. At least for NBC, they're just sending a few of the lower level reporters over. The Russians seem not enthusiastic on getting help, but there seems to be a lot of threats floating around, especially for the people who are outside of Olympic Village.

    Thread by: Sara, Jan 25, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  5. Sara
    I had a few problems with my jaw... It might be that you're tightening your jaw/grinding your teeth at night. That's what my mom says happens to her and I had it as a kid. And my jaw still cracks once in a while, not as often anymore, but it used to all the time and hurt like a *****.

    When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I had a seizure on the bed. They used Novocaine and hit the optic nerve in my gums, which caused the seizure. They didn't tell me that about the nerve, but when I mentioned it in a later surgery, they mentioned it was the most likely reason. I felt blinding pain from my jaw for a long time, which lead to severe migraines that would keep me bedridden for a whole day sometimes, on and off after that and wondered if there was something seriously wrong with the way they finished the procedure because of the seizure. The dentist checked and said there was nothing wrong, and it took a few years, but I got over it.

    I'm sorry I can't help, I wish I could.
    Post by: Sara, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: Help with Life
  6. Sara
    I would never do Craigslist. Too dangerous, especially if you're looking for a place to stay.

    I would help, but I live too far away. I'll be praying for you, though. :(
    Post by: Sara, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sara


    When I watched him, he seemed so upbeat and cheerful. He always made me laugh and especially in the Pokemon reviews his humor was outstanding.

    Oh yeah, the reason he broke off was because he wanted to go solo on his own. The TGWTG crew is hard hit by this, too.
    Post by: Sara, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sara


    I honestly didn't know where to post this, but...

    JewWario, aka: Justin Carmicheal, shot and killed himself Thursday.

    For people who don't know, he was a huge Internet celebrity who recently broke off with TGWTG and was famous for: "You Can Play This"/"You Can Cook This". I will never forget his famous pokemon reviews with Suede and Linkara, which I always watch to cheer myself up.

    His wife was on the other side of the bathroom door when he killed himself, and she said he loved all his fans.

    RIP, and my thoughts and prayers go out to the friends and family.
    Thread by: Sara, Jan 25, 2014, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sara
    I heard one gaming show put it best with Nintendo's problem, and I can't remember where it was, don't quote me:

    "Microsoft and Sony when making new consoles approach the gaming companies and are: 'We need your input on how to make this work for games.' While Nintendo is: 'This is our console, this is how you make games on it.' Which is two majorly different things."

    Nintendo does have some fantastic company games. Legend of Zelda, though it's beyond my tastes right now, Mario, Mario Party though I've heard a ton of complaints about the last game. *too luck based* Metroid though I heard that's ending at some point, Super Smash Brothers. That's all well and good, but there's two problems:

    First, none of these games have been made yet. Yes, Mario games have been shown on the U, nothing else, though there has been shown some promise. Again, Super Smash Brothers and Legend of Zelda. I don't see anyone rushing out to buy a Wii U until these games come out if not even later if they're like me: Still on the fence about getting it and paying 200 dollars for a paperweight which my Wii turned out to be in the end. That and a Gamecube as my interest faded fast for the Wii games when I constantly saw "Carnival Fun" and "Skeetball". Being fair, it had some games that I missed, Xenoblade being one, and I still regret not getting.

    Second, a lot of third party companies, ie: Ubisoft, Square and several others, haven't recently have felt the need to stay with Nintendo and/or even approach with the offer of making exclusive games. While Sony and MS take initiative and offer incentives and work with developers, who in return give them exclusives. (Heavy Rain and The Last of Us are two games alone I tell people are worth getting a PS3 for.) While MS with Halo and several other exclusives can hold their own, Nintendo might offer the incentives, but they also don't work with the developers. I don't know if it's arrogance, or them not being able to, or something else, but I rarely see an exclusive that's partially owned by Nintendo, though there are spectacular ones, granted when they come out. It's not enough in my opinion to hold the Wii U afloat.

    I wonder if this will change over time or Nintendo will realize what's going on.
    Post by: Sara, Jan 21, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  10. Sara
    Just to start/warn: I am very anti-Church, I believe in God, but I am against organized religion due to my own bitter history with it with my dad and partly my education. I won't go into details to why I'm against it, and if you ask and/or make a comment about my beliefs/anger towards it, I won't reply, it's tremendously personal and I don't post it.

    I personally find it funny, and most likely my mom would, too. My dad would hit the roof and post probably worst comments than what is said here. But I just think of it as a joke. Is it a bad one? Not really, it doesn't show any disrespect, it was just a small joke that people took too personally in my POV. Does it disrespect religion? Probably not, the bible, no matter what else is said, is a text. People steal it from hotel rooms, (most stolen object known from hotels and most likely bookstores of all time.) Does it mean that it's disrespected because someone stole it and that the message: "Thou shalt not steal" make it more disrespected? Probably not.

    The bible in itself was written a 100 years after Jesus's death, a lesson I learned from a college student taking religion. I took ethics which turned out to be "Holy Bible 101", but I digress. I was telling her about the class and she spoke about her own learning, where in one of the first classes, it is mentioned the creation of the bible. It might not be the first religious text, but in that context, the premise wasn't based on Jesus's teachings, or loosely based, considering that a 100 years passed and by that point, most likely it was going by memory of a first or second generation, I'm guessing second due to the lifespan of people back then. Then you have it narrowed down to rich white men, monks and/or religious men (maybe at a stretch women) and men merchants. That brings it to a biased, any book, written at any time, will have it written in the person's hand as a bias unless you write down every single word that is in a said text. Which isn't possible for the first copy. I can't personally say if it is fully accurate because, well, I'm not over 2000 years old. But considering the source, I say it is somewhat accurate.

    Some people see the bible as a beacon of hope. Some people see it, including myself as a outdated text that can lead to corruption and greed. Some people use the bible to improve their lives, some use it to improve others, some use it for sheer greed, some use it to ruin other people's lives, but I just see it as a book that I can't read through because even as a kid I got bored. Is this wrong? In a lot of people's eyes, one of the reason's I no longer bring up religion in conversation and it's banned from public with me, as yes, I am wrong for my beliefs. That I should be part of some religion and not have the anger I have towards it, I can't see that changing. And most likely will take things like this as a joke more than most people would.

    I personally think it's funny, and take with a large grain of salt due to my childhood some people would find offensive. But from that person's POV, he probably just found it as a small joke that he could share and get some laughs. Which some people need more than a "slandering" of a book.

    Sorry if I offended, I tried not to. *bows*
    Post by: Sara, Jan 21, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  11. Sara
    It's not only that, but there's the problem if you don't upgrade your computer hardware.

    The computers at my office are 7 years old. I'm guessing it hasn't been upgraded since then because my boss can't really understand WHY it's important to also upgrade the technology and hardware, hell, she openly admits she hates using e-mail. It was okay for a while, but now, especially with the new program installed, our computers are prone to slow down, freezes and crashes. I'm guessing it's not only XP, which might also be an issue because I know certain programs are not compatible with older Windows, but the RAM is massively overwhelmed. Sorry for the rant. ><

    But yeah, XP is just too old now and a lot of computer programs are probably not being made anymore to be compatible.
    Post by: Sara, Jan 18, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  12. Sara
    Goddamnit... ><

    Great for a lot of people, but my computer at work that uses XP has proven that age doesn't make things better. It's slow as hell and takes forever to process. Not including the fact the new program everyone HAS TO use causes the computer to stop working 99% of the time.

    We have new computers, still boxed, waiting because of the lack of updates now. Now there's a reason to return them and wait another year with massive slow downs and crashes.
    Post by: Sara, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  13. Sara
  14. Sara
    Being stuck with a company due to the location of my state...

    I see them totally milking this. I am pretty pissed this is going on, they're already raising hell about me simply going on Youtube and Springboard. I LITERALLY can only have a few seconds of a video load per time because they severely restricted my access to the website. They think it is "severe competition" that will destroy them. It pisses me off already, and they'll make it much worse now that they can legally do it. And they are the milking type of company.
    Post by: Sara, Jan 15, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  15. Sara
    A lot of people aren't like: "Oh, I quit..." After two months...

    But none of the employers, unless you worked there before, know that. How long you spend at a company is a good reference in itself. Recently at the job I'm working at now, I lost my reference because she started believing all the bs spread about me by my employers who have taken a severe dislike to me since a few months in. I have worked there for four years and my mom simply said when I told her: "You've worked there for four years straight, that alone will say something about your work ethic and loyalty.
    Post by: Sara, Jan 13, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  16. Sara
    I WOULDN'T recommend family... A lot of jobs look at how close the family to you. Mainly because the whole: "Oh, this is their mother, of course they'd say good things." Attitude.

    Some jobs don't need it, but unfortunately with the job market as it is, it's more and more of a demand to have a reference. That and they spend money to train these people, being fair, if you spend a certain amount of training someone and they leave two months later, causing them to rehire and train someone else, or the person has to be fired, except for an emergency, it isn't good for the company, which is their main concern.

    I would recommend teachers or friends. Teachers who know you work hard, (which is what they're looking for) and try your best. If worse comes to worse, flipping burgers always is appealing, along with other jobs. I hate to say it, but like my mom says: "It's a job."
    Post by: Sara, Jan 12, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  17. Sara
    What about a CHAIR?! *stuffs chair under doorknob*
    Post by: Sara, Jan 3, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Sara
    I'm sorry. D:

    It would be hard to get rid of Aiden my kitty. I hope you get to have a cat of your own soon. =3
    Post by: Sara, Jan 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sara
    My kitty does the same thing... Sometimes even a loud scolding doesn't work. And usually he listens with a sharp word. It's funny, actually.
    Post by: Sara, Jan 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Sara
    Can I stay at your place? D:
    Post by: Sara, Jan 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone