I'm touched that so many people care for my condition. T_T No one asks how I feel. :P
We unbanned them two days later... :P If I was admin for the day..... I'd remove the admins and make all my friends admin with total control and a puppet forum. Just my first step... Yes...
When I was admin, I secretly banned everyone. *stage whisper* and DS helped too.
Banning due to bashing, meaning: "I would ban so-and-so because he's an ass." Kind of thing. =3
lolz... No thanks. Also, I'm always different as admin, I believe in professional and mostly strict as admin, more laid back as member. *sips herbal tea*
I can still probably ask Misty back for the ban power. I kinda miss it sometimes.
I just like mine with a ton of milk and honey. =3 Though I do like raspberry flavored. =3
Blame Mish... :P *sips cuppa tea*
TEA DRINKERS UNITE!!!!!!!!! *raises cuppa tea in salute*
I've been sick as **** this week and had a cuppa this morning.... Now I feel a ton better, considering that I woke up twice last night with a rattle in my breath, I say that's really good. =3 So there. :P
http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/02/showbiz/rowling-hermione-ron-revelation/index.html?hpt=hp_bn9 Apparently Ron and Hermione weren't J.K.'s choice for a couple. I kinda understand... I mean, he was abusive to her. But the fans are still going nuts.
Well... This is nice... I've been charged double of my real rate for the last six months or so. >< The Internet company I have has doubled it steadily, but they shouldn't have because I have the same Internet as I did six months ago and I never asked for a speedier Internet. Only found out when I asked for a new deal. I can see this happening a lot more with this passed.
The thing is, though... I have rp'd for about ten years now. I took a few years off when my first rp of about 3 years died... I am a short poster, granted, I make long posts when needed. I can make three paragraphs or a sentence, depending on what needs to be said, but my posts usually end up a few sentences, but they are relevant and continue the storyline, unless it's a light and fluffy moment (ie: my characters in my recent rp's have relationships, so there's dating scenes that build the relationship between the two.) I also have two people, totally different style of posting. One very long, one very short, about the same length as mine, sometimes shorter even, who bring the storyline along as much equally. So I understand where you're coming from, but long posts don't always equal not spam. Some of my best posts were not an equal length, I actually believe more in the build up with the short posts and the slow development than a long post where there seems a need to describe everything in a single scene. Not that I am saying you do so.
There's a lot of reasons I roleplay... One of the biggest is because I enjoy it. It allows me to meet new people and make ideas, that and work with others to make ideas with them, I never just sit there and go: "No, this is my rp, you can't do this." I allow a lot of ideas and expand on it with other people and enjoy the end results. It gives me something to look forward to. Especially when it comes to my own roleplays, I feel a vast sense of pride in my work and others. I feel a sense of accomplishment that I helped create this, that I made this come to life. Others contribute, but I always love looking at some of my roleplays (two are ones I'll never forget) and knowing that I helped or created them on my own and it did so fantastically. It helps me keep my imagination and creativity going. It lets me make ideas for things and not just picture them, but to play them out and have fun with it. Something I would never get to do otherwise.
Disclaimer: I haven't joined a rp here, and before you barrage me with requests, I am very picky in what I join. I usually make my own and if I do join, I don't usually stay long. This is from other forums, so I don't know if it applies here. Mostly I've seen this at Gaia, which I run two rp's at right now. Where the rules go into the normal: Nothing beyond hugging and kissing, no godmodding, etc... But a lot more often recently I've seen a lot of threads requiring at least a paragraph per post. One of the reasons I don't join anymore and some members get angry at me. I have word recall problems, meaning I can only type a certain amount of words per post that comes to my mind. It can be a sentence to three paragraphs or more depending on what I think. The problem is, if I try to force myself to think more than that, it drives me insane quickly, it's like for me to type up a 1000 words exactly and I have only 800 words on the subject, or 3000. Hence the reason I don't join rp's as much anymore. The defense to this from my reading is that members need a long post to reply in kind with a long post. Which I understand, but it's not something I can do. So I'm curious, does it matter how long a post is? Should it matter?
Me and Burn were talking about that ironically enough a few days ago. XD... About Stephen King. Most of the roads are salted/sanded in my area, yeah... Just.... Don't go up far too North... On back roads... In the middle of winter. Seriously, I went to college in Northern Maine, and went on a sledding trip, the driver used Yahoo maps, we found ourselves on a steep downhill road covered in ice with a sharp turn at the bottom. I seriously saw my life flash before my eyes. Ice is scary ****, and especially on hills. Even on flat lands, it can easily cause people to spin out due to the fact there's no traction or grip, you just hit it and spin. EDIT: Google the Ice Storm of 1998 for examples. That hit Northern New England.
http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/29/us/winter-weather/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 I live in Maine, so I know about ice and other conditions. Granted, if it was only a quarter inch of snow, if you called work here and said you couldn't make it in, you'd probably be asked to not come in again ever. But I do know the South and warmer areas: ie: California, are not used to snow. They don't have the right kind of stuff, ie: Snow tires, sand, and plows, to handle any amount of snow. About an inch of snow fell in Georgia over Tuesday and the governor didn't react to this news until 1 pm. Where he declared a state of emergency and basically the whole state of Georgia shut down. This caused schools, cars, trucks and everything else to be leaving at the same time in hazardous conditions because ice has formed on the roads. Kids slept at school, some on their school buses, some are walking home now, and there's been a few deaths and injuries. This is just incredible to me. I understand that an inch of snow doesn't mean that much, hell, in New England, it's just a dusting that you have to scrape out of your yard to keep from forming ice. But I live in a place that every winter there IS snow, there IS storms, when it reaches over a foot, that's when things start to get cancelled. When there's very slick ice, that's when things start to get cancelled. No more, no less. I would NEVER expect someone to go out in even a dusting in warmer areas because of the fact there's no control on ice. Any amount of snow, even a dusting, can turn into ice, if it stays cold enough. And when you run your car over the snow, it melts, then refreezes. It's a death trap waiting to happen. Now there's people stranded and walking in their cars, kids sleeping in school gyms with whatever they can find for them, and a whole state shut down with the Guard coming in because no one realized this could be a major problem. It's just amazing. My hopes and prayers go to the people stranded and their families that they're okay.
I saw that speech, too... It's incredible how much it touched me despite barely knowing the guy, even in the reviewers sense... The whole thing has honestly left me reeling, and I can't really describe why... Some of it is my own personal view. I do have one thing to say: THERE IS ALWAYS HELP OUT THERE!!! DON'T GIVE UP, SOMEONE CARES AND LOVES YOU!!! CALL AND GET HELP IF YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT SUICIDE!!! IT'S NEVER A GOOD OPTION!!! If I did it five years ago... I wouldn't be here today, talking to you.
I don't think it'd happen inside the Olympic Village (where some of the events/all the athletes are housed/major non-sport Olympic events happen, like pin trading). What I heard the biggest concern is OUTSIDE the village where to be blunt: There's not enough security around to protect the people going to watch the games and/or in the town. It's a scary thought it could happen, and there's been a lot of problems going on right now down there. I know there's a lot of athletes who love the Olympics and this is their lifelong dream and so much planning goes into it, but this time I kinda hope with all the recent events it would've been cancelled or delayed. Or that Russia would've asked for help with security. They have boats, planes, and all this other stuff to carry athletes out if anything happens, but it still worries me.