I was looking up a video about Quidditch in real life when I read some of the comments about the sport. One of them saying it was an "amateur" game shown. Nothing like the state championships. Then I found this: I can't stop laughing.
Fun fact: There is actually Quidditch played in several colleges. Just without flying. So that is a possibility. And for the people who don't believe me:
Why? Us Prems always make the sl- I mean, admins, change them anyway.
What would it be? Rules: 1. It actually has to be a sport. Sleeping, reading, etc... Doesn't count. 2. KEEP IT CLEAN!!! Mine would be miniature golf. Just to see how serious the commentators could be in it.
Thanks, peeps... I sounded awful calling in sick this morning. t_T I am hacking a ton, too...
Somehow, I don't feel reassured, for some odd reason... *coughs, hacks, dies*
Yeah... I have the flu... And yes, it's worse.
Hey, how's it going? And sure. =3
I think Video Games Awesome is still kinda too small for that... Yeah, they probably get free copies of the Indie's and small time ones, especially ones where they have someone who was part of making the game with them. But the big hitters like from the major companies they have to pay on their own unless it's free on PSN.
Hope that won't affect Video Games Awesome, a Canadian show who plays all the recent games too much... But yeah, it's a bummer, I already don't buy the new games 99% of the time because of the hideous prices in the U.S., I can't imagine what it's like in Canada.
Thank ye... *gives Ienzo a cookie* I dunno... It's supposed to be a cold, but I have been having problems breathing at night... I wake up to hear a rasp in my breath, I'm also tired as hell, too...
There is a game in Final Fantasy WAY back in Game Boy days that you killed God and found out when you came back and the town was telling you. At least that's what I think happened.
Actually, I think they peaked in FFX... You know, destroying a corrupt religion and then destroying said God...
Huh... I remember a Game Theorist spent a whole video about Final Fantasy being anti-religious. It's not the first time or the last Japan will stir the pot about religion.
Sorry... Still sick as ****, I didn't get that part. T_T
If this happens again, just call the water company and tell them that they're gone and you can't pay it. They'll usually give you a break about it and turn it back on. And probably it's a good idea to mention it to your parents and maybe suggest next time to pay it in advanced, emergencies do happen, but when it comes to normal things, they should pay in advance. =3 Oh yeah, and usually gyms allow you to shower with no membership, either. I had that happen during a huge flood and our water was shut off due to all of the water coming back up in the basement. :/
Mine was always classic. No "modernization".
Ugh... I hated Shakespeare when I was growing up... My classes demanded I did a play per year, and see the movie... *though Romeo and Juliet was interesting since they tried to skip over the "adult parts" and one student saw all of it in our class* It was so boring... Though I always loved: "A Midsummer's Night Dream".