I watched the moment on tv right now. Plushenko started skating in the Olympics around the same time I started watching the Olympics. The first thing that attracted me was his attitude, I actually thought he was a cocky ******* who was too arrogant. But I was stunned at his amazing and legendary performances. He is a legend in Russia and the world, a movie star, a person who's placed in practically every competition he set foot in. At 32, he went back to the skating rink, despite plates in his spine to compete in Sochi in Russia. He sizzled in the team and did a spectacular job that showed everyone he was back. During practice yesterday he fell three times, and in warm up tonight, he screwed up a jump, didn't fall, but it aggravated his back enough to cause him to retire. In the interview, he said he actually had no feeling in his legs after the rough landing. I have a family member who has had back surgery herself and she has said many times she can't do nearly as much as a lot of other people due to the rods in her back. I can't imagine how painful it was doing half of the things he did. He retires with two gold medals and two silver medals, almost ending up with five.
Well... I was feeling a shitload better... Then a blizzard hit, and since my mom is also fighting the flu, I shoveled all by myself. And even though a plow came and cleared the whole driveway for me... I have the flu again. DAMN YOU SNOW!!!!!!!!!
I agree... I actually learned again at a very young age about sex and what could happen with it. I am the opposite side of the gender for most statistics. (Sorry guys, but seriously, I'm too sick to google it, but most rapes are done by men. MOST.) But I was also never taught it was my fault what happened, except once. It wasn't as big as rape, but I was working at a store by myself when a Chinese guy came over from next door and watched me for three hours outside the window. The store was fairly busy and I didn't fully notice him. He came in when it was empty and practically dragged me into a hug from behind the counter and hung around despite me feeling very uncomfortable. Another customer came in and saw how freaked out I was and refused to leave when he started to come back in the store when she was getting ready to go. Despite all the commotion, he only left when someone called the cops even when I was freaking out. When the cops came, they said he was "misunderstood" and that he was just: "from another country" and: "didn't understand that his romantic advances looking for a wife was wrong." The police report said, despite my full details, it was my fault, he was being friendly and I was "feeling uncomfortable". Apparently they never checked two doors down where girls working at Subway were having the same problem with the man. He was following them home in his car and they called their parents to deal with it. The landlord finally heard about it after my incident and raised hell, but it's an unfortunate thing that happens to a lot of women. It's not fully about the Internet, but also teaching the kids about what's right and wrong.
NOTE FROM IENZO: After speaking to Ienzo, (and yes, I see Plums down there.) I got permission, but if there's more details on what happened, ESPECIALLY the victim, please post a warning and also post in a spoiler tag on what fully happened. Due to not only the disturbing content of what happened, but also for the sake of the victim which is a personal one from me. Thank you. It wasn't only that, the teen who did it also said: "Well.... She won't remember it." Kids have to KNOW this **** doesn't go away... No matter what age/circumstance/drug. I have actually seen something like this, but in different circumstances, and no matter what the age, it will affect that person from the rest of their lives. It's not just something to laugh off or blow off. Not everyone is going to do what this kid did later on in life, but it's something to think about. I have actually always been a strong advocate for kids not to play M-rated games, same for online sites. Hence one of the reasons probably a lot of members see me so hesitant mentioning this stuff on the site due to the fact I see this site as one kids can and will come on and stumble on this. (Which is probably going to be another discussion at some point in this forum and irrelevant to this thread.) The reason why is because I don't think kids should see adult stuff until they reach adulthood. I know realistically they would, hell, I got the "talk" at six years old and every time I asked. But it's something that I think kids should not see until they're at the age where they are seen as someone who can make their own choices.
Yeah, it sounds like the same one from the way you're wording it. And I respect that, I also am worried about some kid finding it, I know there's a lot of adults, but I always go in with the mentality: "This is a kids site also." I dunno, I also bring in the line of doubt that the Kinect picks up every single word, and 90% of the time mistranslates it. (watch VGA One launch, that's the DEFINITION of Kinect's microphone.) And yes, the parents were partly at fault with not making sure the kid doesn't have access, but I still feel slightly that in a way, the Internet is getting so big and huge out there and has so many access points now, there should be some safeguards for the kids to not find this stuff. But that's just my opinion.
I would say pretty much: The worst case scenario you can imagine with a case like this and kids. Something that shouldn't be mentioned on a kids site worse-case scenario that I don't even feel comfortable asking the staff about it. If you really want to know, Ienzo, PM me and I'll tell you. I will not do this for a non-staff, especially since the person was a teen. But it was severely disturbing, even the people who are huge gamers were shook about what happened. The kid was at a friends house, to be sure... But the fact the kid got access to it at all and it caused the incident makes you think twice about it. And I know out of a lot of people that kids will get their hands on stuff, hell a friend of mine downloaded 60 gigs of anime porn on his school computer because his parents banned him at home. Then he got banned from school for doing the same thing.
I was about to say, if they were endangered, they would've been hauled to International court. As it's illegal in any way to harm and/or kill an endangered animal with certain countries. (Japan didn't sign the treaty, hence there's still whaling.) But they have a healthy population, same with lions. I heard about the giraffe in the news, but not the full, and very disturbing details. I still don't know fully why he was killed, other than some sick publicity stunt with a VERY bullshit excuse. But that's me, there's a ton of zoos and sanctuaries, AROUND THE WORLD, that would've gladly taken the giraffe, AND paid for the expenses to have it shipped over there. The whole butchering afterwards is just sick and disgusting, and I would never let my kid see anything like this.
The only time I really felt like drinking was being admin here sometimes. It's true, ask the staff around then. :P
Geez, that is expensive... If Google is anyway accurate. ><
NOTE FROM IENZO: After speaking to Ienzo, (and yes, I see Plums down there.) I got permission, but if there's more details on what happened, ESPECIALLY the victim, please post a warning and also post in a spoiler tag on what fully happened. Due to not only the disturbing content of what happened, but also for the sake of the victim which is a personal one from me. Thank you. Alright, peeps... I just saw very severely disturbing news, which I won't mention here due to the content. But apparently a teenager on his friends 360 found porn. The results were... Bad. I do blame the parents for lack of supervision, but I also wonder because there's so many parental controls on computers and at least on the Wii, don't know about XBox, and with the Kinect picking things up and mostly misinterpreting what you say, should there be more precautions for online to make sure these things don't happen? EDITED for more accurate info. Found a video commenting about it. Apologies.
Are you Donut in disguise? :P But sounds... Interesting. I like the fact the prems stand out. =3
There is a Quidditch irl games craze going on, but it's mostly for comedic effect and really huge Harry Potter fans. Including a World Cup. *seriously, there's a thread about it* And yeah, I can see chess... I think anything with any kind of strategy involved. Table tennis isn't really a physical activity. (If I'm wrong, don't kill me, I don't play it.) So it doesn't have to actually involve exercise.
If you did that, everyone would be admin. I'm game for that. =3
That would be interesting... I bet the forum goes to hell in thirty seconds.
Or Frogger, not George Costanza style... Just... Well, cars hurt when they hit you. And can kill.
What would it be? Keep it appropriate, and have it AN ACTUAL SPORT!!! I've heard a ton of people petitioning for skateboarding. But I think that was passed into the Olympics a few years ago.
Or Halo... :P An RPG would be nice, if you're willing to sit through 40-60 hours of playthrough. *it'd be a speed event so level grinding is a no-no* No luck-based... Though I do crack up at the thought of a Mario Party event.
I do have to admit: A video game sport would be kickass. An ACTUAL video game, not FIFA or something like that.
That's why I'm not against it, but I won't bring it up here. Read the rules for the thread please.
That's not keeping it clean.