Add that to it's usually very invasive to do a medical exam of this type a lot of women/men don't want to do such a thing. I'm not saying all, but it's something after such a situation causes a lot of trauma. And yes, there are men who end up being raped too, but maybe it's different cultures, maybe it's something else. It seems in the U.S. at least a lot of women end up as victims, A lot of women have it happen, a lot of women get kidnapped for men to use. I won't even go into the underage statistic. There are exceptions, at least once a year, most likely more you hear of a female teacher having sex with a student. But it's an exception than a standard, maybe you just look at it differently than others, not saying that's wrong, just offering a thought. I know growing up a lot of women, including myself, are taught how to protect yourselves from men. How it's not your fault, how you never did anything to have it happen. I remember my mom was always brutally honest with me in the subject, she always made it an open door policy to discuss things with her and allowed me to watch shows about what could happen. Maybe America sets it up that way, maybe it's how the men and women go out as a mindset. But it seems at least in my eyes, men seem to have a tendency to lean towards it more than women. In any situation, when you put men in power over women, be it military, police, etc... It seems to get worse. Would it be the same way the other way around? Maybe... Maybe not.
In my first post, I said I got the approval of an admin and posted a warning as my first line. I also asked him to check it and if he thought it wasn't enough, he was free to change it. I apologize if that wasn't enough. I don't really feel too comfortable with details about rape myself, though in a debate like this I don't mind bringing up a topic like this, not in detail. As I mentioned in the first post, it's something that I went through in high school and it badly scarred me, I still get random flashbacks of it and hate anything like it, hence some of my bias towards the subject. I understand people's sensitivity towards it. If anyone feels this isn't enough, please contact the admins. The last thing I honestly want is any huge problems. I will post a NSFW warning on the title. Sorry... :/ I think I'll also post a spoiler tag request for details like before. Thanks Lawrence for bringing this up. One of the reasons it's not brought up as much as it should, in ANY case/gender is how the victim feels afterwards. Whether it's embarrassment or the fact that was somehow their fault. It took me years to admit how far it went and I still barely mention what happened and avoid why and how. And the guy was a boyfriend, I can't imagine what it's like for a superior officer. I know, and I openly admit: I go in this with a bias, and I go in with a sensitive side on the issue that makes me look at it a different way. I do agree with the fact that women have done a ton of military actions on their own in history. I see my point as not fully wrong, do I still think women shouldn't be trapped in a sub in close quarters with a bunch of men who won't see another female for 18 months? Yes, but that's because I would see it in any situation an easy way for someone to get attacked, be it male or female. Hence I thought they should be in control of their own subs just for that reason. I do see the justice system in the military very screwed up right now and needs to be handed to someone else when it comes to a military officer and their actions. Actually, I recently saw a video about how a treaty was signed where an independent court was made to handle all war crimes. Be it a country on a winning or losing side, this happened after WWII and the atrocities that happened during that time. I.E.: The Holocaust amongst others, including Japan's actions and the U.S., in this jurisdiction, the U.S. would NOT be holding trial over the crimes that their soldiers do during war. If they signed it, which they refused to. In layman's terms: If the U.S. lost a war, they'd have to hand over whoever caused war crimes to the winner. Since they win every war, or retreat, they are responsible for their own military dealings and can and will do trials for their own soldiers without outside interference. I think that's what it is.
WARNING: This thread WILL BE ABOUT SEXUAL ABUSE!!! If you're not comfortable with that, please don't go any further. Thank you. I do have clearance from Plumenkranze to post this. Don't go into too much graphical detail also. Thank you. IF YOU DO GO INTO DETAILS, POST SPOILER/WARNING TAGS ABOUT THE TOPIC, BE CONSIDERATE OF PEOPLE WHO ARE SENSITIVE TO THIS TOPIC. Sexism aside, which is NOT the reason I brought it up... I saw on the news today that there's a bill trying to be passed where all sexual assaults would be handled by the U.S. Judicial system. For people who don't know: All military crimes are usually handled by a military court, it's rare, if ever, that a case is handled outside of that jurisdiction. The problem is that for at least a decade women have been sexually abused/assaulted by their superiors who are men. Being a non-military person myself, I can't say how far it has gone, but I wouldn't be surprised if it has gone as far as it can, and I have heard women being sexually used to have favors granted for them. I.E.: Easier patrols. Don't quote me on that, I just heard it. So I'm wondering: Should women be allowed in the military? Should this be one area where women shouldn't be allowed due to what has happened so far? I am a woman, and being honest: I have had a past of sexual abuse in my life. I still hate mentioning it, I still hate thinking about it, and it has scarred me from it probably forever. I can't imagine what it's like for these women going through this in the military and the soldiers walking away with a slap on the wrist for their actions. I do support the armed troops, and I know there's a lot of good things our troops do, but I also know there's a lot of dark things that happen also. It's all over the world, but this is something that could be prevented with just the right actions happening in our own country, and I find it disgusting. I remember I was talking to a buddy of mine on the 360, he is training to be a Naval Submarine officer and we got into a friendly debate about this subject. I asked him out of curiosity if he believed women should be on subs with the men. He said fully 100%, I disagreed with him and said that women should be able to be on subs, but just the women should be on there. I was thinking about the close confines and the way issues can get rapidly out of control. I never forgot what he said, though I'll change some of the wording due to where I'm posting: "I would never want a bunch of emotional women in charge of a nuclear sub who can get pissed easily and destroy the whole world." Alright, before I continue: I'm glad all of the parties are okay. Well, alive... Anyway... I think this is hilarious, sad what happens to both guys involved, but the fact the guy used a Master Sword and was defeated by a pot is just too funny.
Firefox is much better than explorer, never tried chrome. Maybe Misty found something shiny and dragged all the admins on to see it. :P *used to do it all the time* When they were on, lolz...
Don't worry, they're all just planning your demise. <>
I RENTED the game.... And I heard complaints from the guy after I rented so I decided to check it out.
No spoilers, but... The whole game seems off... :/ Just the subtitles alone... PS4 version, btw... I rented the game, too...
I meant personality wise, but I love the results. =3 Thanks...
I have a feeling I will be a hard one. =3
Agreed... And I'm not racist either. Just to make it clear... =3 I just see it a lot in history, sadly... Maine doesn't have a problem with racism, as far as I can tell. Well, we are against tourists, I don't know if that counts. :P But yeah, it's up to the parents to not show their anger and frustration on not having a job around their kids, and especially blame a race.
Racism is everywhere, sadly... If you really want to see how bad it gets, look into the 1960's and the African Americans going to an all white school in the South for the first time. The National Guard could barely stop the angry mob outside of the school, though the kids were okay inside until the guard left. I can see why there could be conflict. I heard a lot of the border states (I don't live near Mexico) has problems with illegal immigration and a lot of the blame of unemployment goes to the illegal immigrants getting the jobs. Don't quote me on that, I just heard it. With that, there's a lot of hostility, especially with the economy the way it is. It easily goes to the children and incites anger and racism when the parents are angry about it. It might be why there's such a huge problem in the school. Should the courts fix it? No, that's up to the school to do so.
You should, it's an AMAZING movie... Steven Spielburg did a fantastic job, and this one violin piece playing during the whole movie haunts you. He covers the holocaust and the cruelty of man to the core, but shows at the same time the goodness of humanity trying to counter it. I remember another movie that I can't remember the name of. It was in my German class I watched it. It was about a Jewish teenager who lived in Germany during WWII. When the Nazis captured his whole family when he was bathing he escaped through the window and managed to survive the whole war hiding the fact he was a Jew. Even at one point fighting for the Nazi's to survive despite all the hate he had to listen to during training and on the field for his religion. One scene he actually was in a classroom listening to the teacher saying that Jews heads were a different size than others and him measuring his head at random and saying it was perfect, and that's one of the things they should look for was larger heads. There were several powerful scenes in the film, like one where he was on a train and saw a group of Jews being beaten in a ghetto. The raw pain on his face and him calling for his mother I'll never forget. Or when he was bathing in a farmhouse as a soldier and his Nazi buddy did a prank on him and he completely panicked due to his circumcision being evident that he was a Jew, which his friend not only apologized, but kept the secret and helped him out until he died during the war in front of him. Or just in the end when he found his brother at a camp at the end of the war and they left the USSR. It was a powerful film that I never forgot. EDIT: Changed the title to something more appropriate.
First, I'm deeply sorry for your loss I have had several pets die over the years... The one that hit my mom the hardest was Sprocket a Springer Spaniel. I still remember the look on her face when I came downstairs that morning to find out he died in his sleep. She never really got over it and still talks about it even to this day. I think the hardest so far was losing my cockatiel to an unknown disease. I always blamed myself for not seeing it earlier and giving him the last few days of his life a hard time because he was in pain. I never really got over it and I still grieve sometimes over what happened. Right now I have a ragdoll cat on my legs sleeping. I consider him like a child and am deeply attached to him. I even get anxious when I'm gone for a short period of time and he's alone, he's everything to me, the one who makes me smile during the worst parts of my life. I honestly don't know how I'm going to react when he dies, I know his breed has a shorter lifespan than most cats, and he's already at his prime right now midway through the lifespan, I just don't want to think about it. The only time I really did was when me and my mom were coming home from dinner and the whole fire department looked like they were in front of my house with smoke pouring out of it. I just lost all rationality thinking Aiden was in the fire and was freaking out before a fireman told me that it was a different house and the rest of the houses were fine. But it's something that scares me, to be honest.
Who voted for Bush? *gets shot at* IT'S A JOKE!!! I'M NOT ANTI-REPUBLICAN!!! I'm just a neutral. And there's still other people who vote, big businesses just give them the money to be reelected. The problem is, no money in the world will save you if everyone votes against you being reelected. Ask some of the worst presidents the U.S. had that were never reelected. But that's just imho. Yeah, I'm glad this didn't get passed. I'm amazed it was passed in the first place, I'm guessing that they passed it thinking it was going to make them popular and all of a sudden they saw their popularity ratings in the state plunge to zero. Numbers change things quickly when it comes to popularity and voting.
Money isn't an issue with my town, the schools here are the most richest in the state. A few years before I hit Junior High, they built a brand new elementary school with everything high tech for it's time. My town is horrendously rich in a lot of parts and a lot goes to keep the schools going. They could afford to send the whole school and probably the high schoolers along with them and not put a dent in funds. In sixth grade we even went to an amusement park for the day and Boston to it's Science Museum and Aquarium without any problems. It wasn't funding issues for the school.
True... Before high school, a lot was talked about the "good" of history and what happened. The U.S. had a few things covered that was dark: IE: The Native American treatment, but it was never really covered in depth about what happened in the U.S. that made our country dark until I was in high school. The depth of what happened on the other side was never really touched upon until 9th grade and higher. Hell, I don't think it was even covered in 9th grade that much. There's also the debate about history going too far. In my school we learned about an experiment called the "The Third Wave", a film based off a true story on a teacher's notes who took a classroom of students and in five days nearly developed another Nazi party. (It's actually very interesting to watch.) He at the end had to end it himself because he realized how out of control it was spiraling before his eyes in a few days, including attacks on other students, people turning each other in for not showing loyalty to the wave, uniforms, etc... He said the line of reasoning was to teach the students why the Holocaust and the Nazi's happened like it did, why the country fell into such a state and why they didn't care about what was happening to the Jews and others. Actually from what I heard, a lot of the students spiraled into depression and killed themselves due to what happened, in the end he actually showed footage of Adolph Hitler and the Youth Group to do a comparison and show what they were doing.
NOTE: Due to the graphic nature of the topic/movies, please be careful about mentioning some of the scenes in the movies. Thank you. When I was in high school, I watched many films, many about the Holocaust. There was one that always haunted me. Schindler's List is a film that rocked me to the core, from the moment that a man was shot and killed in front of the factory for being a Jew and Schindler saying: "Remind me to get a new worker." To the scene of the girl in the red dress, one of the few symbolism's in color in a black and white film that shook him not only to the core, but changed his whole outlook in the Holocaust. To Schindler in the end, facing all his grateful workers who give him a ring with the words: "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire." Broke down in tears of regret and pain in the fact he couldn't do more to save the countless thousands of workers which he spent his entire fortune that he amassed in bribes to save them. It is probably the most powerful and accurate films out there talking about the Holocaust. I highly recommend it to anyone.
I have been thinking about this recently... When I was in school, there was a lot of ground covered about U.S. history. The country I live in, not just about the good, but also the bad. One of the teachers actually read from a book called: "Lies My Teacher Told Me", which is about all the historical inaccuracies about U.S. History from textbooks and what really happened: I.E: The Native Americans getting malaria infected blankets. It also was spoken about the Vietnam War and the brutality the U.S. soldiers did in the war, including water boarding and what happened after the Civil War to African Americans. Some in very graphic detail. My German teacher even showed a film next to a Holocaust one about why the U.S. refusing a boatload of Jews from Germany around the start of WWII to make us debate if the U.S. knew about the Holocaust and why nothing was done if they did. I recently have been rewatching about WWII and the Holocaust, including Pearl Harbor. And I heard a lot of comments mentioning about how dark the U.S. crimes were and how they were never or rarely mentioned. I also remember one time a group of German students came to the U.S. for the week and someone asked about how they remember the Holocaust. There was an awkward moment and they barely spoke about what they did. Note: This was only one class of German students. So it made me curious: Do you think that kids should learn about the dark side of history of their country next to their triumphs? Do you think it should be something that should be fully covered? Or should it not be mentioned, or if so, barely?
Actually, now that I think about it... A lot of teachers expressed concern because the kids started to get hostile towards the other group. Refusing to sit with the other group for lunch and not hanging out with them. Even the principle mentioned it once when I overheard it. Looking back at it, I should've pointed it out. I don't know whatever happened with that. It wasn't that our school was poor, hell, our school had some of the best funding of the state. It was just parents didn't want their kids to go on field trips to make the school look more "elite." I think I wasn't even allowed to go to an amusement park to learn about Geometry because of these rules.