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  1. Sara
  2. Sara
  3. Sara

    Trish is really getting on my nerves, I understand she's upset.. But damnit, woman... I'm saving whole BUSES for you. And everyone considers me a superhero demi-god.
    Post by: Sara, Mar 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sara
    Profile Post Comment

    Thanks, I think. ><

    Thanks, I think. ><
    Profile Post Comment by Sara, Mar 21, 2014
  5. Sara
    Profile Post Comment

    Thank you... *raises cuppa tea*

    Thank you... *raises cuppa tea*
    Profile Post Comment by Sara, Mar 21, 2014
  6. Sara

    March 21

    Thank you. :)
    Post by: Sara, Mar 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sara

    March 21

    AND MY BIRTHDAY!!! WOOT!!! And my middle name for the day I was born. =3
    Post by: Sara, Mar 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sara
    They probably edited out of the French version, but it's mentioned in the news that the government considers it a theory made by the French, something like that.
    Post by: Sara, Mar 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sara
    I also am not getting to be a fan of the news...

    Though the French zing was hilarious. =3
    Post by: Sara, Mar 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sara
    I like being the good guy... :P Though I MIGHT play evil for once... Just to see what it's like. I dunno... I hate doing it, though...

    I'm interested in 2, I rented this one because I wasn't sure... And awesome... A rocket launcher bolt... =3
    Post by: Sara, Mar 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sara
    I do love the game, it's actually much more fun than I thought it'd be... I love the abilities they give you. They actually managed to balance the boring/slow ones (like healing and/or bombs) with exciting like grinding rails and floating.

    The controls and missions are fantastic, I thought of it being an AC ripoff with the climbing mechanics, but it's VASTLY different with the handling, abilities and fighting. The side missions are fantastic and entertaining. The main missions can get a bit repetitive, but if the bosses are like the first one I just did, I won't complain.
    Post by: Sara, Mar 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sara
    I am a meat eater myself. That means no, I'm not a vegetarian.

    I've always been a meat eater. I know people throw a fit on Youtube (big surprise) when I mention it. I point out, which is true, I buy my meat from either a huge franchise I know well that has fantastic meat and/or the local supermarket with a good rep and/or Farmer's Market which has a HUGE selection of different meats. All from what I've heard or with the rules of the market, has no drugs in the meat and/or anything like that. One of the reasons Vegetarians go to that kind of diet, at least that's what I hear a lot. Personally, I don't mind some veggies, but I love having meat. A good steak and/or ham, or even turkey is great for me and I'll eat it any day. I have veggies with it, but it's not my main meal.

    I also heard concerns about an all veggie diet where it can really affect your health from health class. Where if you don't get protein at all or very little (something I experienced for a few weeks when I was on a strict diet and wasn't eating any protein at all except a bit of peanut butter in the morning) it makes you severely ill.
    Post by: Sara, Mar 20, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  13. Sara
    I hate all my damned friends in it. ><

    One holds what happened in the beginning, despite me being a saint through the whole game, over my head and is a *****... Giving me escort and protect missions.

    The other one wants me to be a hero so he can get laid by the sister of the dead guy I'm chasing the killer for. Oh yeah, and talks to me while I'm doing said mission for other friend who wants me to protect a single fragile crate against 500 enemies.
    Thread by: Sara, Mar 20, 2014, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sara
    It depends... If it's quiet and I'm absorbed in something, definitely, if not, I really don't react much at all, if any.

    If it's loud noises, I get startled very quickly. I'm terrified of loud noises since a firework went off in front of me as a baby. Sirens, guns, fireworks, balloons, they all set me off, even if I expect it. It's something I've dealt with all my life, one time me and my mom were walking in a parking lot and a police car drove right next to us and without warning turned on it's siren. I think I actually smashed into my mom to get away from the noise since I was closest, I know I was in a fetal position in seconds about five feet away.
    Post by: Sara, Mar 17, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  15. Sara
    I don't live in Washington, but I live in Northern New England. It could be simply that it's too cold for it to be repaired right now.

    Right now, the East Coast is being HAMMERED by winter storms and cold weather. With that, there's no real way to seal it without it being in danger of making the situation worse. I don't call myself an expert, but that's my guess. It's going to be worse when the snow starts melting, too... If it's anything like what it's like up here.
    Post by: Sara, Mar 16, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  16. Sara
    Yeah, the Bermuda Triangle is a joke/legend, but I did hear that hurricanes cause part of the problem. Not sure if it's true or not.

    I think the reason it's used is cross-winds and traveling speed compared to other routes in the area, especially when boats were used and the legend was considered if not true, very superstitious. (Which is interesting because most sailors live their whole lives based on luck and superstition. I.E.: Some don't sail on a specific name and/or number of times it's gone out. Hell, one quit working at a boat because a passenger shot at a dolphin.)

    But yeah, it's very odd... I heard some passengers are demanding full-paid vacations around the world due to the disappearance.
    Post by: Sara, Mar 12, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  17. Sara
    I did actually make a joke about that and the Bermuda triangle today... Weirdly enough.

    But yeah, it's sad what's going on. I'm amazed this could happen with the technology we have today.
    Post by: Sara, Mar 12, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  18. Sara
    Wow... That's amazing, Patman...

    I know this isn't film, but have any of you guys seen Band of Brothers: Why we fight? When they enter the concentration camp? That whole scene sends a chill down my spine and tears down my face. I can only imagine the soldiers, tired of the war and feeling somewhat triumphant at the same time entering those camps and seeing it for the first time what really happened during the war.

    I also remember a film we had to watch in German class, about how there was a boatload of Jews sent to the U.S. before the Holocaust fully started and was turned back. The teacher showed us to make us wonder if the U.S. knew what was going on. The film also went heavily into what it was like back then in the U.S. and their feelings towards the Jewish people as to why they were turned back.

    An interesting fact: Before and during WWII, the Jewish community was the third most hated group in the United States. Behind Japan and Germany, that's what I remember most about the film.
    Post by: Sara, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Sara
    An interview w/Steven Spielburg on Schindler's List:

    WARNING: It shows some graphic moments of the movie.

    For me, it's very hard to watch, he said himself that he could've never gotten through making this film without his family. Which I understand, when he speaks about learning numbers from Austrian Holocaust survivors who his aunt was teaching English by the tattoos on their arms...

    I just had to stop watching the interview...
    Post by: Sara, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Sara
    One time I found a bunch of 20's on the ground at my supermarket parking lot with no wallet. I was walking home so I took the money and gave it to the store hoping they would find the owner.

    Dear God, my mom was pissed when she found out... Apparently when you find loose bills like that, you're supposed to keep it, which I didn't know. I was trying to do the right thing, thinking it belonged to some elderly lady who just got her monthly check. I found out most likely they had a huge keggar with the money instead.
    Post by: Sara, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone