So... does anyone want to have a battle of sorts? I is sort of bored.
I may actually do it if it gets that far. Go. :O
i have much more money than that. Sadly, I can't spend it... =/
There is an 80% weight on the F. He really got more of a... DF to high F. amirite
;_; I want to see that.
... That doesn't sound like that bad of an idea, actually. I'm sure they could make some good additions to that too, ironically. o.O
Junes~ So much fun. ;D
I would love to attend that free concert. I have a feeling it's gonna be crowded as HELL. If only it would be on TV or streamed online professionally or something. Oh well.
hey Trizzle. Just gotta give you a heads up, your signature is too big. The limits for signature images is 500 x500 pixels, and yours is 590 x 305...
been on christmas break since... the 14th. ;D And I don't have to go back until the middle of January.
Probably the wisest download choice I've made all year. In fact, probably the best since SSBB.
Guilty. Ever gotten lost in a super wal mart.
Found out why my arthmatic was wrong. Also, Monopoly, your result was wrong. P had it right the first time. 5mn-n(6m-2m^2) 5mn - 6mn + 2m^2n -mn + 2mn^n I was treating (5mn-n) as a single term, which it wasn't. I had to distribute the (-n) into (6m-2m^2) the whole time. Wow. XD
Yeah that is it. I keep getting something totally off: 5mn-n(6m-2m^2) => 30m^2n - 10m^3n - 6mn + 2m^2n -10m^3n + 32m^2n - 6mn What am I doing wrong? I'm pretty sure I'm missing something really crucial that I can't remember. @_@ No, you're correct with that. lulz I'm much further than this elementary algebra, but I mean, I never imagined coming across a simple problem I couldn't simplify. o.O
5mn-n(6m-2m^2) I keep getting the wrong answer. Even though it's so simple. D:
That does make sense. After all, if relying on another force to solve problems for you is what you want, then you are responsible for not trying yourself as well. So it will cause you problems later on.
Team Alcoholic would be awesome.
The main Pokemon series needs gym leaders. IMO, it is extremely fun and makes for a great mile-stone once you've been them all (and then later the elite four). Side-quests really should add on to how great your accomplishments are (the main one's, i.e. gym's and elite four). If that system of goals isn't your thing, then the mystery dungeon/ranger games are probably better for you, then. Personally, I dislike the ranger series AND the mystery dungeon series.
KHV has been the usual: slowly dying due to disease.
**** that ****. I would never ever put my health at risk for a vaccine. >: But seriously, I have no desire or need to get it. I'm pretty healthy and I'm pretty sure if I got it I would be able to manage the symptoms and get better at some point.