Double shot of peppermint shnopps. TS
I can relate to how you feel (although I'm not one to dwell as much). Ever since I moved out, I worry about my dad quite a lot. At least once a day I think about it. But I noticed that keeping busy by doing things you like, hanging out with friends, etc, will ease the pain and remind you that you have an entire life ahead of you.
@_@ Well if you ask for a game, can't you say you're buying from amazon? Plus the games usually get there on the day of release, voiding the hassle of having to drive to pick it up. Another reason I probably won't go to the retail disaster that is GS: the clerks tend to treat you badly when you are trying to save money. And for some reason they seem to need special help.
They are sold for list price. >: Amazon, however... sells at a discount with no tax. >.> <.< hellz yeah.
I think the management of you and your sisters relationship is the most important thing. That seems to be causing the problems here. The ROOT problem of this I feel like is your sisters relationship issues, because they are causing you troubles in your life (phone, parents, boyfriend, etc). It can be difficult to talk to a sibling because usually they don't want to hear your voice. To combat this, maybe you should speak to your parents about doing something to help your sister (obviously a shrink isn't the best option, so maybe comfort and support would be better from the family). You should also try being blunt and simply stopping her where she stands when she wants something (i.e. cell phone). Say no, and if she wants it she'll have to take it from you. And if she does, it isn't your fault. It seems mean but really it's the only way to help. Sometimes you can only bring order out of chaos.
As everyone is saying, similar to gamersickness. I've had that quite a few times. After playing games like Kingdom Hearts, for example, I felt like the simplicity associated with it was so true to everything. I would ask myself, "Why can't everything just be this way?" It's funny how sometimes a game or movie can become your religion if you allow it to take over your senses. This movie does that without you really realizing it due to the 3D + 2 and 1/2 hours of film. XD whoa. I've experienced the side effects associated with the movie in so many other media (not suicidal, but the general feeling) it would be interesting to see how I feel about this movie. I've only felt the sickness from a movie once or twice, both times when I was little. Does anyone know how old these individuals are who are having the depression? D:
anything but blue/red/black. they are awful colors together. >_> red/black plz
-sighs at how true the history really is-
Shut up racist. >:
**** I lost the game. t.t
Really any form of bullying is just sad. Public and private schools alike have it... it's just the manifest form is different. Of course we do treat the core causes of bullying as latent, they really aren't that latent at all when you have movies made by Disney and Hollywood portraying "popular" and "nerd/geek" kids. I'd say the worst case of bullying I've ever seen was when I was in 7th grade, when a fellow classmate was basically shoved up against railing and beaten on just for being a bit of a nerd. It was strange. I was friends with the guys that did it, but I wasn't really aware of the problem until later (high school probably). There have been cases just as worse, just in the manifestation of words, not actions. You get kids passing rumors and assumptions of a boy or girl in high school, then the next thing you know, everyone is saying things about that student that aren't true and make him pretty upset. And you can't do anything on the authoritative level, because it could either embarrass him more or make the students have another reason to mess with the falsities. I felt the effects of bullying on multiple levels, but I still had plenty of friends... plus, by the end of high school, the "bullying" turned into "immature nonsense." I never was picked on, but rather, students just didn't like me for some reason because of something. One person stood out in particular... and he actually attends my college now, but he's really just a product of his environment. I would love to see where some of these "bullies" and etc end up.
It starts off at 20% interest. WHO WANTS IT?
Video game systems are getting so huge in terms of disc/OS space, I really don't think hacking is worth it unless you simply want the glory of conquering the Platform's security. I mean with N64, Gamecube, PS2, XBOX... it was pretty easy because not all the games and information was that big. Now it takes 3 years. I really don't think any hacker can possibly get glory from this. It sounds like a huge waste, TBH. But then again, I don't really hack. Nor do I care to do it unless I want something specific... XD
SCIZOR. What does KHV do now? :l
I've figured it out. Satan's real name is Stan. Stan is an underpaid employee of Disney who spends most of her nights terrorizing your computer and using it as a weapon to attack China and several other countries which can't decide who likes "him" more. Also, Stan is a girl.
duuuuude I would play it allll study hall. >__>
the "no-fly" list has more like, 1,000,000 people on it.
I'm probably going to buy HG I think, now. I bought Silver during the GBC days... and I feel like changing it up. I need to look and see what the Pokemon exclusives are though before making this final. Anyone else doing this kind of thing?
Troll'd? y/n?
I'm alright. Yourself?