it's stupid. lulzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
They'll make a FM so ****ing hard if a new world is added. -_-
The orb in the middle by the typo could use a bit more of a reflection effect. Otherwise it's le-hawt.
"Crossing-dressing" is sort of a manifested social behavior from social values. Therefore I don't think it is wrong, nor do I think it exists 'less it is within the context of a society where women and men dress differently, according to said social values. In the USA, I don't think it is wrong. The only problem is that people become stigmatized quickly and especially by major media outlets because people aren't ready to accept it all the time. And plus, "it just isn't right" is another thing that may be a problem for cross-dressers. Is it wrong? No. Nor does it really exist.
I wasn't aware sun burn = infection?
But even if I don't think that, there are some guys who really want sex a lot. Probably regularly, I'd imagine. It's unfortunate. Must ruin it.
Anberlin <3333
Put on some aloe vera lotion. Girly, yes, but it calms that **** down. ;D
I'm glad I was joking about that. XD
For the women who don't like it when guys like a lot of sex/sexual things, keep in mind our sex drives are rather unconditional. If we think you're hot, we'll want sex whenever we can get it. That isn't to say we'll always ask you and require it, but sex is something we'll be more than happy to oblige for. Also, it's nice to get it at least two or three times a month. At least. lulz I'm mostly just generalizing though keep in mind. some guys don't like sex with women. they're known as homosexuals. yous women might prefer them instead of a straight guy. :] In all seriousness, however... some men (I'd say quite a few) think sex is a necessity. So saying you don't want a guy who likes a lot of sex is rather pointless. I mean yeah, every day is a little much to be fair... but once a week isn't THAT bad, imo.
It doesn't turn on automatically. lol Isn't that pandora battery only for bricks due to firmware problems? I'm not even sure if mine is having that problem. I suppose since it's cheap though I might as well try. lol I also do have a Memory stick more than 512 MB. Mine is 1 GB. What's a memory stick reader? EDIT: I went and bought a Pandora Bat. and a memory stick reader (with another memory stick so I don't need to use my only one). Hopefully this works.
It's the fat one. The model is 1001. The firmware I believe is 3000 though or something? I'm not too familiar on that part tbh. And yeah that was my first thought as well, it was bricked. Although if I can fix it that would be nice... if not I'll just sell it for parts and buy a new one. XD
For some reason my PSP just doesn't want to turn on. To know exactly what happened, I basically lent it to a friend, and when he gave it back he said it was still working (which I suppose I believe) and I didn't play it for about 2-3 weeks. Then I go to play it and it won't turn on. The on light is there, but the screen won't even light up. Does anyone know what might be wrong? All the hardware seems to be in fine condition on the outside, not sure about the inside though. Much thanks. D:
I was planning on that. I'm likely going to buy a 3000 refurbished. My 1000 model PSP broke on me, so I'm going to sell it to a friend and use that money to help pay for a different one.
The news article was pretty odd. But yeah, doesn't manga constitute as art? So it has child pornography in it and is artistically presented. It's really all determined by the beholder if it is art or not. -shrugs-
I would be concerned if I had already bought a PSP just for this game. I'm waiting for news on it before I decided to buy a PSP yet. I may even just borrow a friends psp instead when I buy the game. I still have plenty of time to decide anyway. It better release here or something will die.
I'd like to know the answers. not because I MUST know them, but because I'm not ready to make assumptions about ****, then go preach about it. Plus it makes anyone's perspective more thorough.
So far I know a few types of girls who want different things. Some don't want to date at all. They simply dislike the idea of seeing a guy and kissing in public and being close at all. Some are sex-crazy and really don't want a relationship. Or they do want a relationship (once they've attained an STD or something else, although this isn't always true). Some want that really close bond. That's something that can be difficult to manage. Some are traditional and move slow. Others rip through men like sonic the hedgehog. But yeah there's way too many types of girls in terms of their interests for me to simply list. In terms of universal things? I think a lot of it pretty much comes down to physical attraction at first, then spiritual connection shortly after (to make sure there's compatibility). This varies from person to person, yes, but remains pretty much the same throughout, imo, and from my experiences.
First of all I differentiate between a "Person" and a "human being." To me, a "Person" is a non-physical capacity or representation of a human being. An example would be your drivers license or social security number. Are these factual parts of your body and existence? No, but they represent your legal entity and both of these things allow you to make decisions and transactions within the world's legal society (or system). This perspective is an on-the-books one, where once you've been giving a birth certificate, a dual-you has been created. It's fairly complicated and to be honest, it is rather conspiratorial... but I think that's what makes it fun. But to be more relevant to what everyone else is talking about, a person can also just be a physical being such as you and me. To me being a person in this sense is doing anything that I am capable of doing. Nothing too philosophically complicated about it. Then again I choose not to be too complicated about my existence. Don't wanna go insane. lol
You also need to remember Square Enix is probably getting more intricate in their game-development process. They're really trying to make a great title, and even if all they need to do is make voice-overs, it is possible they are lip-syncing the voice overs too. Which can take a while. I'd also take into account there are three separate story lines (granted taking place in the same worlds) so there is a lot of work to make sure it is thoroughly translated.