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  1. Inasuma
    @all of you: I've been having way too busy of a life. College, parties, women, drugs and rock n' roll. :/

    jk about the drugs and women though. lol

    Btw I'm red because I'm too busy to be able to Super Moderate. So I'm just regular moderating. Keeps my mind at ease. :] By the way it seems as though all the same people are around as there were several months ago. This pleases me.
    Post by: Inasuma, May 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Inasuma
    Damn his voice sounds really deep. I liked the Japanese one more. >:
    Post by: Inasuma, May 16, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Inasuma
    It appears as though there is an english trailer out already:

    Hopefully that answers some questions lol
    Post by: Inasuma, May 16, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Inasuma
    How ya'll doin'?

    idk where I've been, but hey I'm posting a thread. O:
    Thread by: Inasuma, May 16, 2010, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Inasuma
  6. Inasuma
    That's known as selective hiring/employment and is illegal. However it is still done, despite that fact.
    Post by: Inasuma, Apr 28, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Inasuma
    Profile Post

    Indeed I am.

    Indeed I am.
    Profile Post by Inasuma for DARKRIKUOFDARKNESS, Apr 28, 2010
  8. Inasuma
    "First Images" of the Pokemon games 5th gen was merged into the 5th gen thread.

    Note to everyone: Please stop making duplicates of threads; if it follows a topic already up, put it in the thread in question, i.e. this thread.
    Post by: Inasuma, Apr 12, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  9. Inasuma
    Those logo's are mock-ups. Not the real thing I'm pretty sure. Plus the artwork is too sloppy and not cartoony enough to be real. :/

    But yeh I suppose I'm looking forward to this. Still keeping my old games though in case these suck. lawl

    Here's the official Japanese logo in case anyone is interested. It's very sharp looking, which makes me EXTREMELY happy.
    Post by: Inasuma, Apr 10, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  10. Inasuma

    hey khv...

    Oh how dare you.
    Post by: Inasuma, Apr 10, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Inasuma
    To be fair she had it coming. I mean, I'd get pissed too if someone was constantly cutting the head off of me/making me shorter.

    Post by: Inasuma, Apr 10, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Inasuma
    It's Growlithe. Clearly.
    Post by: Inasuma, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Inasuma
    -preorders at Amazon-

    Hello, Pre-order:

    Gotta make sure I pre-order the guide too when it's available.
    Post by: Inasuma, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Inasuma
    Also in case you're referencing Text editing (not sure though), there's a small box that has numbers on it on the Edit Signature toolbar. it's from 1-7. That edits the size of the text. Alternatively, you could also do this:


    x = any number from 1 to 7. 7 being the biggest.

    If you have any questions you can always contact a staff member directly for help. I'll close this since it's a bit old. Hope your question was answered. :]
    Post by: Inasuma, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. Inasuma
    I'm a theater kid too and I'm lulzing
    Post by: Inasuma, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Inasuma
    lol your username is lil woj. lol
    Post by: Inasuma, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Inasuma
    Not even kidding. Some dudes were seriously trying to chase me while I was walking home from work.

    And they were either fat or slow. Or both. -shrugs-

    Let's talk about strange things that happen to us.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Mar 26, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Inasuma
    There is an answer, but at the same time their isn't. I believe a question like that is something that you can't verbally answer because even beginning to try would take too long. It's one of those questions that once you feel you have an answer to it, it becomes a feeling within a belief, and something has given you that understanding (some evidence perhaps?).

    I don't delve into it too much these days. I used to do it a lot in High School. I've gotten too distracted sadly.
    Post by: Inasuma, Mar 13, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  19. Inasuma
    PS2 is my fav, along the rest of the last generation. Mostly PS2, GC being close 2nd.

    God of War, Kingdom Hearts, Dance Dance Revolution, Ratchet and Clank, Sly (I miss those games ]=).

    I plan on keeping a PS2 with me no matter what, among any of the other systems. (DS too)
    Post by: Inasuma, Mar 10, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  20. Inasuma
    I was gonna say maybe you got laid. nevermind.
    Post by: Inasuma, Mar 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone