By one of my favorite reviewers: That Dude in the Suede. His humor is for the obvious but still has the charm and straight out: "Why in the hell is this going on?" Kind of attitude that really helps. My favorite is his team up with Linkara and JewWario to watch all the Pokemon movies together. That alone is a high reason to watch him. The reviews are hilarious and the storyline for it is even funnier.
Source: Okay, holding back rant here, but... WHO IN THE HELL GIVES A FOUR YEAR OLD A RIFLE?! For a birthday gift?! Done now. Alright, I don't believe in kids having guns, but I do live in a hunting state where kids kill deer and such with their family. My mom had a gun growing up and knows how to use them. But a four year old, unsupervised with a rifle with bullets. I am sorry, but that is just stupid. And from the article, it's quite popular. "My First Rifle" is the slogan. Oh yeah, and there's been other shootings like this by little kids. ... I have no other comments.
Source: I have to say: I feel sad but amazingly shocked on how teenage college students can be. Seriously, I know they're away from their parents and all, but hiding evidence of the bombings and enjoying the attention is pretty low when you take a tragedy like this. It's shocking that this happened. Though it's not confirmed they did anything.
I was watching the news this morning when I saw on the ticker tape that the grades for the schools in my state are being released. The school leaders were calling it: "punitive and arbitrary" so I decided to ask the question: Do you believe schools should be graded on the quality of education they offer and how they run the schools and for what? In my opinion, yes they should. Mostly because having gotten the education I have got in one of the "finer" schools in the state, it was great in several fields, but a lot of places it showed it could use massive improvement. One of it was one of the most important subjects that needed to be learned: Math. My teachers for the most part in math were so bad I was confused and lost most of the time in Junior High and part of high school before I found a few good teachers. Every single year I ended up with a teacher who allowed the class to run out of control. I would go for classroom size, quality of teaching, control of classroom, conditions of building/equipment, and bullying issues. These issues are the biggest concern for me especially conditions of building/equipment where my high school's roof was caving in, the heater clanged and banged all day, and the desks were falling apart. As a person bullied, I would want to see that the issue is being handled effectively so it stops and there's less problems cropping up.
That you ever heard in video games? It can be creepy, scary or just weird. Mine would have to be from Pokemon Silver: Drowzee: A psychic that eats dreams. He prefers children's because they're much more tastier.
Parents sometimes don't exactly.... Understand technology. It could be games, it could be the internet, it could be a cell phone that I had to program for my mom... Anything technology based in the last 20 years or so so we don't go back to typewriters. For instance, today I showed my cat to a member via webcam on Skype and despite the fact that the person lives on the other side of the ocean, my mom believes the member can still come over and steal him and rob us blind. And yes, that is true.
Again, one of my favorites for Internet critics. Made by Linkara, the comic book reviewer. Linkara if you ever watch his Atop the Fourth Wall LOVES Power Rangers, to the point where he did several incorporation into his storylines and reviews. He decided at one point to review every single season of Power Rangers, granted, they come out MUCH slower than his regular reviews, but they are an excellent sit down and watch. He does it more seriously but still keeps the humor strong enough to keep the laughs strong. My personal favorite so far is the Turbo review. Just how riled he gets about how bad that season was is hilarious. When I seriously get annoyed or just downright pissed at a series I now do the same thing like he did when it hit rock bottom. Walk out of the room, scream at the top of my lungs and go back in.
Watching the news about a video game today on Youtube which I won't cite because of the fact that they quoted a woman who claims her son failed out of college for playing games and0 failed a bowling class. I came to wonder: Are video games a hobby or an addiction? Why do you pick what you do? I honestly think it's a hobby that with everything, can turn into a addiction. Games are just a fun pastime that people play to kill time or to relieve stress. Can it turn into an addiction? Yes, but it's up to the individual to control how much they play.
Which one do you best associate with Nintendo? Which one when you think Nintendo pops in your head? And why? Other than Mario, just because of all the answers being Mario. I would have to say Link from Legend of Zelda. I haven't played Skyward Sword, but I've played all the console games for it which is the only series I've played to this far. I enjoyed his games in the past and still think of the series with a nostalgic fondness.
When the zombie is already dead? I was trying to explain this to my mom when I showed her the book: A Zombie Survival Guide in Wal-Mart, and yes, there is such a book. And she asked me this... So I ask everyone, how do you do it?
Improve in general about the Kingdom Hearts series? Personally, I would either get better traveling companions or better AI for Donald and Goofy. Their AI is terrible with the fact that they always heal the wrong person in a lot of the cases. Note: Due to Spam issues, you can say your thoughts on someone else's improvements, but this topic is for IDEAS to improve the series. Please post your ideas on improvements and keep on topic.
Alright, this isn't fully what you would think, not about the violence and what not in video games. I'm talking about the promotion of video games. Me admittedly not being a Star Trek fan, I really didn't look into the new game that came out. I was on one of my reviewers websites when he added a vlog about how the new Star Trek was really screwed up. Apparently Steam and Xbox/PS3 didn't give out review copies of the games until the day it came out or later. He took a look at Meta critic which basically allows anyone who signs up to do a quick review and saw this: If you look at the ones which are mostly 9 and 10's, those are the ones who reviewed once and only for this game. While the rest are mostly much lower or middle. Apparently the Co-op also has been down since it was released until Wednesday at the least from the posting of this vlog. Which someone on the day of release says it works fine with steam servers. He's also got a log of 158 hours on Star Trek on his profile and only has played that. EDIT: Oh yeah, he's the Senior Producer of the game from Linked-In. Source of Vlog: WARNING: It does contain several bits of swearing. I'm just wondering with the way video game companies are going with advertising and the Internet, do you think it's going too far with the way they try to get people to buy games? Do you think it should be changed? If so, how?
Keep it to video game reviews only, please... He's very more adult than the Nostalgia Critic. Mainly he blames his generation growing up with role models like Jean Claude Van Damm. He's a personal favorite of mine, even after his fallout with TGWTG which I do ask not to mention here due to the controversy. I love his Ultima reviews and Final Fantasy especially. I never even actually heard of Ultima until I saw his retrospective.
One of my recent most favorite reviewers. He reviews a lot of other things, but at least for this thread, please keep it to Atop the Fourth Wall. His humor can be off the wall sometimes, but he keeps it squeaky clean and I love his storylines. My favorites so far are either the origins of the magic gun or the Entity. Both were incredibly well-written and had amazing endings. I especially like Marville. Just his reaction to it being that week has me laughing.
One of my old time favorites that still does reviews today. Even though he retired a bit and came back for reasons he refused to disclose though from what it sounded like he got new ideas. He has a more adult humor base about him, but he is very dead on with his humor. He even does commentary every other week about his opinions on things. Twilight, Romeo and Juliet, Where the Wild Things Are. Things like that. Anyone else watch him?
This might have been suggested before, but I was wondering if there could be a section on Internet reviewers. Like TGWTG crew, Angry Video Game Nerd, etc... Maybe even some of the larger Youtube critics. Just a thought, what do you guys think?
I have seen this kicking around a few times, it is actually pretty violent and NOT a kids friendly gaming part despite the fact it is focused on Pokemon and Mario and apparently a few other franchises. PETA has decided a few years ago to make a few "realistic" video games based on several franchises. Two of them being Pokemon and Super Mario Brothers 3. Pokemon about basically the whole general standard about the series, capturing Pokemon, putting them in balls, using them for fighting, the Professors and so on and so forth. The other one was Mario with the Tanooki suit that apparently the animal does exist in Japan and they thought it was a cruel practice. For this, they made two games, Mario's one without going into any detail is a animal chasing Mario. Y-eah, I'll leave it like that. Pokemon is basically a Pikachu rescuing all the Pokemon being held by trainers who treat the pokemon wrongly. Again, these are NOT kid games so I'll spare the deeper details. Personally, I think it's funny as hell. I do despise animal cruelty, and I hate anything wrong with animals being treated wrongly. These two games and the others which I freely admit I haven't seen are really for me funny especially as a fan of Pokemon, the conclusions PETA comes to about the series and what they think is right and wrong about it are completely different than what the games are for. Oh yeah, and they do heavily advertise these are kids games. Though they are claiming that the Mario one was a "joke." They still at least have Pokemon up. I again don't recommend these for kids.
I've heard a rumor, not confirmed, that there's going to be Legend of Zelda voice acting in the next game which sounds like the Wii U. I just wanted thoughts on it of the silent protagonist maybe talking now. Me? I'm really not looking forward to it. One of the reasons I didn't like Super Mario 64 and it's sequels is because I hate Mario's voice. I don't think it fit well with his character and I REALLY thought it was stupid sounding with the high-pitchedness of it and his words. But that's just me. Anyone else with thoughts?
So I'm kinda like, new here... Anyone you know who can help? :P