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  1. Sara
    Would you be excited if there was a co-op? Maybe a choice on the second player? If so, what would you like to it to be and why?

    I would 100% like this to happen. I think it'd be fun to play as a different character and do co-op with someone else other than a party member which can happen since the hardware has expanded a lot since the PS2 era. I would personally like Terra and Riku to be the co-op because they're my favorites.
    Thread by: Sara, May 21, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Sara
    Does anyone think it's odd that Donald and Goofy had no idea what Mickey meant by "key" in his letter when Mickey has a keyblade himself?

    I mean, when they meet Sora in Traverse Town and talk about the keyblade, they seem to be reacting as if this is the first time they've ever heard of it when their king has a keyblade himself. Does that mean he never showed it to those two before?
    Thread by: Sara, May 21, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Sara
    I'm curious amongst the Pokemon fans out there, what do you prefer more? The old games or the new ones? Why?

    I actually like the old games more. It's easier to capture all of the Pokemon for that game before they made games where you have to do a data transfer to capture all of the Pokemon. I really draw the line at the second generation. That and it seems that training all of the new Pokemon is much more harder and grueling.
    Thread by: Sara, May 21, 2013, 22 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. Sara
    Voice the characters yourselves?

    I mean, before Voice Acting became practically a requirement in most games. Did you ever voice over the text yourself just for fun?

    I have a lot of the times, especially when my mom is playing with me and she reads slower than I do. I also do it for games like Super Mario RPG because it's really fun to make different voices for all the characters. Does anyone else?
    Thread by: Sara, May 21, 2013, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  5. Sara
    WARNING: This might get a bit graphic, just to warn people.

    I have been watching Animal Cops when I can, and a lot of the cases they take on are animal hoarding cases. They call it an illness that is hard to cure, but I've heard other people say it's animal abuse. So I'm curious what people think it is: Abuse or illness?

    For people who don't know, animal hoarding is where a person or people take in more animals than they can take care of and don't find them homes when they're overwhelmed. Most animals aren't fixed and breed which causes more problems. This leads to a lot of diseases and very unsanitary conditions for both the animals and the owners. This also leads to starvation for a lot of animals.

    I have seen a lot of this happening on the show, and I'm torn between the two. I know a lot of people get attached to pets. Having a cat of my own, it'd kill me to ever get rid of him. If I had to get rid of him would I? Yes, I would. I already have plans set for in case this happens. I also know that my limit is my cat right now and I can't get another pet no matter how cute I see other animals.

    I have seen these people claim on loving the animal and that they take care of them. They hold them and carry them and cry when they get rid of them. I know they think they love the animal, but at the same time, I can't ever imagine not realizing you can't feed an animal and still keeping it. I've heard of cases where hoarders have bags of food for their animals out of reach though I've never seen one case myself like that. So I don't fully know.
    Thread by: Sara, May 20, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Sara
    Alright, playing Kingdom Hearts again, I'm just curious.

    Who do you think tried to save Kairi more? Who do you think tried to give more to help her? Sora or Riku? And why?
    Thread by: Sara, May 20, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Sara
    With DLC, patches, Demo's that cost money. *there's one so far that I found, $2.50 for downloading the demo in Japan, too lazy to google it* And tons of sequels not including the price of video games today. Do you think video game companies are getting too cheap and lazy before this generation of console? Do you think games are being rushed out because now patches can be made to fix any problems games have instead of taking their time to iron it out before it hits store shelves?
    Thread by: Sara, May 20, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. Sara
    A horse racing book, noted...

    But it also goes really in-depth about the business side of horse racing. Especially the huge crash during the 1980's and the poor decision making in farming businesses that lead many to bankruptcy. Calumet Farm was one of the most famous horse-racing farms of all times, having won the most Triple Crowns and second in the most Kentucky Derbies. Family issues drove to non-family members owning the farm leading to greed and massive lending and poor decision making that lead the farm to bankruptcy and one of the most controversial racehorse deaths of all time.

    The book is extremely well-written taking on both sides of what happened fairly and trying to stay neutral on what happened to cause it to fall apart in less than ten years after they were in the green by eight billion dollars and debt free nine years before bankruptcy hit the farm and the remaining family members hard. I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves horses or wants to read about business practices.

    Anyone else read it?
    Thread by: Sara, May 20, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Literature
  9. Sara

    I know this is old, hence the reason I'm not posting this in current events. But I found this recently, another one sold for over $9,000 with four different bidders before it came out. Seeing the screenshot of the auction myself, despite it saying it'll be overnight shipping, it's still four dollars for three to five day delivery. Which would land it on launch day. So I'm curious, would you spend a lot of money to play a game early and why? How much?

    Personally, I wait for the used games mostly unless it's something I really want. I would try to sell a copy that I got on Ebay early because I would pay off my school loans with it, but that's just me.
    Thread by: Sara, May 20, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. Sara
    Wellp, season 11 trailer is up now:

    I loved Red vs Blue, but the last two seasons have been discouraging for me. This has reached the eh level for me, I don't feel nearly as hyped as I did in 9 or 10.

    I do admit, if they go back to their roots and cover what happened after the break-in, they refound a die-hard fan. But right now, I'm not really enjoying Red vs Blue as much as I used to. What do you guys think?
    Thread by: Sara, May 20, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Sara
    Less than a hundred to go. :P
    Thread by: Sara, May 20, 2013, 40 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sara
    Anyone who's played basically any game ever made has seen this. What do you think is better? A silent or vocal protagonist? Or both? And why?

    I actually grew up in the 80's and 90's where it was a mostly silent protagonist. I have played modern games where the protagonist fortunately or unfortunately depending on the person's POV has spoken. Some of is really deep and thoughtful. It brings more depth to the character and more insight. I think a good example of this is .hack//Gu with Haseo where you can always hear his raw emotions deep in his voice but it can come out subdued and tired when need be. Some of it can be slightly annoying. Like for me Tidus's voice during most of Final Fantasy X because of how overemotional and sometimes whiny it got. Not including the laughing scene, a stark contrast to Haseo in Gu. Then it goes to where it was a gamekiller for me, mostly Mario's voice. And I know that some like Mario's voice, which I won't go to because of spam. Also the reason why I worry about the LOZ series going the same way. And yes, I know people do enjoy both voices and a lot of other ones like this, but my tastes don't, so I apologize if I offended someone.

    So I lean towards either, but it has to be a good strong voice without too much emotion. It has to show a good balance to it without going way too far.
    Thread by: Sara, May 18, 2013, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. Sara
    Alright, time for the childhood days. And sorry if this is in the wrong section.

    When I was growing up during Saturday cartoons, there was two minute segments that was called: Schoolhouse Rock. It was edutainment at it's finest. The videos were massively entertaining and funny, the music was catchy and easy to remember. I still remember some of the lyrics to some of the songs off the top of my head and the lyrics themselves were hilarious. I went to a recent concert of it being held in a local park and felt like a kid again singing along with the music.

    Anyone else hear of these songs?
    Thread by: Sara, May 18, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Music
  14. Sara
    Recently I saw a video with a Internet reviewer who had an honest one-on-one with his fans about adblocker. It caused quite a stir amongst members of the website, so I'm curious, btw:

    Adblocker for those who don't know blocks most if not all ads including ads before a video starts. It usually is used to stop inappropriate ads and/or virus based ads. The problem when it comes to Internet Reviewers and/or Entertainers. People who use the Internet for strictly their jobs of making money by making videos and posting them for people to watch. This is their only source of income in most cases and it has gotten to the point where Blip made a screen saying that they won't start the video for 90 seconds unless you watch a sixty second ad.

    So I'm curious: Do you think that Ad Blocker should be used for Internet Reviewers and/or Entertainers? Why or why not? Do you think that people should take the videos without permission and post them on Youtube?

    And yes, I know about the Whitelist, and that there's some countries that don't allow ads like Canada, though it'd be interesting to hear the countries POV, I'm aiming towards countries where you have to watch the ads unless you have something like Ad Blocker.

    I have always supported anything I watch. Albeit their websites and/or a third party. I will sit down and watch the ads. I don't have much money and I want to support as much as possible for something entertaining that makes my day a bit better. I know this is their only income and if they had other income coming in they'd be no longer able to make the videos because of how much work eats away at time. So I will sit through any ad, that and in the U.S. at least the commercials are getting out of control anyway on television compared to online, but I digress.
    Thread by: Sara, May 18, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  15. Sara
    This DOES NOT include remakes. Please don't add them, it mostly involves the most recent games though it can go back as far as you like. Hell, I know someone who thought it fell apart after II.

    Anyway, after watching a review on FFXIII, I was wondering to everyone: Do you think the Final Fantasy series is falling apart/becoming less popular/not as good as it used to be? Why?

    I was a huge fan of Final Fantasy, I loved VI through X and sometimes even play the older games also. I stopped playing after trying XII and getting halfway through it. The fact that you don't earn money via monsters and you had to pay for everything to get any kind of upgrade drove me off it. I was thinking about getting XIII until I saw the reviews. I think it doesn't have the life it used to have. It used to be so expansive and had so much depth to each character. Terra is still one of my favorite characters of all time, just how much she goes through and how much she questions herself and humanity is painful to watch. The worlds were huge and expansive, allowing you to explore every nook and cranny if you wanted to and gave a sense of adventure.

    Note, I do love Final Fantasy X, but even then it became so linear. From leveling up to exploration. It was a set path through most of the game, and when it became exploring, you could only go to certain places and explore within that area. And steadily over time it got more and more linear.

    The characters just seemed to become less and less appealing. Tidus just seemed more annoying than anything else. Note: My favorite character was Auron, maybe Yuna as a female character at a stretch. Auron was the only one who had an air of mystery and depth that lasted the whole game. The rest of characters seemed shallow and never really drawn out to their full potential.
    Thread by: Sara, May 18, 2013, 37 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Sara
    "To Death Do Us Part."

    It's been in there for a very long time, but the problem is that now people no longer live until 30-40 years old. With modern medicine, people can live over a hundred. So the question is with the divorce rate through the roof and millions of couples out not all, mind you, being miserable.

    Should a marriage be for life? Or should be there a renewable contract for every certain amount of years? If so, how long should the contract last and what provisions should be in place for said contract?

    And yes, I know about annulments and pre-marriage contracts which I forgot the name of off the top of my head. I meant in general.

    I think honestly it should be a contract. A contract is so much easier to get declared null and void. Especially when there's terms or conditions that either party broke. An abusive husband who's wife wants to get away from is an example, or if the wife/husband goes through bankruptcy which almost always leads to a divorce afterwards is another. It can last at the most 20 years.

    I already listed partly what I'd like to see in such a contract, but I haven't mentioned a child. If a child is born under the marriage, there should be a trust fund set up not allowed to be touched by the parents where an allowance is given to the child every week for the parent to use for the child's needs and/or the child itself depending on the age. Or it should be an automatic withdrawal from the other parents check every week in child support.

    I have worked at a law firm office where there's hundreds of thousands in the state alone who are struggling raising a child on their own with no support from the child. It happens sadly all the time.
    Thread by: Sara, May 17, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  17. Sara
    An old game from the SNES games. I rented this one with a friend of mine who insisted we rent it. I dutifully put it in and soon it took my breath away.

    It doesn't have the polish graphics of today, but the sprites are fantastic. The storyline is deep and involving dealing with a lot of real life issues and morals that really stick with you as time goes on. The actual plot is basically a cliche: You, a kid who lost his father and the rest of the crew on an exploration somehow survived with no memory on how and ended back with your grandparents back in a small cape. When you are asked to bring a ring to the castle, you are thrown in jail for not having the ring and eventually find out from a being called Gaia that you have powers you have never imagined and you have to save the world.

    You travel to actual places on Earth with your friends, learning and developing along the way. The music is fantastic to listen to and easy to hum to. The dialogue is hilarious from your grandmother's meal choices to the princess apologizing that you're in jail. But when it gets serious, it's serious to a T and is very deep. Before the times Nintendo became kiddy this is a shining example of it being a deep involving storyline that makes you really think.

    Anyone else play it?
    Thread by: Sara, May 14, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Sara
    This is one of the few games I can never play because of the emotional decisions you make in the game. The other being Heavy Rain, though admittedly I watched both being played.

    This game is art to a T. It's a short game, only about eight hours long, and most of it is traveling and fighting bosses. There's no other things to fight. It's about Wander, a man who with his horse Agro goes and tries to bring his loved one back to life. To do this, he gets the help of a voice named Dormin who says it can only help if Wander kills the sixteen colossi. I won't give away the ending nor what happens with them colossi, but it is emotionally heart wrenching to watch. Just the final Colossus for me starts me crying, not including the end.

    It's a beautiful game and deserves much more recognition it gets. Anyone else play it?
    Thread by: Sara, May 12, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  19. Sara
    Yes, there is an actual article about this. From Nintendo, actually. I found a video from a die-hard gamer, but his commentary is too colorful to put a link.

    I honestly think again, this is funny as hell. Mario Kart and Wii Sports are violent? They cause the shootings? I don't believe video games cause violence, and I honestly thought it ended when Jack Thompson got his BAR license suspended indefinitely, but apparently it's still out there. I have played most of the games and can't believe that they are considered violent.


    Games Listed:

    Mario Party 9, Wii Sports, Mario Kart Wii, Animal Crossing: New Leaf and New Super Mario Brothers Wii.

    Oh yeah, they're saying because of "comic mischief" and "cartoon violence."


    In another interesting note, they're also being blamed for causing cancer. NOTE: There's a bit of swearing in article.

    This just floors me more than anything else. Having played video games since I was a little kid with no problems, I again think this is funny as hell.
    Thread by: Sara, May 12, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Current Events
  20. Sara
    I read a few weeks ago an editorial about how technology is making people ruder. That not being able to see the person makes people more prone to speak their minds and be rude.

    What do you think?

    I honestly think sometimes yeah, people are more rude on the Internet. There's more people who are trolling on the Internet than irl, I told my mom once that anything you want to think up will be on the Internet. It's the same for people, they can say whatever they want without most consequence unless they go to a forum like this one. (No complaints from here, after Gaia, this is a God send.) But seriously, there's a lot more loose tongues on the Internet and rude remarks than there is irl now. It's part of the gift and curse of the Internet.
    Thread by: Sara, May 11, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: Debate Corner