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  1. Sara
    Well... I was feeling a shitload better...

    Then a blizzard hit, and since my mom is also fighting the flu, I shoveled all by myself. And even though a plow came and cleared the whole driveway for me...

    I have the flu again.

    DAMN YOU SNOW!!!!!!!!!
    Thread by: Sara, Feb 13, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Sara
    NOTE FROM IENZO: After speaking to Ienzo, (and yes, I see Plums down there.) I got permission, but if there's more details on what happened, ESPECIALLY the victim, please post a warning and also post in a spoiler tag on what fully happened. Due to not only the disturbing content of what happened, but also for the sake of the victim which is a personal one from me. Thank you.

    Alright, peeps...

    I just saw very severely disturbing news, which I won't mention here due to the content. But apparently a teenager on his friends 360 found porn. The results were... Bad. I do blame the parents for lack of supervision, but I also wonder because there's so many parental controls on computers and at least on the Wii, don't know about XBox, and with the Kinect picking things up and mostly misinterpreting what you say, should there be more precautions for online to make sure these things don't happen?

    EDITED for more accurate info. Found a video commenting about it. Apologies.
    Thread by: Sara, Feb 11, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. Sara
    What would it be?

    Keep it appropriate, and have it AN ACTUAL SPORT!!!

    I've heard a ton of people petitioning for skateboarding. But I think that was passed into the Olympics a few years ago.
    Thread by: Sara, Feb 10, 2014, 22 replies, in forum: Discussion
  4. Sara
    I was looking up a video about Quidditch in real life when I read some of the comments about the sport. One of them saying it was an "amateur" game shown. Nothing like the state championships. Then I found this:

    I can't stop laughing.
    Thread by: Sara, Feb 10, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sara
    What would it be?


    1. It actually has to be a sport. Sleeping, reading, etc... Doesn't count.

    2. KEEP IT CLEAN!!!

    Mine would be miniature golf. Just to see how serious the commentators could be in it.
    Thread by: Sara, Feb 10, 2014, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Sara
    Yeah... I have the flu...

    And yes, it's worse.
    Thread by: Sara, Feb 9, 2014, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sara
    Thread by: Sara, Feb 8, 2014, 61 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sara
    I've been sick as **** this week and had a cuppa this morning.... Now I feel a ton better, considering that I woke up twice last night with a rattle in my breath, I say that's really good. =3

    So there. :P
    Thread by: Sara, Feb 8, 2014, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sara

    Apparently Ron and Hermione weren't J.K.'s choice for a couple. I kinda understand... I mean, he was abusive to her. But the fans are still going nuts.
    Thread by: Sara, Feb 3, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sara
    Disclaimer: I haven't joined a rp here, and before you barrage me with requests, I am very picky in what I join. I usually make my own and if I do join, I don't usually stay long. This is from other forums, so I don't know if it applies here.

    Mostly I've seen this at Gaia, which I run two rp's at right now. Where the rules go into the normal: Nothing beyond hugging and kissing, no godmodding, etc... But a lot more often recently I've seen a lot of threads requiring at least a paragraph per post. One of the reasons I don't join anymore and some members get angry at me.

    I have word recall problems, meaning I can only type a certain amount of words per post that comes to my mind. It can be a sentence to three paragraphs or more depending on what I think. The problem is, if I try to force myself to think more than that, it drives me insane quickly, it's like for me to type up a 1000 words exactly and I have only 800 words on the subject, or 3000. Hence the reason I don't join rp's as much anymore.

    The defense to this from my reading is that members need a long post to reply in kind with a long post. Which I understand, but it's not something I can do.

    So I'm curious, does it matter how long a post is? Should it matter?
    Thread by: Sara, Jan 29, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: Role Play Discussion
  11. Sara

    I live in Maine, so I know about ice and other conditions. Granted, if it was only a quarter inch of snow, if you called work here and said you couldn't make it in, you'd probably be asked to not come in again ever. But I do know the South and warmer areas: ie: California, are not used to snow. They don't have the right kind of stuff, ie: Snow tires, sand, and plows, to handle any amount of snow.

    About an inch of snow fell in Georgia over Tuesday and the governor didn't react to this news until 1 pm. Where he declared a state of emergency and basically the whole state of Georgia shut down. This caused schools, cars, trucks and everything else to be leaving at the same time in hazardous conditions because ice has formed on the roads. Kids slept at school, some on their school buses, some are walking home now, and there's been a few deaths and injuries.

    This is just incredible to me. I understand that an inch of snow doesn't mean that much, hell, in New England, it's just a dusting that you have to scrape out of your yard to keep from forming ice. But I live in a place that every winter there IS snow, there IS storms, when it reaches over a foot, that's when things start to get cancelled. When there's very slick ice, that's when things start to get cancelled. No more, no less.

    I would NEVER expect someone to go out in even a dusting in warmer areas because of the fact there's no control on ice. Any amount of snow, even a dusting, can turn into ice, if it stays cold enough. And when you run your car over the snow, it melts, then refreezes. It's a death trap waiting to happen. Now there's people stranded and walking in their cars, kids sleeping in school gyms with whatever they can find for them, and a whole state shut down with the Guard coming in because no one realized this could be a major problem.

    It's just amazing.

    My hopes and prayers go to the people stranded and their families that they're okay.
    Thread by: Sara, Jan 29, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Current Events
  12. Sara
    Anyone else nervous about the Olympics coming up?

    I heard that even the big-time morning news people aren't going. At least for NBC, they're just sending a few of the lower level reporters over. The Russians seem not enthusiastic on getting help, but there seems to be a lot of threats floating around, especially for the people who are outside of Olympic Village.

    Thread by: Sara, Jan 25, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. Sara


    I honestly didn't know where to post this, but...

    JewWario, aka: Justin Carmicheal, shot and killed himself Thursday.

    For people who don't know, he was a huge Internet celebrity who recently broke off with TGWTG and was famous for: "You Can Play This"/"You Can Cook This". I will never forget his famous pokemon reviews with Suede and Linkara, which I always watch to cheer myself up.

    His wife was on the other side of the bathroom door when he killed himself, and she said he loved all his fans.

    RIP, and my thoughts and prayers go out to the friends and family.
    Thread by: Sara, Jan 25, 2014, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sara
    *shoves you out the door of your own house, locks the door behind you*

    Thanks for the place to stay. =3 :P
    Thread by: Sara, Jan 2, 2014, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Sara
    I'm having an extremely tough time at work. Most of the workplace has shunned me and only a few I am in good speaking terms with. It has gotten to the point where I mostly refuse to leave my office, mainly because one of the bosses is a bully who enjoys harassing me and badmouthing me behind my back despite me being able to hear him due to the smallness of the office.I have felt for a long time I don't belong and was massively out of place.

    I skipped out of the office party last year due to this and found to my relief that this year it hit on a day I had a doctor's appointment since my other boss gave me hell for not going. That was yesterday, when I came in today someone gave me a really nice looking windchime on my desk, saying it was from "Santa". A cat was the decoration, which I constantly talk about my own cat with the few friends I have there. It just made my day and I cried being so touched that I felt like I belonged and someone cared enough to do this.

    I have other random acts of kindness, when I have had some of the worst days and I was walking home a ruin people sometimes pull on the side of the road and ask if I was okay. Others given me rides in storms and a neighbor due to a massive storm that hit with the driveway with three feet of snow in the front not only snowblowed me and my mom's whole driveway (we can't afford a snowblower) but his wife helped me shovel the rest because I was struggling with how much was there.

    I try to help on my own, when I get tickets at arcades, I always give it to a little kid who looks like he needs some. One time a very girl was crying because her mom was putting her on a ski slope too hard for her and yelling at her, I cheered her up and made her laugh, even going on a bunny slope with her to help her feel better. I always this time of year go out and get a really nice but cheap jacket along with a hat and scarf for a needy kid from families that ask for it through a charity. Then I toss in crayons and coloring books that I also buy. I've helped random strangers on the street and at the store if I see them struggling.

    This holiday and always... Do random acts of kindness for people. Even if they're strangers, they not only help and touch their lives, but your own.

    So what random acts of kindness have you done, or have received?
    Thread by: Sara, Dec 19, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  16. Sara
    Well... I'm watching a video on Youtube about the copyright issues. Apparently now Youtube is closing videos that just have clips of a copyright material. Ie: Music, games, movies, etc...

    The reviewer I'm watching right now: Angry Joe. Note: If you watch the video, there's a ton of swearing in it. Has had over fifty videos, 62 videos from the time he made it, removed. Over four years of his work, and note: He makes a living off these videos, and saying that he might stop doing this because he can't earn any money. Including one from "Tomb Raider" for his interview WITH the executives of Tomb Raider. It sounds like it's a bot, but there's also people who's also flagging the videos.

    I honestly am pretty shocked, this hurts a lot of people. Not just Angry Joe, not just famous gamer reviews, but a lot of different other reviewers. I knew for a long time that people depend on these reviews for money for their living. I know this is the reason why SOPA was shot down, but it sounds like they're making a loophole. I understand when it's full movies and music, but just clips of a game, or a movie, or music, shouldn't be hit like this.

    So, thoughts?

    EDIT: One of the linked videos has a title of: Over a 100 videos blocked from another member.

    EDIT #2: Here's a petition link:
    Thread by: Sara, Dec 14, 2013, 23 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. Sara

    First time I'm happy a study happened. Course, it shows that kids who are five with three hours or more of tv end up with emotional and behavioral issues. But I wouldn't really let a five year old play a game/watch tv for more than three hours anyway.

    It makes me wonder who's parents let them play video games at such a young age. Course, I was playing MK3 in high school and watched the other two in the arcade, along with renting bloody games once in a while. So maybe I shouldn't be the one judging.
    Thread by: Sara, Nov 21, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Current Events
  18. Sara
    I have been working at a small law firm for over four years now. It's a law firm that works for a bigger corporation. The supervisor (Chris) from said corporation has gone out of his way to show his utter hatred and anger towards me.

    My supervisor (Terre) has little to no control over him and his actions. She has even a few times accused me of ridiculous things, including stealing microwave popcorn and dollar store bulk candy from a co-worker who I shared a desk with at the time. She also has treated me unfairly compared to the rest of my co-workers in other cases, including not asking my view when disputes arise and has given me severe lectures and embarrassed me. Several times she's accused me of stinking up the office. Another time she was mad and gave me a scathing lecture when I stood up for myself in a meeting when Chris bullied me into it when I was in a dispute with a co-worker about her doing my work when I really needed the work.Which I could hear the co-worker and Chris making jokes and laughing on the other side of the thin wall that separates our office while listening in.

    The worst is Chris, he has basically verbally abused, harassed, sworn at and threatened me since I started working there. He has sent disparaging e-mails about me which I saved, told really nasty things to the co-workers behind my back, started rumors about me, I think he's the one who started the one about me stealing, called me a: "Waste of space" several times, has told me that if I ever make another mistake, he'd happily "rub it in my face", ripped me a new one about things when my supervisor who has final say said it was fine, and told me at least twice he can't stand the mere sight of me. One time I even LOOKED AT him too long when leaving which his office is right across the back door and he said: "What the **** are you looking at?"

    I haven't said two words towards him and generally avoid him. I have even tried to avoid him and honest to God am terrified of him. My supervisor is now gone for two weeks and he has, when she left to drop her dog at the kennel, insulted and criticized me for what I was doing. One part he was telling me to do is illegal in my type of work.

    I have contacted WOW, Americans with Disabilities association, Human Rights Commission, and the Civil Liberties Union. WOW has contacted me twice with looking into it, the rest haven't. Does anyone have any help?
    Thread by: Sara, Oct 25, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  19. Sara
    Alright, I've been reading/watching articles and videos about this recently. This comes up after a documentary called: "Black Fish" was made. Talking about how the death of a Sea World trainer was going to happen and why.

    If no one doesn't know, in 2010, a Sea World Orca/Killer Whale trainer slipped on concrete into the water around one of the killer whales tanks. This one had a 12,000 pound killer whale in it called Kilikum who has had a past of killing people and/or ending up with dead people in the tank with him. One being a trainer in his old marine park, and another being someone who stayed past hours and somehow got into his tank where they found his body the next day. His death is unknown whether or not the whale participated in it, though he did die of pneumonia. Kilikum unfortunately grabbed her and dragged her to the bottom where she drowned. Ever since then, a lot of outrage has been going out about the whales being in captivity and the cruelty of Sea World's practices.

    So, with all this aside, do you think Killer Whales/Orcas should be in captivity and/or caught or not? Do you think the ones that are captive should be released?

    I got a pretty nasty reaction by animal rights activists when I said no, they shouldn't be released. As far as I can tell, and I've seen calves with their mothers before the Sea World shows playing in the tanks, that there's a huge breeding program going on at Sea World. At the very least, there's no more capture of Orca's in most major U.S. theme parks. I don't know about the rest of the world, but if there is, I don't agree with capturing them. Especially since the methods of capture are severely brutal from videos shown about it. Including dropping bombs in the water, boats, aircraft and trapping the orcas with nets and taking the babies. Not including I think it goes under the Endangered Species Act that it's not allowed. I'm not sure, I haven't studied Environmental Science in a decade.

    As for the tame ones, the major problem is, even when they show their hunting instincts. They have been around people too long, they associate people with food, shelter and safety. The Orca who was in Free Willy, Keiko, spent two years trying to get oriented towards the fact that he was in the wild. When he got loose, he was still going to shallow areas and letting kids play with him. There's a home video shown where two little tourist girls are playing with him in the water. He unfortunately died shortly after he was found in the wild, about three weeks or so. And the death is unknown there was no autopsy. His association with humans could've easily lead to his death because he wouldn't know not to stay away from some people. That some people can and will hurt and kill animals. This isn't just orcas, most animals, whether it be cat, dog, bear, tiger, etc... Once they get imprinted with humans=free food and nothing will happen, they can never be released into the wild.

    It's a sad fact.
    Thread by: Sara, Oct 24, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  20. Sara
    Yes, we all know there are families who have kids who can't even afford an apple for themselves. That's an issue for another day.

    Recently me and my mom have been talking about this a lot, so I got curious about other people's opinions.

    Do you think that there should be more of a selection on who has kids based on genetics?

    With allergies, autism and a ton of other things on the rise, do you think it should be more controlled to slow down the genetic defects carried?

    Take myself, I come from a family that from both sides carry toxemia (a problem with pregnancy that can kill you), autism, cancer, schizophrenia, mental illness, staph, cancer and a slew of other problems. Both sides of my family carry this gene, and my brother has autism while I have a slew of medical and mental problems wrong. My brother has a kid right now who luckily missed so far all of these problems.
    Thread by: Sara, Oct 21, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: Debate Corner