Damned co-worker who hates my guts, he was sick, I'm sure he breathed all over my damned keyboard when I was out for a few minutes. >< I WAS JUST BOUNCING BACK, TOO!!!!!!! T_T
Alright, this might be in the wrong section, so sorry... :/ My mom is CONSTANTLY being ripped off by her mechanic. Gas tank at least half full when she leaves it and empty when it's returned, (twice this has happened now), calling and hanging up on her to prevent pick up of her car, (she works at home and knows who calls when,) calling once and hanging up, which she challenged both and he blew her off, this time they took three days to repair an hour job with a broken window and ignoring her concerns about having her car back so she can use it on the day they FINALLY returned it, and charged twice as much as the first estimate to have it fixed, and this isn't the first time this has happened, jobs not fully fixed (and this is the brakes, we got it back today and it still smells like they're burning when he said it was an oil leak, though they feel and sound repaired, despite his claims they weren't the brakes.) Hung up on when calling and asking for estimates, leaving early without calling her and hanging up on her (again) when the boss isn't in. Not including he took my e-mail address without permission when I was interested in a scooter from one of his other owned shops and keeps on e-mailing me with hints to promote him and deals. Despite my e-mail back telling him to remove my address from his mailing list. So yeah, I'm trying to find her a new mechanic, but this guy is sworn from hell and back again to be the best mechanic and most reliable service in the area by a ton of people. I seriously want to get her a better mechanic, we can't afford to keep on being ripped off by this guy, does anyone have any tips on what to look for?
My office finally advanced out of the early 2000's... We have Windows 7, thank you M$ for finally doing something right and making my boss who doesn't know how to use power point finally upgrade her computers which go slower than a turtle on their best days. aka: I love these new ****ing things. =3
Just in a Red vs Blue forum, I utterly hate 2 seasons due to how it destroyed a ton of things I was looking forward to someday being shown. The members aren't pleased by my opinion and we end up in a beating the dead horse every time it's brought up. =u= It's kinda getting annoying, since it's over a season ago, especially.
Alright, I've been playing InFamous and InFamous 2, and been watching Second Son because I can't afford a PS4 yet. And I noticed something: The boss battles in InFamous are few, there's only three and I personally think they're some of the best boss battles I fought in. Each demanding strategy, a lot of timing and precision, and focus. InFamous 2 did something different with a lot of boss battles (with bosses returning later to fight as enemies) But not as much though going into the thought process of fighting them. And then Second Son seems to shift back into InFamous boss fighting again. So, while I played 2, I thought: Which is better? Quality bosses that demand strategy and precision with only a few battles, or a ton of boss fights with less focus on strategy? Personally, and everyone who has seen my posts about InFamous 2 probably knows this, but I was a huge fan of InFamous boss battles, even though there were few, the thought you had to put into each one really showed through how the game can really screw with your mind. Especially the first and last boss battle.
The ending was spectacular, I loved it and I cried during it. :( I still didn't like it as much as one, though... Mainly because of so many enemies that kicked my ass and the glitch at the final boss I kept on hitting. But it is still a fantastic game. Especially the play on emotions.
It's hard to be good when you see so much evil. I just thought of the quote, while capturing militia. It is hard, and this game reminds me so much of X-Men.
Holy **** balls... That last battle and ending were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! The only complaint is the second to last mission where I kept on dying before the first AA. But the whole game is incredible and especially the boss battles and ending!!!
This weekend was my birthday... My mom wrenched her neck because she's stressed and has bad knees now from going up north taking care of my mother. She goes up once a week now for four days, missing work, stressing herself out and being exhausted. I've begged her to bring my grandmom to a home but she says she doesn't meet the requirements for a free one from the Veteran's Home. This weekend she wanted me to go up North and help take care of my grandmother who literally can't stand seeing the sight of me, I'd spend all weekend locked in a room and not able to do anything outside of it. I finally told her I refuse because not only I didn't want to spend my birthday that way, but I was worried about her neck. She said: "**** you, then." And dropped the subject. A week before my birthday, my godparents called, I adore them and love the atmosphere. I only see them once a year, too, and we already canceled in January because of my mom going up North to take care of my Grandmother instead of a bbq with them. We made plans and I was really looking forward to it, and when my mom's neck started acting up, she said that I either had to stay home and take care of her or help her drive up North and make sure she makes the turns before being shut in the basement all weekend. We fought most of the week about it because I was angry about missing my birthday and I was worried about her and her neck. I know she gets more stressed out during the trips and it makes her neck worse. She also said even if we stayed home, I had to stay at home and take care of her instead of going to my godparents. I did get to spend time with my godparents, even went skiing, and it was a blast. I got home last night telling about the trip. Looking back at it, I realize she seemed pissed about something, but I didn't know until this morning. I haven't skied in over a decade, and I have some injuries from other things that makes it more sore to ski. So I was sore this morning and asked for a ride, she said no because of her neck and I asked her again to consider putting my grandmother in a home. We had a huge fight about it including her shouting insults while I got ready for work. I left to walk and my mom got out and said she was driving me. I tried to refuse but she said she'd drive with or without me and I didn't want her to hurt her neck more so I got in. She spent the whole time screaming abuse and insults about me in my face and I was nearly in hysterics when I reached work. I'm having a hard time already there and I refused to go despite us being in the parking lot. She really lost it and started screaming about how mentally ill I was and how I needed to be checked, how I was going to be fired. Then she told me she would never let me go to my godparents house again. She kept on insulting and screaming at me when I got home, even talking to me on the phone when I was talking to my boss about being sick. She said: "If your boss knew you were calling because you were crying over yourself, she wouldn't be as sympathetic." Then she threatened to take Aiden my cat to the shelter when she continued to scream at me and I tried to leave for a walk. She also said she was going to call my godparents and ban me from going there again because I didn't stay home taking care of her and she said: "I let you go despite spending the whole time worrying about you breaking your leg." Now I'm upstairs, still pretty upset and feeling like not only a burden, but a selfish, insane brat who just wanted to have a weekend with my godparents on my birthday. Am I wrong?
I hate all my damned friends in it. >< One holds what happened in the beginning, despite me being a saint through the whole game, over my head and is a *****... Giving me escort and protect missions. The other one wants me to be a hero so he can get laid by the sister of the dead guy I'm chasing the killer for. Oh yeah, and talks to me while I'm doing said mission for other friend who wants me to protect a single fragile crate against 500 enemies.
WARNING: This thread WILL BE ABOUT SEXUAL ABUSE!!! If you're not comfortable with that, please don't go any further. Thank you. I do have clearance from Plumenkranze to post this. Don't go into too much graphical detail also. Thank you. IF YOU DO GO INTO DETAILS, POST SPOILER/WARNING TAGS ABOUT THE TOPIC, BE CONSIDERATE OF PEOPLE WHO ARE SENSITIVE TO THIS TOPIC. Sexism aside, which is NOT the reason I brought it up... I saw on the news today that there's a bill trying to be passed where all sexual assaults would be handled by the U.S. Judicial system. For people who don't know: All military crimes are usually handled by a military court, it's rare, if ever, that a case is handled outside of that jurisdiction. The problem is that for at least a decade women have been sexually abused/assaulted by their superiors who are men. Being a non-military person myself, I can't say how far it has gone, but I wouldn't be surprised if it has gone as far as it can, and I have heard women being sexually used to have favors granted for them. I.E.: Easier patrols. Don't quote me on that, I just heard it. So I'm wondering: Should women be allowed in the military? Should this be one area where women shouldn't be allowed due to what has happened so far? I am a woman, and being honest: I have had a past of sexual abuse in my life. I still hate mentioning it, I still hate thinking about it, and it has scarred me from it probably forever. I can't imagine what it's like for these women going through this in the military and the soldiers walking away with a slap on the wrist for their actions. I do support the armed troops, and I know there's a lot of good things our troops do, but I also know there's a lot of dark things that happen also. It's all over the world, but this is something that could be prevented with just the right actions happening in our own country, and I find it disgusting. I remember I was talking to a buddy of mine on the 360, he is training to be a Naval Submarine officer and we got into a friendly debate about this subject. I asked him out of curiosity if he believed women should be on subs with the men. He said fully 100%, I disagreed with him and said that women should be able to be on subs, but just the women should be on there. I was thinking about the close confines and the way issues can get rapidly out of control. I never forgot what he said, though I'll change some of the wording due to where I'm posting: "I would never want a bunch of emotional women in charge of a nuclear sub who can get pissed easily and destroy the whole world."
http://gawker.com/man-battles-his-g..._source=gawker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow Alright, before I continue: I'm glad all of the parties are okay. Well, alive... Anyway... I think this is hilarious, sad what happens to both guys involved, but the fact the guy used a Master Sword and was defeated by a pot is just too funny.
No spoilers, but... The whole game seems off... :/ Just the subtitles alone... PS4 version, btw... I rented the game, too...
NOTE: Due to the graphic nature of the topic/movies, please be careful about mentioning some of the scenes in the movies. Thank you. When I was in high school, I watched many films, many about the Holocaust. There was one that always haunted me. Schindler's List is a film that rocked me to the core, from the moment that a man was shot and killed in front of the factory for being a Jew and Schindler saying: "Remind me to get a new worker." To the scene of the girl in the red dress, one of the few symbolism's in color in a black and white film that shook him not only to the core, but changed his whole outlook in the Holocaust. To Schindler in the end, facing all his grateful workers who give him a ring with the words: "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire." Broke down in tears of regret and pain in the fact he couldn't do more to save the countless thousands of workers which he spent his entire fortune that he amassed in bribes to save them. It is probably the most powerful and accurate films out there talking about the Holocaust. I highly recommend it to anyone.
I have been thinking about this recently... When I was in school, there was a lot of ground covered about U.S. history. The country I live in, not just about the good, but also the bad. One of the teachers actually read from a book called: "Lies My Teacher Told Me", which is about all the historical inaccuracies about U.S. History from textbooks and what really happened: I.E: The Native Americans getting malaria infected blankets. It also was spoken about the Vietnam War and the brutality the U.S. soldiers did in the war, including water boarding and what happened after the Civil War to African Americans. Some in very graphic detail. My German teacher even showed a film next to a Holocaust one about why the U.S. refusing a boatload of Jews from Germany around the start of WWII to make us debate if the U.S. knew about the Holocaust and why nothing was done if they did. I recently have been rewatching about WWII and the Holocaust, including Pearl Harbor. And I heard a lot of comments mentioning about how dark the U.S. crimes were and how they were never or rarely mentioned. I also remember one time a group of German students came to the U.S. for the week and someone asked about how they remember the Holocaust. There was an awkward moment and they barely spoke about what they did. Note: This was only one class of German students. So it made me curious: Do you think that kids should learn about the dark side of history of their country next to their triumphs? Do you think it should be something that should be fully covered? Or should it not be mentioned, or if so, barely?
I was thinking today about my time in school, and I realized something from 7th grade on: I wasn't allowed to go on many field trips. What my school was like in Junior High is that it's separated into two teams, all the classes were the same, but different teachers for the classes and etc... The first team had a bunch of kids who went on field trips, the second team rarely, if ever went on field trips. I was in only an English class of a mixture of both teams and actually was banned from going to the Salem Witch Trials memorial in Salem due to the fact that I was on the other team and they refused to let the kids go despite my whole English class going except me and five other kids due to the fact our team didn't allow field trips. My parents threw a fit about it, but they stood firm that I wasn't allowed to go due to the fact I wasn't on the right team which was randomly selected. The other team went on a bunch of other field trips which my classmates and I weren't allowed to go on due to the parents saying that they wanted the kids to not go on them. At least on the Salem trip, I was severely disappointed I didn't get to go because it was the talk of the class for weeks afterwards. So I'm curious: Do you think field trips should be allowed? Do you think they're a good educational tool? And if there's a group of kids banned from going beyond medical reasons, parents should have the right to appeal and let their kids go if they want to?
Sorry for the rant: They're ****ing CLOSING DOWN the beaches in my town. The courts decided: "Well, these landowners own the land ACROSS from the beaches, so yeah... THEY OWN THE DAMNED BEACH ITSELF!!!" This means no one can go on the beach WITHOUT permission from the owner of part of the beach. Then they can only go so far before the other neighbors get ticked at you for "trespassing". My whole TOWN depends on the beaches for money. People visit my town SPECIFICALLY to see Walker's Point and spend money in the shops after going to the beaches or on a rainy day. So now my whole town can be bankrupt because some snooty idiots want to "claim" to own a private beach. And I take walks on summer days there and eat dinner on the beach sometimes after terrible days to cheer myself up and relax. My mom's WHOLE INCOME during the summer comes from tourists and weddings that are near or on the beach. Sorry for the rant, but this just basically destroyed a good chunk of my life and the town.
http://sochi.today.com/_news/2014/0...-blame-her-at-all-for-emotional-interview?d=1 I watched it last night and thought it was not only insensitive about her questioning, but also the fact they showed him on the ground crying until his wife pulled him away from the reporter and camera. For anyone who doesn't know: Bode Miller's brother died of a seizure last year, he obviously is still getting over it, which was shown before he even raced that he was still grieving. He just won his sixth medal and this reporter came and asked questions about his brother. Here's the interview:
In 1980 with the USSR steamrolling over the competitors for gold medals in hockey for 16 years, a U.S. hockey team full of amateurs and college students with zero chance of winning made it to the semi-finals for the gold medal and battled against Russia for a chance to compete for the gold. Against impossible odds and a team ten days before the games started that slaughtered the U.S. 10-3, the U.S. beat the USSR 4-3 and carried on to win the gold medal. To put this in perspective, this Russian team in a sport where only amateurs can compete in the Olympics at the time, found a loophole for the army team of professional players, and since it was communism, didn't get paid, who slaughtered the NHL recently in a three game play off on U.S. soil. The movie "Miracle" is a very accurate replay of the said Olympics, going from a brutal coach who united a team by making them hate him, to a group of college kids looking for their first paycheck after the games. To a goalie who lost his mother a few years before the games and never really recovered until the games. It's a fantastic movie and shows not only how hard it was for them to pull themselves to the level where they beat the USSR, but the respect of the nation.
http://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2...pic-skating/1xZJC0X9NPhzxuVGke8SsO/story.html I watched the moment on tv right now. Plushenko started skating in the Olympics around the same time I started watching the Olympics. The first thing that attracted me was his attitude, I actually thought he was a cocky ******* who was too arrogant. But I was stunned at his amazing and legendary performances. He is a legend in Russia and the world, a movie star, a person who's placed in practically every competition he set foot in. At 32, he went back to the skating rink, despite plates in his spine to compete in Sochi in Russia. He sizzled in the team and did a spectacular job that showed everyone he was back. During practice yesterday he fell three times, and in warm up tonight, he screwed up a jump, didn't fall, but it aggravated his back enough to cause him to retire. In the interview, he said he actually had no feeling in his legs after the rough landing. I have a family member who has had back surgery herself and she has said many times she can't do nearly as much as a lot of other people due to the rods in her back. I can't imagine how painful it was doing half of the things he did. He retires with two gold medals and two silver medals, almost ending up with five.