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  1. Sara
    I know this is going to sound weird, but...

    I have been roleplaying (Rp'ing) on forums for a long time. I started out with a group of friends who would usually post a few sentences. It lasted for years and I had a ball. I've done another one a few years ago where it again lasted a few years but the posts were varied from a few sentences to several paragraphs.

    It seems that no one likes my posting style now, and a lot of people turn me down simply because I don't post as much as they do or even a paragraph. I can't even join one because the same rules.

    I have word selection problems, meaning that it's a real struggle for me to post more than what I can think of in a post. Even rp wise, when I run out, especially when people make me have a minimum, I go insane trying to think of more to post. It's like walking through sand for me, even sometimes I struggle with what to type within a short limit. It's a handicap I've had all my life, and I've tried to do posts before with a minimum with disastrous results.

    I've also had people bully me over the issue and make fun of it, even after I explained it. I've had people dump me as soon as I start because of it, people who don't even reply as soon as they find out, even people who just mark down my posts for saying I have the problem.

    I have great ideas and I love rp'ing... I wouldn't be doing it for as long as I have if I haven't. I don't want to quit, but it hurts having this happen all the time, especially with all the comments.

    What should I do? Should I just give up rp'ing altogether?
    Thread by: Sara, Jul 22, 2016, 6 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  2. Sara
    I have been closely watching the Ghostbusters trailers, though honestly I cringed at the first trailer and shortly decided not to see the movie. I'm a die-hard fan of the first movie, and hell... I enjoyed the second. I just don't find it that entertaining, funny or even that good.

    What has caught my attention is the reactions to women who have spoken against reviewers/critics/commenters who have said the movie is something that they won't see because it looks terrible. AVGN is one of them, though I think he put it down well why he wasn't going to see it. (I can post a link if you wish.) And yes, I have seen a LOT of nasty comments from Youtube that is unfair and has nothing to do with the movie, but others have said the same thing that I think: The movie doesn't look that funny/good.

    A lot of people have been going after these comments/reviewers for stating this opinion, saying that they're being sexist amongst other things and hate women having rights. I heard even the cast is a part of this whole thing and is encouraging it. So the question I ask people is:

    Do you think it's unfair to judge someone for not seeing a movie that you were originally a fan of with an all-male cast that looked good. (I have looked at the original trailers and they were pretty good.) And not see a movie with the opposite gender that the trailer looked bad?
    Thread by: Sara, Jul 8, 2016, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. Sara

    The scariest thing in the world is standing in the living room hoping to see your family member leaving with a crowd of people and not on a gurney.

    My aunt lives in that County, my uncle works in the building behind the shooting. He dropped off info today in that building. Neither of us knew if they were in the line of fire or not at that point. When mom and I heard about it, we sent a frantic call to my aunt with no answer for 20 minutes. It was probably the longest in my life, I don't even remember what I did. Hearing they were okay is the best feeling in the world.

    My thoughts and prayers to the friends and family of the victims.
    Thread by: Sara, Dec 2, 2015, 6 replies, in forum: Current Events
  4. Sara
    I know I mentioned him often... And how I utterly despise religions due to his actions, here's why:

    My dad suffers from schizophrenia. Undiagnosed and untreated, he joined a cult early in life, he became a huge follower and even during the time he wasn't going he spent all his time talking about God and the bible.

    My mom got him out of the cult and they married a short time later. He then immediately got her pregnant and sold her brand new car for a beat up car that barely worked. She had my brother on her knee when he was making the deal.

    For several years he was a fanatic of religion and church. He also screamed at and abused my mom for several years and threatened to take away me and my bro if she ever left which back then would've given him visitation rights. He also stole her second brand new car and sold it while she was on vacation without her knowing.

    When she finally got him out of church, he put us in thousands of dollars in credit card debt and went to the church without us knowing. There he put in 15K worth of our life savings to the Church. He put us through bankruptcy and then later in debt due to my skin cancer. We finally kicked him out when he set fire to the house one night because he put a hot air gun next to rubber pipes and left it.

    My mom has been struggling for years, so have I. And now she's been going to my grandmother's taking care of her for five years. We finally got a break a few weeks ago when my aunt got us a brand new car to help relieve some of the stress and help my mom go up there.

    I don't have a car of my own and sometimes my cat has had random medical issues pop up. This year it scared the **** out of me when he couldn't use his hind legs. I was blind with panic with the vet saying that he should come in right away with no neighbors around and my mom gone for the weekend two hours away to get there. Thankfully it turned out to be nothing and I didn't have to go, but I don't ever want to feel that again. I also can't call him for help, either.

    She said I could have her old car even though it barely works in case of an emergency. Then my dad found out about the new car and raised hell. He's even calling around asking how much he could get for it and having them call the house. He even took the VIN off the car and the mileage.

    I'm scared and upset... I honestly don't know what to do, we can't afford a divorce... And I need this car... Especially during the long periods in winter when I'm alone and have no way to drive home.

    Does anyone know what I can do to stop him...? And to keep him from taking this car also? My mom threatened legal action if he took the new one which made him pause, but the old one it seems we're stuck.
    Thread by: Sara, Aug 18, 2015, 4 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  5. Sara
    I saw a debate yesterday about the pros/cons of tenure.

    Tenure is basically after a period of time (a few years mostly) A teacher usually unionized, will have the position to not be fired no matter how badly they teach until they leave for their own reasons. Usually this extends to immoral and illegal things that they do because the school doesn't want to deal with the problems associating with said firing.

    Granted, I have had some excellent teachers who are part of tenure. Some of my best teachers were tenure, one especially after the train wreck of third grade for me. (More on that later.) Didn't take flak from anyone and abolished bullying in the school in a few years. Starting with my class, she actually threatened expulsion if the bullying got too out of hand after several chances and higher penalties each time. A lot of other teachers encouraged in depth thinking and thinking for yourself while talking about their own beliefs and opinions. Which a lot of parents, even back then, would raise hell about.

    The biggest problem with tenure is that it allows the bad teachers, especially ones who take it as permission to assault and bully students amongst other things, a free pass.

    My first memory of school clearly was third grade. The teacher made it her personal goal in life to not only make my life a living hell in the classroom, but to encourage my classmates to do everything in their power to bully me outside it. One of the first few memories was her screaming insults non-stop at me, and my best friend joining a club dedicated to hating me which the teacher at least knew about. This happened for several months before a furious teacher found out and complained to the school and district. They didn't do anything until the teacher decided to tell my mom. My mom came in and threatened to make her life hell if the teacher decided to even look at me ever again. My mom said she almost hit her considering how I was being treated. The teacher left me alone after that, the bullying continued until I was in fifth grade when one of the bullies went too far when she stuck a stick in my spokes and sent me flying over the handlebars. The neighbors nearby heard me screaming and called my parents. My mom threatened to call the police and press charges if she ever saw the girl or her friends close to me again. They left me alone after that. The teacher was never fired or warned for her behavior against me.

    I have a lot of other examples: Teachers turning their backs to bullies going after others, threatening students, screaming obscenities at them in their face even when they're trying to leave the classroom to get away from them, threats, assault (one student said a teacher dumped a whole deskload of books on their head for forgetting a paper), abuse, humiliation (my brother who had a learning disability in math was publicly humiliated by his teacher outside of class in front of his friends because he didn't understand what she was doing I later saw her in a public screaming match with a kid with a disability because the kid couldn't figure out the math. I used her once and dropped her right afterwards because of her condescending attitude towards students.) and several other things.

    I think Tenure really needs to be fixed, it works from some teachers, but the abuse of it is rampant. A lot of unions and even school boards don't support the program.

    So... Thoughts? Do you think Tenure is a good program for teachers?
    Thread by: Sara, Aug 10, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Sara

    I'm not surprised it happened... After him flipping off the camera in his cell it seemed inevitable. Maybe for some ways he wanted the death penalty.

    Life in prison would've been much more brutal for him in a lot of ways, along with the fact that he could become a marauder for more of this to happen. I hope it doesn't, but either way, I hope the families who suffered through the tragedy can get some closure.
    Thread by: Sara, May 15, 2015, 4 replies, in forum: Current Events
  7. Sara

    I didn't see the whole thing, because... Well... I am not religious nor believe in religion. I believe in God, I utterly despise religion. I will ignore the trolls or questions why because it's personal and honestly, I get angry when talking about it.

    But I found this on youtube this morning about a priest who had in his opinion, mind you, a smart ass in his class. He decides to punch the kid in the chest and talks about it in this video years later to his congregation. There's a storm of controversy over this, which I understand, so I decided to bring thoughts here.

    I honestly won't have a good opinion since it involves abusing a child and abuse of religion. The video seems quite long if you notice the first few seconds this seems about three quarters through the man's sermon. So I'm guessing there was little backlash during the sermon itself, later maybe, but none during it. Probably some left, probably some agreed with the guy, and some probably were neutral.

    In my opinion, what the guy did was wrong. They're given too much power over kids, I've heard a lot of stories of this going on a few years ago on 60 minutes where kids came back traumatized from camps like this. I myself would've probably ended up with one if it wasn't for my mom, and my godfather probably was in one of these while growing up. He still flat-out refuses to go to any church from the experience and hates talking about religion in any aspect.

    I honestly, if we had the power, which might not be the case since the first amendment is stepping in here. (Freedom of Religion). I would investigate not only the priest, but the church that this happened to. Maybe he was removed right after he did that, maybe he stayed a few years after, but the fact it happened in the first place is enough to raise questions. Or that unless he owns the church he's working at now, they allow him to stay after saying so openly he punched a kid in the chest. Teen or not, he shouldn't have punched anyone in the chest for their beliefs or anything else.

    Thread by: Sara, Jan 11, 2015, 5 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Sara

    Hey Peeps...

    Didn't know where to post this, but...

    I just wanted everyone to know that I'm going into surgery on Tuesday. It's another mole removal, but due to the circumstances which I won't talk about except with my close friends, they're going to put me under for it. I don't know what's going to happen... There's a lot that can happen, being honest. Even in a standard procedure like this one.

    I just wanted to let you know, if I don't make it... This website is my pride and joy... The staff, the members, the way it's been running for over six years without me hovering over it. I'm proud of all you guys, and I wanted you to know that.

    Also: PLEASE DON'T SEND ME HUNDREDS OF PM'S AND MESSAGES!!!!!!!! I honestly appreciate your concern/support, but I don't appreciate it that much. :)

    Take care peeps. Keep the site going. I'll post maybe this week or weekend if it goes well. It's on my right arm, so...
    Thread by: Sara, Aug 24, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sara
    I've known this guy for years, he helped me through a lot of rough ****. Including a lot of personal stuff and I helped him through all his problems. We even called ourselves bro and sis after a while because of how close we got.

    Recently I haven't spoken to him because he/I seemed either horrendously busy, or when I spoke about my recent problems at work/home, he got angry that I didn't take an invite to live with him or get a better job despite the horrendous economy around here. I spoke to him after about four months of not talking to him recently, he basically was pissed I haven't been around, he said he's found more friends now and he was looking for more. He still saw us as friends, but he didn't want that, he wanted more.

    EDIT: He's also been having a horrendous time himself. For about a year now to be fair.

    I told him how I felt, how sometimes I felt the same, but didn't want to ruin it between us. I didn't tell him that I honestly didn't want a relationship right now, the last one I had was crushing to me, and I realized after it that I needed time to regroup and mature and get more stabilization emotionally.

    He left after talking about how he gave me a "fair opportunity" and how I knew his "desires and wants." I honestly didn't know how to reply to something like that...

    It hurts like hell to lose him, though. Really hurts.
    Thread by: Sara, May 23, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  10. Sara
    Alright, I just got a mic and was testing it for recording when I realized the app I picked: ITalk Recorder which was HIGHLY recommended to be the recorder isn't compatible with my Ipod Touch Generation 2 despite it saying in Amazon it is and the best app to use. This is the message I get:

    "You need a more updated software version."

    I triple-checked my Ipod and even restored it with the Ipod still insisting that it's up to date. Am I doing something wrong? If I can't use it, can you recommend something that works for IPod Touch Generation 2? I tried others with the same results.
    Thread by: Sara, May 19, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  11. Sara

    Recently my office got brand new Windows 7 computers, Dell computers. Ever since I got mine, it's been randomly shutting down for no reason. The computer screen goes blank for about a minute or two and then it shuts down fully. It doesn't give a warning or a reason why this is happening, and my computer is the only one of 15 that's doing it.

    I only work four hours a day there and I'm the person who gets the least hours. I had the IT guy look at it and he supposedly fixed it. It worked fine for about a week, then it started shutting down on it's own again. I don't think it's the power cables, I checked the back of my computer and screen and both seemed fine. I also noticed the IT moved the computer back there also.

    Anyone have any idea what the hell's going on with it? I am not going to any new sites that I did before we did the transfer.
    Thread by: Sara, May 14, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  12. Sara
    Alright, I've been watching clips of The Matrix recently for the first time. (Yes, I'm one of five who have never seen the movie.)

    And I got curious about one early on question faced with Neo:

    The Blue Pill, or the Red Pill?

    If no one has any idea what the hell I'm talking about, the red pill is basically waking up and seeing reality as it is. Getting away from life as you know it and removing the "blinders" if you will and seeing what the world really is and continue with all the hell that you've seen of reality so far.

    The blue pill is basically you continue with whatever fantasy you live in or non-reality you live in and forget every truth that you've seen to convince you that what you live in is fake. You wake up as it was a dream.

    That was the whole thing in the Matrix, I'm just curious as a lot of people have been debating it on Youtube, does this concept apply to real life and how? If so, which one would you pick?
    Thread by: Sara, May 12, 2014, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. Sara

    You know...

    If someone gave me that on my prom night... I think I'd make sure he'd never have children...

    Seriously... And I'd slap him.
    Thread by: Sara, May 11, 2014, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sara

    Reading past ALL the merchandising....... (And trust me, that article reminds me of the scene of SpaceBalls where Yogurt says they survive off merchandising and show all the stuff that they're going to sell after the movie comes out.)

    They're making... Another Shaq Fu game. I **** you not. Anyone who is like me and actually remembers it or has seen it on Youtube... It is considered one of the worst games ever made. I played it a few times and after getting my butt kicked every time on the first fighter, I gave up and went to a different game that was on display. It is infamous for how bad it is.

    And they're making a sequel, though I'm hoping it's a hoax. In any case, I look at it with a raised eyebrow, and walk away. At least it made my day.
    Thread by: Sara, May 9, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Sara
    Alright, here's the problem:

    If anyone doesn't know, I have a very abusive co-worker at work. Very abusive, like flinching when he's shouting, hands shaking when I think of him entering my office, panic attacks on the way home, spending twenty minutes locked in the bathroom crying because I heard him cussing about me and shouting about me making mistakes and "showing she's wrong."

    I have gone to my boss three times with this with her doing nothing, apparently he's not the owner but an employee of the company our law firm works for, which I don't know the name of. And several organizations with no results. I'm going to get a tape recorder and record this guy next. The problem is, as soon as I do this, I'm done with this office. Even if I stay, my life will be pure and utter hell even more so when he finds out. And I can't afford to quit.

    If I show my boss and threaten to make it public with demands, it'll be blackmail, which I don't want to spend jail in. If I make it public and/or sue, it'll destroy the office. I'm sure a lot of clients will not tolerate what's going on in the office and drop us.

    There are a few nice people who work there, my boss used to be utterly terrible towards me, including accusing me of stealing dollar store bulk candy and microwave popcorn. But recently her attitude has changed, even giving me advice about my ankle now that I wrenched it and giving me rides home when it's been terrible weather when I can't get a ride, even when she's been horrendously busy. She's poured a lot of money into this firm and I know it'll destroy her financially if I sue and/or go public. There have been two co-workers who have been kind to me since I started and always lent an ear to listen to. Even on my worst days, I know that they care and give me support. I know they'll probably be okay, but I hate them just losing a job like this.

    The other side is that I'm not the only one this has happened to. I'm probably the worst with reactions, except a co-worker who was humiliated by another co-worker (not the same person) on an extremely private matter and was blown off when she complained. There have been other people bullied by this guy, especially if they start to show any friendship towards me. I don't want this to happen to someone else...

    So what do I do?
    Thread by: Sara, May 3, 2014, 13 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  16. Sara

    Seriously... Call of Duty on X Games, this place is going to be mobbed by squeakers, teabaggers and prepubescent teens. I am amazed.
    Thread by: Sara, May 1, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Sara
    Alright, first a personal story from me before I ask the question:

    In 2000, I was watching the Sydney Olympics and during a 100 meter freestyle race, a young African athlete with shorts that barely fit him competed, his other two opponents got disqualified before the race and he swam alone. His style was awkward and slow, swimming well beyond the two minute mark before finishing the race. The crowd went nuts as he finished.

    Afterward, it was found he came from a country where he taught himself to swim, he had no coach, and he never saw an Olympic pool before. Nike actually paid for his country to get an Olympic pool after the competition.

    Recently I looked it up on Youtube because I always loved the story. I found it, but the comments were less than kind. I pointed out the origins of the story and someone told me at an Olympic level, someone shouldn't compete like that as a "lesser athlete".

    So, I have a question to ask: Should the Olympics accept anyone? From any country? Or should it have strict standards like the U.S. some other countries do on their athlete requirements.
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 28, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  18. Sara


    Alright, peeps...

    I know this doesn't apply to all countries. Canada I know for one, doesn't have to tip because of the wage being much higher there than the U.S., which leads to culture problems when they visit the U.S., *lives near the border and has seen it happen often at restaurants*

    Do you tip your waiter/waitress? How much? What do you think is a good tip? When do you tip and when do you not? Do you think pay should be raised so tips should no longer be a factor?

    I never worked as a waitress, I don't have the organized mind nor the speed to be one. But my mom was one for a while and I always appreciate the work others do for me and will try to tip fairly. I usually do fifteen to twenty percent as my mom does, sometimes higher if the service was amazing. If the waitress/waiter was truly horrendous and never checked on us and it took a long time. (And sometimes forgets our order period) I go to ten percent to nothing depending on how bad it was. I think that's a good tip range, though if it's a buffet style and they're just giving you drinks, I tip only a dollar or two per person. I usually put it at that standard, though I've seen people tip a lot more, one guy who I dated always insisted at least over fifty percent to over a hundred. The service was always fantastic, though.

    Sometimes when I get take out, I have to give exact change because some restaurants take the change as their own tip, no matter what bill you give them. Which I don't believe in period due to the fact all I'm doing is waiting for them to cook the food and leaving. As for raising the wage, I would like to see it happen, but a lot of business simply can't afford it. They depend on the people who go there to pay the waitress for their services. If they are tremendously rich, yeah, they should have a higher wage. But if they're just a small restaurant that can't afford it, they should contribute to the pay of their staff.
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 27, 2014, 16 replies, in forum: Discussion
  19. Sara

    That is some disturbing and crazy ****.
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 25, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Sara

    I'm sorry, this does hit me hard personally, so...


    This just shakes me to the core.

    This kid reminds me of my brother, someone who had cigarette burns on his arms, someone who for his senior photo had him slumped against his locker crying with his head down, shown to the whole school and laughed at, someone who got smacked on the back of head constantly, and he had a disability. And the teachers didn't do ****, not one ****ing thing...

    I asked my mom once... After Columbine... If my brother would've done the same thing if he had the chance... If he knew... And she said most likely he would've.

    The fact this happens to this kid... And charged, and TRIED and declared guilty...

    I can't go on... But I wanted to pass this on.
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 15, 2014, 6 replies, in forum: Current Events