Alright, sorry if this is in the wrong place... I know a lot this happens a lot of the times, I know that it's a part of life. I don't blame the owner/trainer for making this decision to scratch the horse from the race. Swelling on any horse in the legs is a very bad sign. The fact that they jogged it a mile and a half the day before and he had swelling in his legs made it clear that he couldn't run in the Belmont. Any small swelling or injury like this can be a thousand times worse when ran, at the worse, he'll have pain when he gets older. Like people who get arthritis from an old injury they got in high school. He could easily end up permanently lame or a broken leg from galloping on a small injury. Who I do blame, however... I blame the New York Racing Association. (NYRA) They're the ones that call all the shots about racing in the state of New York. Who decided out of ignorance to change the rules three weeks before the race. They insisted the horses are put in the same barn, that they had to be consulted before anything was given to them, that they needed a vet and their approval for anything 24 hours before the race. If they decided on this a year or even a month ago and set this up, I wouldn't be upset. But it took them two and a half weeks out of three to set this all up. The horses were settled, they were happy, they were relaxed. And then the trainers were forced to move them into crowded conditions into stalls where strangers were moving strange horses all the time for their own workouts, the media was moving around and the conditions were appalling. The barn they put them in was set up originally for a horse to spend a few hours max in there before and after the race. The horse in question was close to winning a series of races that haven't been won by one horse at all in 34 years. He was an easygoing, relaxed horse who loved the track, loved the atmosphere and was relaxed in his original stall. Due to the NYRA, when he was moved, he didn't settle at all and ripped his water bucket from the wall and hurled it down the aisle. That is a massive alarm bell for any horse, no matter what breed, size, shape color or temperament. He was found with swelling two days ago, the day before, the swelling was so bad after a light jog around the track that they retired him. It could have happened anywhere, when he was walking, galloping, being groomed, hell, when he was in the trailer to the track he could've accidentally bumped against a wall and it is just showing now. It most likely could have happened when he was scared to death in the stall and banged his leg in the process. The signs were all there, but the NYRA refused to change it. The owners and trainers of all the horses involved threw a fit about the conditions these horses were going to be put in but they did it to make themselves look good for a sport that a lot of people, ironically enough... Are blasting the sport for being focused on greed and animal abuse. Sadly, it's still not going to change. Thoughts?
I found this hack a few days ago. It's Fire Red, but they added all the way up to R/S throughout the map. It's really good, but bloody hell... It's hard. I played Pokemon before, I know what to expect with Brock. It took me three times to beat him, I haven't even reached Cerulean yet and I'm dreading to see what the Elite Four is. It's an amazing game, and I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to see how hard Pokemon can be.
Oh God... A friend of mine introduced me to the series by showing me a video where Tex beats the living daylights out of everyone in the whole series except two. One who's watching and the other who comes in late. This is a hilarious series, based off Halo, it's about two camps, Red and Blue, fighting over a canyon in enemy territory. The characters are hilarious, the situations are mind-blowingly stupid, and the punchlines come out of nowhere. It does contain swearing and a tiny bit of animated violence. I would still recommend it to anyone.
Work is still a ***** for me, the bosses are nice enough, but two of the co-workers are still making my life hell. One is making me do all her work for her when she can get away from it, and the other is downright mean to me and says derogatory things in my face and behind my back and I can't do anything about it because I already complained once when he was worse to my boss. Home is getting a lot worse, I was thrilled when I got my first raise ever, and my mom was like: "Well, hopefully that won't knock you off your health insurance." She wasn't even happy for me, and now I have to pay her less because the taxes are going to skyrocket next year if I don't. That lead to a massive fight between me and her about money where she said I couldn't do it in real life and I would have to: "suck it up". Even though I'm honestly trying to help her with everything. Now I'm looking for a different job, and she's pissed about that because I found a job that would cover my insurance, be a great opportunity, and pay wonderfully. We got into another fight about it where she said I was like my dad and I was delusional about my dreams because I told her what I'd like some day if I had the money. I've tried to talk to her about it, but she never listens. She either gets mean, rude or just never listens to me at all anymore. That's if she's not on the phone with her sister or mother. I cried at work today because I was so upset. I just don't know what to do.
Okay, with the permission of Misty, I opened a NON-ALCOHOLIC bar in the RPG area. Anyone who wants to is free to go there. I'm looking for people to hire, and you can rpg as much as like or not like. The reason I didn't post it hear is because A: I don't want brawls, randomness and god-knows what else. B: It's more like a rpg than spam, but anyone is welcome. Please come and enjoy, and I'm hiring. And read the rules, my staff is the Admins and mods.
*wiping bar down with towel* Welcome... I take it this is your first visit to the bar. Please take a moment to read the rules... *gestures to over shoulder* - NO ALCOHOL!!! Despite the age you are irl, this place WILL NOT serve alcohol. Ask more than three times, and I'll ask the security (admins/mods/s. Mods) to not so kindly throw you out. - There will no bar room brawls/flaming/trolling or anything else. This includes whining that you don't like to rpg yet you want to join. See rule below, and security will again throw you out immediately with brawling, a few minor warnings with complaning, and if it gets beyond anything else, close the thread. - Everyone is welcome. If you hate rpgs, you can still enjoy a drink. But again, don't come here to complain about it and ruin it for everyone else. - I didn't post this in the Spam Zone because I don't want this to turn into random things people post for fun. Do try to at least keep it like it's a real place. - Any suggestions you have to improve the place, please put it in the suggestion box in the counter. (Please PM me, considering the traffic, I don't know when I'll find it if I'm not on when it's suggested.) This includes sandwiches, baked goods, drinks and anything else you can think of. - (Since this specifically for this rpg, I'm going to OCC this one. You can be a character from any anime/video game/comic book if you wish. But if there's already a member inside the bar with the character, please don't make the same one. Mostly for the sanity of everyone involved and to stop any fights from happening. That also means if a character is taken for a period of time, don't complain.) - Enjoy and have fun. Here's a place to chat and discuss anything, whether it be rpg, real life, or anything else. Here's the specialty flavors, it will be added on as time passes: Coffee: - Regular - Decaf - Vanilla - Gingerbread - Pumpkin Tea: - Earl Gray - Green Tea Cocoa - Vanilla -Chocolate - Coconut - Blueberry Soda: - Coke - Pepsi - Dr Pepper - Barq's - Mug - Sierra Mist - Sprite - Sunkist Specialty Soda: - Eli's Root Beer - Strawberry Pop - Blueberry Pop - Fruit Punch - Orange Sandwiches (All are offered with mustard and/or mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, onion, peppers and swiss, provolone, fetta, along with white, wheat, or wraps): - Ham - Salami - Turkey - Tuna - Peanut Butter and Jelly - BLT (Bacon Lettuce and Tomato) - Meat Lovers (Turkey, ham and Salami) Baked Goods: - Cookies (Chocolate chip, M&M, Oatmeal Raisin) - Brownies (With or without walnuts) - Cake (Chocolate or vanilla) We also have a game room, a jukebox and free wireless internet access available on site. If you do listen from your laptop, please wear headphones to not disturb the other customers. Thank you. Oh yeah... One more thing... *goes to front window and puts out "Help Wanted" sign for bartenders and waitresses* So pull up a stool, ask for a drink, and have fun. And welcome to KH-Vids Bar.
*nerf darts flying all over the place* PLEASE!!!!!!11 MAKE IT STOP!!!!!11 *collapses, twitching, nerf darts sticking out all over body*
The twenty billion that was supposed to go help the families/businesses/government that were hit by the disaster of the Gulf Oil Spill last summer have gotten little to none of the promised money to help the economy down there from the massive setback of the ecological disaster. As much as it upsets me that this is going on, it upsets me more that I'm not surprised. I knew that this was going to happen since this process was offered to help. Like I said before, and still strongly stand by it, if this happened in Maine, we'd be in the same hole if not deeper. I hope it gets better for the families and businesses of that area. It was a horrible year for them, and it sounds like this one isn't going to be easier.
DIE TROLLS, DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!11 *smashes several with hammer in their skulls, enjoying their screams* *thank you* So how's everyone? I started a new story, the reception has been... Lukewarm, at the most.
*crashes facefirst into wall and flops back, twitching*
Okay, sorry if this is a rant when I start, first of all: Seriously, every time I turn on the news now, I hear about shooters, violent video games getting more warnings, no gun control laws. Which I think at least should be more stringent, but that's not the topic here. People protesting and saying some pretty horrible things against the U.S. or some part of the U.S. that they don't like, fighting and God-knows what else. I loved the U.S. for years, I grew up here and I always consider it like my home. But with all this going on, do you think it's changing in a good way or a bad way? If bad, do you think it'll ever change to be good again? I think honestly, and I thought about it for a while now, that the U.S. is seriously going to the dogs. Without health care for me to help with my own pre-existing condition, I have no reason to stay especially with everything seemingly getting more violent and dangerous on both sides. I loved the U.S. when I was growing up as a kid, I love living where I do with the small, laid back town. But I also don't want to be in a country where I get ticked off every time I turn off the news or upset. Or where I feel like someone who really, REALLY doesn't deserve presidency gets it because the person can kiss up to the press enough. (please don't trot into the minefield of politics, I didn't mention any names, don't start doing so for this conversation.) It worries me now and in the future.