Sora (to Nala?): We need to talk to Simba! We found Scar's ghost! to Sora (to Nala?): We need to talk to Simba! We found Scar's pants!
Im in 7th grade, and I took it. I don't remember my scores, it was like 660 in math and 540 in reading or something...... I lost my sheet in the huge pile of junk my parents call my education folder.
Huh? When I click ch 13, it redirects me here
Oh sorry! I was just trying to help.
Great idea! *hopes to be in it* I found a free, no trial version of RPG Maker XP Postality Knights Edition ENHANCED at this website: [NO ADVERTISEMENT] Only one problem: Half of it is in Japanese. Hope it helps!:)
I know, my pc turned on in the middle of the night, then my mom demanded that I tell her what I was doing on the computer at 11:30 >.> Anyways, Good job on the story! Keep it up!
Yay LSSP! Keep it up! I'd love to read your next stories! :):):)
I have Chromatabs on Firefox 2 and it gave KH-Vids a lime-green color! (For those of you who don't know what chromatabs is, its a firefox addon that randomly assigns a color to a webpage tab depending on its domain name or favicon (I use domain name to pick)) Can anybody tell me what colors they have got?
lol date. :) Great story! Keep writing! I'd like to read it all!
O_o If I got 3 Bs, my mom would kill me:( I got yelled at because I got an A- in social studies
The rabbit deserves it They should just give the poor rabbit some Trix. There is a rumor going around my school: Blatant racism if this is true
MapleStory Rocks! MapleStory Rocks! I have a lv 34 bandit(thiefstar777). (sucks, i know, im just better at Kingdom Hearts) And i know its creepy bcuz the post is below this one, but i edited, so Roxas there might be voice chat in MSDS.
Defenders!!!!!! DEFENDERS! DEFENDERS! Good for exp, and fun to hurt! It is funny when they fly back when u use fire on them when they are about to use blizzard on you! DEFENDERS!
Useless Donald! I found that in KH1, they were so annoying when fighting Black Fungus (especially Donald using Graviga like nobody's buisness), that I got so angry, I just programmed them not to attack, heal, etc... then just constantly threw pumpkins at them. In KH2, it's just funny to use Comet and watch Donald floating in the air, with his staff above him.