Do u think i should be on at school? I need random pics........
Great chapter! I still have 2 weeks of school left...
................. just ...................... O_o
Its a pseudo bump (shhhh) and anyways, come to think of it, it does seem as if Square-Enix put it in on purpose, though I wish they put it in land of dragons or something, then we could go crazy with wisdom form.
Why... WHY? This cheat is AWESOME!!! Why doesn't anybody like it?:(:(
OWNED! I think its like the thing when that one tabloid said that Harry Potter 7 is being published in a pitch-dark room so the workers can't read the book.
That rem picture was kinda creepy.... Great chapter Roxas? ...........
Daaaaang.... thats really cool... ME WANTS ROXAS PLUSHIE!!!
CRAP! STUPID 5 key!!!! *beats up 5 key*55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706 798214808651328230664709 cmon.... I know it, everybody beat up the 5 key!
whats e? i dont know and im ranting cuz i need 10 chars to post...
POOKIE lol........ i dun know its pretty funny:D How about... I don't know.... Sora and Kairi II..... *hides under brick shield*
Heres one at my black belt testing 3 or so years ago...
Actually... Spitfire got it.. GO PI!!!! 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709 (I really have memorized that much.. if u don't believe me go eat a muffin) (BTW thats like 120 something digits) Allright, Ive got a new number, No it is not anything guessed so far.
Nope... ur wrong!!!!!!! now to see if anybody else gets the number!
Am i like the only person who gets the chocolate milk thing? While everybody ponders that i steal the cereal.. AND EAT IT!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! wait... it dun taste that good at night....
Im thinkin of a numbah 1-50. I dun remember what it is. Somebody please jog my memory?
I dun get this... its confuzzling me
Somebody flushed it down the toilet of a cheapo airplane? Are u sure its a newspaper? U sure it isn't bird waste?
Thanks! (even though it really sucked)