Tests that are done face-to-face seem to work better than a written test, but honesty, I love standardized tests because of the sheer amount of multiple choice.
The sun could kinda be that, if its gone, mankind is lost forever.....
Yeah! Leave poor Andrew Speaker (If thats his name) alone, he probably feels bad enough with you ppls flaming....
J'maplle cest voi vouz..... Thats all I know, I can only help with reading hiragana(Japanese) for language......
I like it because then I get to see CNN color the country! Go Blue! Go Red! Go Purple! Go Gray!
I can help anybody with anything (I think) up to 12th grade math, as long as they aren't logs (I HATE THOSE THINGS!!!!!) so yeah... for quadratics, what I did is Kumon. (dont laugh) It helps, mainly bcuz they make you do it over and over and over and over and over and over again.
When that really happens, we will have been able to make energy from something as crazy as farts or something...... dont laugh i mean it
I think I need to understand myself first before I can understand others.
Since Im Hindu, I believe that when we die, we either go to heaven, hell, or both, depending on our actions in our past life, until our soul inhabits another body, again depending on our actions in our past life, and if we were really good, the cycle will end and we will be one with God. (Kinda confusing)
Because of the recent trend of buying Japanese cars, many American car makers are losing $. Normally I wouldn't care, but I live in Michigan, where all the car plants are. All my friends are moving, and even my family considered moving. All shops are deserted, and my hometown is just a shadow of what it used to be. Help me!
Its against my religion to hold on to it, so I let it fade away...... away..... away..... away...... away..... ....
They should just kick the cigarette peoples saggy behind into a pit filled with tobacco and light the place on fire.
That was soo funny! I didn't get scared, mainly bcuz I didn't notice (I used mousekeys)
GMT -5 (Not to seem like a stalker, I just know that both Roxas and I live in Michigan) And Roxas, why didn't you sticky this one like last time?
NOPE! That one was fake... it was really a poison that renders your right leg incapable.... heres the real one... BANANA ROOM SHIELDED DO NOT ENTER ()))Need Roxas's fingerprint to enter aaaaO Yeah, security's been boosted a bit since the last banana siege...... ;)
I have an idea....;) Roxas can you please post the game? Please? I'll give you a banana.... )) I really doubt that will work......
Roxas PMd me a while back saying the game would be out very very soon, but i think with KHVRII hes kinda busy......
Ima guessin that very very soon (Roxas....) meant more than a couple days......
errr.... yeah..... Today I looked at the KH2 CD!
Nah.... im at home now and im done. I made a vid with the XIII mushrooms... EDIT 6/5/07: Im at school again........... reading KHVRII