STFU ur sitting right next to me IRL.......
I know, I have intelligence, but I have no common sense (How i know this i haven't the foggiest)
Its like the one story where some fat guy was playing pokemon and his baby son was annoying him so he sat on him and suffocated him.... that one was kinda freaky
Firefox PWNS all!!!! and for those websites that NEED IE, u can just get an addon that shows a button on the bottom statusbar, and when u click it, it switches the rendering engine from Firefox to IE, while still using Firefox functionality.
It's just like the Laura Mallory incident.... sheesh give kids' stuff a break
You could just forget about it, I know it works (looks around shiftily), or just be yourself.
a little late, but.... YAY I PASSED!!!! Now I have a new belt I have to unstiffen.......
I hated the fact that Sora and Kairi did nothing more than hug, Pete going JUMP ON THE HYDRA's BACK!!!!! the cost limit on Gummi Ships, and overall, just the fact that THE CUTSCENES JUST TAKE SO FLIPPIN LONG!!!!!!! Oh and obsessedfangirl, it should only take you half an hour to do Roxas's story (I did Roxas-Beast's castle on my first day)
13456-DIE ^ *Insert 2 here* And about forum families, I think theres a section for that.... EDIT: STOP POSTING BEFORE ME IT TICKS ME OFF 13457 sheesh
Thanks! But im still scared.....
I'm gonna be testing for my second degree black belt in 20 minutes..... I'm really scared....:(:(
Ok.... Can a mod or admin delete this thread or something? Thanks.
Here you can post your desktop screenshots..... post the link so as not to expand the page. To start, here's mine:
13013 In Your Face
WTF look at the REAL post: 13010 STOP POSTING BEFORE ME!!!!!!! I HATE U ALL!!!!!!!!! >.< >.<
Race to 13006... 13006 HA BEAT U ALL
12998 No you didnt
............. just.................... i have nothing else to say
12994 I'll get it....